Hello Major;
I blue highlighted your quote and agree, this is definitely "What is not Faith!"
I'm reading a book by Nate Sweeney titled, "The Abiding Church." In it Nate writes, "Jesus accused the religious leaders of His day of creating a follower who looked like them but was not pleasing to God. This pupil was worse off than the scribes and Pharisees themselves. Much like the teacher, this pupil worked within the system that looked religious and godly on the outside."
"This duplication happens in a lot of seminaries and Christian colleges in America. People go there in hopes of becoming a minister of the gospel and they come out less like Christ than when they began. They, in turn, take this methodology into their churches and the cycle continues." Quote Nate Sweeney
"I think that education is important, but many times we educate our minds at the expense of our hearts." Quote Nate Sweeney
Major, you and I serve as Pastors. I'm still serving full time today. But I'm sorry to say, the church (not all, mind us) has become confusing because the gospel has become diluted.
Therefore, "What is faith?" is a reminder and important for all of us to discuss because when we do, God will honor our search and provide us the TRUTH, revealing what is faith in our hearts.
Personally, I'm grateful for attending seminary but I still need to be me, a man of God seeking for answers everyday in my life. I have to be able to get the answers wrong, make my knucklehead mistakes and ask for forgiveness. I feel this is God's way of working within me with the answer, "what is faith?"
If I get everything right, no matter what education, then how can God work in me?
Thank you, Major, and everyone, for your posts. It gives me much to think about in my daily "what is faith?"
My dear brother.....Thank you for the kind words and I can not express to you how blessed I am to be age that I now am. I am at the end of my calling and because of my health I really should be retired. Every time I say I am going to retire, the church throws more money at me. I do not need it or want it so I give it to my grandchildren's college funds.
However, I grew up sitting at the feet of men like Dr. John Walvrood at DTS, Dr. Magee, Dr. Oliver Green as well as Dwight Pentecost. If they were alive today, there brains would no doubt explode. They did not compromise the Word of God as we see taking place today. To those men.....Hell was real, death was certain and the only way to miss it was to be saved through Jesus Christ...….PEROID!
I have never forgotten the words spoken to me by an evangelist named "E. J. Daniels." I was very young and even then I was concerned about what truth was and how would I be able to make people happy and not be angry when I gave a sermon from the Word of God.
He said this...…."Never apologize for the Word of God son! My dear son...….IS HELL REAL?"
I said ...Yes sir, according to the Bible it is!
Then he said these words...……"Then preach like YOUR life depends on it. What people think of you is not important. The only thing that matters is what God thinks of you when YOU stand in front of Him". That is exactly what I have done for my whole career.
Brother......allow me to say to you that you will never "get everything right". NO ONE does that. And That is NOT the concern to focus on. What is important is to try to be your best by allowing Christ to BE SEEN IN YOU!!! That way you will never have anything to apologize for.
I can not tell you how many men I have seen go to a Christian seminary and while there be temped by the "LIBERALISM' we see in todays teachings.
Remember..........Jesus did not come to make it possible for men to heal other men.
He did not come to make men millionaires!
He did not come to allow people to have 75" TV's and drive new cars and own airplanes.
Jesus came to save the lost from going to hell!
MEN have perverted the gospel to make it say what they want it to say so as to place money in their pockets and humanity has bought into it.
WHY IS THAT??? Because most people want something for nothing. Give me....give me....give me!!! That is the call of the human heart.
There have always been false healers who prey on the suffering and the desperate in order to pad their bank accounts. Such behavior is the worst kind of blasphemy because many whose money is wasted on false promises reject Christ outright because He does not do what the healer has promised.
AGAIN the question must be asked and answered which is......Why, if faith healers have the power to heal, do they not walk the halls of the hospitals healing everyone and releasing them all? Why do they not go to clinics and cure all the AIDS patients?
They do not because they cannot. They do not have the power of healing that Jesus possessed.