What Is 'unmerited Favor'...

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So far a 134 views, yet only a handful of replies....I wonder why? Are people unwilling to speak because they fear being ostracized for their explanation or are they not speaking because they don't know how to respond? Can I get some feedback by those of you who have not or do not wish to reply(though you viewed it?) For those of you who have so far,thank you for your post. Please remember not to put any links to other websites in this thread or comment on another persons post as it tends to lead away from the topic. Thanks again...

Maybe folks don't see the big mystery!
So what's you're goal in this thread? It's obviously not a two way conversation...
Sometimes we can learn more by listening...My 'goal' is to see what people really think 'unmerited favor is'. Again, lets not get off topic. You have posted and I thank you, now I hope others will do the same .
There is no 'big mystery'. I just simply am asking people to give their own description of 'unmerited favor' Thank you for yours, now please just let others give theirs without distraction from you...Thanks Mitzpa

Your not being very nice!..:( and wonder why folks don't want to post on this thread? :eek:
Your not being very nice!..:( and wonder why folks don't want to post on this thread? :eek:
Sorry you feel that way mitspa- I gave some very specific requests in the beginning and I feel like you just ignored them on purpose. Perhaps not, but it sure seems that way. Anyway, enough said...It does not seem as though people want to answer the question, so I am going to ask the mods to close the thread since is does not seem to be serving its intended purpose. Thank you for your reply( though I was hoping for a more detailed explanation of 'unmerited favor' from you).

So do you believe in Grace or not?
Yes Abdicate I do believe in grace ( having experienced it first hand) However, the grace that the Bible teaches does not line up with the way people 'describe' grace today..That said, I am not going to discuss it in this thread as it was not my intent to. I simply wanted to hear from the folks on this forum what their description of 'unmerited favor' is. Thank you for your comment and I do want to discuss your description in great detail(I will do this in a PM so we don't get 'interrupted') Thanks again

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