The Lord Jesus gave me this song to encourage my heart. We have so many different voices speaking to us at various times – our own inner voice, Satan, the world, friends, family, church, our pasts, etc., in addition to the voice of the Holy Spirit within us. Sometimes it takes much spiritual discernment through prayer to sort out what voice is speaking, especially when it is something that is not obviously against God and his word.
Other times we may find ourselves listening to other voices, including our own, without even realizing we are doing that, and we may even begin to believe those other voices inside our heads without even being consciously aware we are doing so. So, when these other voices speak their messages into our hearts, we need to discern their source, reject the lies, put on the truth, and hear what the Lord says, because what he says is true.
What the Lord Says / An Original Work
February 24, 2014 / Based off Isaiah 43:1-44:5
This is what the Lord says to you:
Fear not, for I have chosen you.
I have summoned you by your name.
You are mine. I died, you to save.
When you go through your trials, so deep,
I will be with you; you will not sink.
You are so precious always to me.
Trust in your Lord, Savior and King.
This is what the Lord says to you:
He who gave salvation to you;
Who delivered you from your sin;
Takes your burdens now upon Him:
Forget the former things of your life.
Give of your heart not now up to strife.
See all the new things I have for you.
Walk in vict’ry. Trust in what’s true.
This is what the Lord says to you:
He who made you; who will help you:
Do not fear what humans may do.
Walk in freedom. Follow what’s true.
Drink of my Spirit given for you.
Trust in my mercy, for I love you.
I have a plan for all of your life.
Follow my ways. Do what is right.
Other times we may find ourselves listening to other voices, including our own, without even realizing we are doing that, and we may even begin to believe those other voices inside our heads without even being consciously aware we are doing so. So, when these other voices speak their messages into our hearts, we need to discern their source, reject the lies, put on the truth, and hear what the Lord says, because what he says is true.
What the Lord Says / An Original Work
February 24, 2014 / Based off Isaiah 43:1-44:5
This is what the Lord says to you:
Fear not, for I have chosen you.
I have summoned you by your name.
You are mine. I died, you to save.
When you go through your trials, so deep,
I will be with you; you will not sink.
You are so precious always to me.
Trust in your Lord, Savior and King.
This is what the Lord says to you:
He who gave salvation to you;
Who delivered you from your sin;
Takes your burdens now upon Him:
Forget the former things of your life.
Give of your heart not now up to strife.
See all the new things I have for you.
Walk in vict’ry. Trust in what’s true.
This is what the Lord says to you:
He who made you; who will help you:
Do not fear what humans may do.
Walk in freedom. Follow what’s true.
Drink of my Spirit given for you.
Trust in my mercy, for I love you.
I have a plan for all of your life.
Follow my ways. Do what is right.