What would you say is the best version for Bible study closest to the original text?

If this question has been asked before please forgive me. I conducted a search and didn't see anything listed.
I know I could look via Google for something but I prefer to ask those in community their personal thoughts and experience using the actual version of choice. Thank you for your attention. God Bless.
If this question has been asked before please forgive me. I conducted a search and didn't see anything listed.
I know I could look via Google for something but I prefer to ask those in community their personal thoughts and experience using the actual version of choice. Thank you for your attention. God Bless.
If you are only getting one Bible and intend to rely on it for being closest to the original text, King James Version is probably your choice for translating word for word. When comparing phrase/meaning to the original phrase/meaning, the New Living Translation(NLT) is very good.
It depends on how you will use it. If you have difficulty with old English, then go for NLT or Amplified or English Standard Version. If you intend to study the original meanings of individual words, then you want KJV or New KJV. This is because it is easy to find the Strong's Concordance online or in book form which refers to the KJV.
I use to love the amplified version, or esv, but I see some other versions out there and Praise God, now I can read them! I had not hear of the new king james version, now i'll check that out too. Yaaaaah, love this
If this question has been asked before please forgive me. I conducted a search and didn't see anything listed.
I know I could look via Google for something but I prefer to ask those in community their personal thoughts and experience using the actual version of choice. Thank you for your attention. God Bless.
If you have an android device, then there is an app called my sword. It has many translations and the kjv has the strongs numbers and definitions with it. Another good program is e sword for the regular computer or apple devices. Its does not replace a good old fashioned book but will aid you in your study of the Written Word of God like those above have stated.

I have two apps that i enjoy plus 4 physical Bible translations and my favorite is the king james.

If this question has been asked before please forgive me. I conducted a search and didn't see anything listed.
I know I could look via Google for something but I prefer to ask those in community their personal thoughts and experience using the actual version of choice. Thank you for your attention. God Bless.
The one I am working on getting next is another King James but with the Amplfied side by side. To me they just work well together.
God Bless