God reminded me of a true story to share with you.
There was an army comander who was called to lead a troop in the middle east. It was in a very high activity area and experienced lots of casualties. But when this army comander took over he made the soldiers under his command to memorize the 91st psalm. Because he knew that if they quoted it and stood on it that God would keep them physically safe. All throughout his time leading this troop he had 0 casualties. He came home rejoicing and praising God. Shortly after the other commander took over there began to be casualties again. The commander called my pastor and was wondering why. And God told them that when he left the soldiers eventually went back to their old way of doing things and not relying on God and His promise of physical protection, thus the reason for the casualties.
Another example is someone reading and meditating on John 10, where Jesus says that His sheep know His voice. But then they go around saying that they cannot hear God. They are limiting God with their own words.
Or say you have a person who believes in tithing. And they give all the time, but they are still living in poverty. They know Malachi 3:10 says that if they bring all the tithe into the storehouse that God will pour them out such a blessing that they will not be able to contain it. But their words keep saying how poor they are. Their words are limiting what God is trying to give them.