Jesus can fix your marriage. I'm a big fan of Fireproof, the movie. I suggest anyone who is struggling in a marriage should watch it.
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and there are some books that can help you!
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Remember, Jesus can fix anything. He is the Healer of all things. I am sorry that you are going through this. In Luke 18:1, it tells us to keep praying and NOT TO GIVE UP. Don't give up just now. Keep praying and keep praying for your wife. --> this is a love dare book. i suggest you check it out (it's cheap too! only $8 - $11!)
You can go to
and there are some books that can help you!
Welcome To --> these are the certain products I'm talking about
Remember, Jesus can fix anything. He is the Healer of all things. I am sorry that you are going through this. In Luke 18:1, it tells us to keep praying and NOT TO GIVE UP. Don't give up just now. Keep praying and keep praying for your wife. --> this is a love dare book. i suggest you check it out (it's cheap too! only $8 - $11!)