Where are our sins?

Where are our sins?

I was going back through some stuff on my church's website and came across this. I thought some of the folks here might enjoy it and get something out of it. I did!

  1. Questions To Consider:
    1. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Adam?
    2. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Jesus?
    3. What is the only thing that could cause the Spirit of God to depart from you?
    4. Where are your sins?
    5. Were your sins judged?
    6. What was the verdict?
    7. What was the penalty?
    8. Who took it?
    9. How much of it did He take?
    10. Therefore, how much is left for you?
    11. Why can’t the Spirit of God depart from you when you sin?
I was going back through some stuff on my church's website and came across this. I thought some of the folks here might enjoy it and get something out of it. I did!

  1. Questions To Consider:
    1. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Adam?
    2. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Jesus?
    3. What is the only thing that could cause the Spirit of God to depart from you?
    4. Where are your sins?
    5. Were your sins judged?
    6. What was the verdict?
    7. What was the penalty?
    8. Who took it?
    9. How much of it did He take?
    10. Therefore, how much is left for you?
    11. Why can’t the Spirit of God depart from you when you sin?

I love this questions.
1. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Adam? -The transgression. Disobedience.
2. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Jesus? -The sins of the world.
3. What is the only thing that could cause the Spirit of God to depart from you? -Diosbedience to God.
4. Where are your sins? -Locked within the thoughts. Intentional and non intentional moves.
5. Were your sins judged? -My sins with yours judged.
6. What was the verdict? -Habitual even nature oriented congenial inclination of yielding to the fleshly desire in the three spheres.
7. What was the penalty? -Death
8. Who took it? -Him that Lamb of God, slain.
9. How much of it did He take? -All repented sins done and not yet.
10. Therefore, how much is left for you? -Nil. Only I hook up with the general trend of the Gospel, to suffer like Christ.
11. Why can’t the Spirit of God depart from you when you sin? -God promised that His Spirit will never leave us alone. Though His Glory is lifted away causing the good in the Lord to be hindered by sin.=Charles
I was going back through some stuff on my church's website and came across this. I thought some of the folks here might enjoy it and get something out of it. I did!

  1. Questions To Consider:
    1. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Adam?
    2. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Jesus?
    3. What is the only thing that could cause the Spirit of God to depart from you?
    4. Where are your sins?
    5. Were your sins judged?
    6. What was the verdict?
    7. What was the penalty?
    8. Who took it?
    9. How much of it did He take?
    10. Therefore, how much is left for you?
    11. Why can’t the Spirit of God depart from you when you sin?

Questions To Consider:
  1. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Adam? Disobediance to God.
  2. What caused the Spirit of God to depart from Jesus? The sin of the world.
  3. What is the only thing that could cause the Spirit of God to depart from you? Disobediance to God.
  4. Where are your sins? First as a thought leading to action leading to sin.
  5. Were your sins judged? Yes.
  6. What was the verdict? Guilty of being a sinner.
  7. What was the penalty? Death.
  8. Who took it? Jesus Christ God in flesh.
  9. How much of it did He take? He bore the whole penalty.
  10. Therefore, how much is left for you? None.
  11. Why can’t the Spirit of God depart from you when you sin? Because He loves me and will never forsake me.