I have as well have given my life unto giving to the unthankful, and this is hurtful if it's not done with the right motive and filled with the Love of God, but is still hurtful regardless because it's called the WOUNDED WORD! We must suffer the reproach for Christ, for if we wait to only give to those who are in return thankful, we are not reflecting the life of our crucified Christ! The Lord gave himself completely away on the cross to all the unthankful, and he also died for his enemies! Will they all accept his gift, no, very many poor souls will reject it.
The great challenge is to Love beyond the rejection, and love and pray for those who despitefully use you! I've been going threw this challenge quite a lot lately with my neighbors! Please pray for me, as I gain more Christ-like character in this! But I do agree with MM about being wise in giving, especially to those who will take what's given to feed an evil addiction! Yes, must be Spirit-led in this. My heart does go out to the real needy ones, who are sincere. A hug might do more good than a big mac! But my closing statement brings me back to the thought of not letting our spirits and hearts turn a little hard, from being abused in these things, which from experience is very easy to do, but keep in mind always that Jesus was almost always around the poor and the needy! And the Bible says and reminds us in saying, give to the poor, give to every man that asks of you, if he asks for your coat give him your cloak also, as you will heap coals upon his head!
So here is my question for us. If Christ commands us, and yes this was a command, give to every man that asks of you, what are we going to give to him? If no money, then what? Some ideas- a kind and loving word that is worth apples of gold in pictures of silver, maybe a ride, offer him or her to cut your grass for a meal or two, sit him down and read to him your Bible, offer a to pray for him! We must be careful in these things, because the way we treat everyone around us, is how we treat God! Shalom
The great challenge is to Love beyond the rejection, and love and pray for those who despitefully use you! I've been going threw this challenge quite a lot lately with my neighbors! Please pray for me, as I gain more Christ-like character in this! But I do agree with MM about being wise in giving, especially to those who will take what's given to feed an evil addiction! Yes, must be Spirit-led in this. My heart does go out to the real needy ones, who are sincere. A hug might do more good than a big mac! But my closing statement brings me back to the thought of not letting our spirits and hearts turn a little hard, from being abused in these things, which from experience is very easy to do, but keep in mind always that Jesus was almost always around the poor and the needy! And the Bible says and reminds us in saying, give to the poor, give to every man that asks of you, if he asks for your coat give him your cloak also, as you will heap coals upon his head!
So here is my question for us. If Christ commands us, and yes this was a command, give to every man that asks of you, what are we going to give to him? If no money, then what? Some ideas- a kind and loving word that is worth apples of gold in pictures of silver, maybe a ride, offer him or her to cut your grass for a meal or two, sit him down and read to him your Bible, offer a to pray for him! We must be careful in these things, because the way we treat everyone around us, is how we treat God! Shalom