It is a name in which John hides himself. He is very wary of mentioning John. He speaks of “another disciple,” and “that other disciple,” and then of “that disciple whom Jesus loved.” These are the names by which he would travel through his own Gospel “incognito.” We find him out, however, for the disguise is too thin, but still he intends to conceal himself behind his Savior; he wears his Master’s love as a veil, though it turns out to be a veil of light. He might have called himself if he had chosen, “that disciple who beheld visions of God,” but he prefers to speak of love rather than of prophecy. In the early Church we find writings concerning him, in which he is named, “that disciple who leaned on Jesus’ bosom,” and this he mentions in our text. He might have been called “that disciple who wrote one of the Gospels,” or “that disciple who knew more of the very heart of Christ than any other”; but he gives the preference to love. He is not that disciple who did anything, but who received love from Jesus; and he is not that disciple who loved Jesus, but “whom Jesus loved.” We know the man and his communications, and we hear him say, “We have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love, and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”
Spurgeon, C. H., & Cook, C. T. (2000). Men and Women of the New Testament (electronic ed.). Logos Library System; Pulpit Legends; Bible Sermon Series. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers.
Spurgeon, C. H., & Cook, C. T. (2000). Men and Women of the New Testament (electronic ed.). Logos Library System; Pulpit Legends; Bible Sermon Series. Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers.