Why Did God Create The Universe ?

We know by Scripture.
God created the universe to reveal His glory, express His love and creativity, establish a relationship with humanity, demonstrate His power, fulfill His eternal purpose, and bring worship and joy to Himself and His creation. While the full purpose of creation remains a divine mystery, it centers on God's character as a loving, sovereign, and creative being who seeks communion with His creation.
The observation is similar to living on a island no people are animals. And you draw a picture in the sand.
What point is it to create, if the purpose of creation is just to observe your own view, which is already observed by creation?

I have long thought that man, and even the Bible diminishes the power of God, in view of only a way we can barely comprehend as it is.
And the Bible attempts to make sense.
But where did the ideas come from in God to create the Heavens and Earth and all things we observe?

Has God done this before? Or are there other Heavens and Earth Created? If all we know came from nothing.
That would mean that rationally many things and places exist from nothing that God could have created.
Man was broken, and God gave man a way to repair these things in Christ.
But God did not create us to be perfect, if that was the case a perfect being would not have been tempted.
We know perfection exist in our reality as Christ was perfect because he resisted and denied temptation.
So God shows us a clear example of perfection.

So we can easily conclude, it is possible God is trying to create something like him.
It makes me wonder, is God alone? To know these emotions, God must know now. As Jesus lives these emotions,
of loneliness, hurt, pain and and happiness.
God created man in his own image, perhaps means God wants us to succeed so he can have others close to him.
We want to please God and to be closer to him. Maybe God has done this for along time, before time its self.
Trying to find us?
I am reminded of the movie Castaway, where he is left alone. And what he does is try and create a companion ( Wilson)
to be with, that can share existence with him. So existence matters to him.

What if God is looking for that in us. The Bible never gets close to the purpose of why we are here.
But perhaps we should be asking, is why God is here? Why is he in our world? Why create us similar to himself?
If God can make anything, we could have been anything. Even perfectly made.
We are often said to be tested by God. Maybe all these things are so important. Because God truly wants us
to be with him and as close to himself as possible. Because without us. Maybe God has no one but us.
To have made us like him, means he understood emotions and with Christ he now knows what that is like through his son.

God loves us, maybe, just maybe God wants us to love him. Like he loves us. So he can have Children like him.
Our own children, we want them to be loved. But we also want them to love us, and understand all we do is for them.
We want them to also understand the sacrifices we make so they can grow, Maybe this is why God created us?
Maybe he wanted Children that could learn and love like he does. Not to be him. But to love him as he does us.
God might just want from us, what our purpose in our own lives are to be loved.