The Catholic Church does force people on what to believe.
In 1620 Pope Paul the 5th forbade anything contrary to the teaching of Mary's immaculate conception to be said publicly under threat of excommunication
CCW, if by the Catholic Church you mean the people within it, the answer is no they can't. They can't force me or you. All they can do is profess the belief and demand that if anyone wants to be counted as part of the Church, they will have to profess it as well. If they don't and, say, priests or bishops are aware of it (it's usually only more aware with clergy and politicians since they make their positions public), they will withhold the sacraments from them because they have a responsibility not to allow blasphemy from happening.
This is why we profess our faith by saying the Nicene creed at every Mass.
If you say they force meaning they go up to someone and shake their heads and say "believe! believe!" then that would be the stupidest thing I have ever heard. No one has that kind of ability. Even if the person responded "Fine! I believe!" who's to say he isn't lying?