Why Did You Choose The Name You Use Here?

And please! If you don't want to answer, don't!!

Calling out @Ghid
Calling out @Silk (Did I already call you out? :))
Calling out @Mitspa
Calling out @CCW95A
Calling out @Great Fiction
Calling out @TalkJesus
Calling out @Alang
Calling out @JohnC
Calling out @LysanderShapiro
Calling out @Ravindran
Calling out @Dave Lucas
Calling out @Osterloh
Calling out @Big Moose (!!)
Calling out @porcupine73
Calling out @christianbacktobasics
Calling out @christianbacktobasics2
Calling out @SergioL
Calling out @TLIMS
Calling out @Roads
Calling out @Scripture Bird
Calling out @DavidG
Calling out @Brother Paul
Calling out @JustPassingThru
Calling out @Euphemia
Calling out @Wheelz
Calling out @boltardy

...and more!!!!
On different documents I have different names. One of my names is Jihadora, the girl who struggles. It is an odd combination of Jihad, which is an Arabic word for struggle and the Spanish suffix -ora, which turns it into a feminine name.

Jihad can be any kind of struggle, not only blowing up buildings with a suicide bomb, but also the struggle not to sin since I am Christian, or the struggle to overcome suffering if I were Buddhist, or the struggle to overcome chaos if I were Chinese Buddhist, or the struggle to obey God if I were Muslim, or the struggle to overcome superstition if I were Atheist, or the struggle to find my destiny if I were Santerian, or the struggle to end the cycle of rebirth if I were Hindu.

It could mean the struggle to return to the land if I were Jewish, Palestinian, Samarian, Chaldean, or any of the thousands of nations who live in exile.

Unfortunately Jihad also means todas las formas de lucha (all forms of struggle), so it also means blowing up buildings with suicide bombs.

One version of my story says that before I was adopted, the people who took care of me called me Jihadora because I was often sick, struggling to be well. I am still a sort of all hands on deck, flank speed, battle stations kind of person.

Ghid is a corruption of Jihadora something like how Bill is short for William. According to my father, Ghid means, "It doesn't matter what we call you as long as we call you for dinner."
For me it is very simple.. It is my real name :D Ravindran.. And it is easier to call me Ravi.. For many, it is still difficult to pronounce!

It is a famous name in India.. And it is a Hindu name.. My dad is still a hindu.. Ravindran - Ravi + Indran.. The meaning has got some bad stuff!! lol!!


I could have changed by name during Baptism.. but my dad clearly told me not to change the name.. Because he did not want to change a name chosen and given by him.. I did not bother about it.. I went by "Honor your father and mother". And Lord did not say baptize and change your name! So I left it as it is.. I have no regrets.. Love my name :)
And please! If you don't want to answer, don't!!
Calling out @Great Fiction
...and more!!!!

I am quite fond of ethics, and one of it's greatest contributers is Frédéric Bastiat - 1801-1850
quote: - “Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”
Frédéric Bastiat

Because Bastiat often wrote sophisms and satire with extreme eloquence, it is in the spirit of his philosophical sarcasm that I use the name “Great Fiction.” For I am moved also to reject the “Great Fiction ethically”, yet will admonish just and ethical law in contrast.

In France Bastiat fictitiously wrote a petition in behalf of the candlestick-makers to parliament urging them to support the making of new laws that would force all people in society to block off the competing sunlight that was harming the candlestick business. He urged parliament to prohibit any sunlight to enter into peoples homes; this would mean that windows should be lawfully shuttered, and any opening to the house should be lawfully closed off to benefit candlestick production (this of course was philosophical wit to disclose absurdity).

The satire persisted that a powerful competitor had come to the France to ruin the economy with low prices and the candlestick business along with others would soon be in ruin. The culprit being the sun which would shine down in great quantity must be dealt with using the law. For this was entirely unfair, for the sun was flooding the market with too much light, and in order to properly support the candlestick making business something had to be done! It was then critical to lawfully force everyone in the dark to support the candlestick business.

This of course moves to absurdity and his real point was that to use the law to crush some business in order to protect other business is also an absurdity; yet can it be that his real point if you read him to entirety is that it is immoral for anyone to use the law to intervene arbitrarily?

Bastiat is also considered by many to be the precursor of the Austrian School of Economics, which is the only “ethical” economic school in existence by rigid standards in Natural Rights Theory.

You can enjoy reading the petition here
However the reference to "Great Fiction" is in his sophism of "Government" which is also an enjoyable read.
I have had a form of the nickname, Silk, for close to 30 yrs. I had a gold necklace with the name for many years and it broke :oops:. It was/is my name for 20 years on the net. By a miracle of God, out of a sow's ear, I am made silk. I won't give my full net name because I was horribly hacked for many years.
My real name means grace.