Christ wasn't buried in the heart of the earth. In point of fact, he wasn't even buried in the earth's
soil. No, he was stuck in a rock on the surface of the earth.
Jonah was in two bellies at the same time: the belly of the fish (Jon 2:1) and the belly of sheol
(Jon 2:2). He described the belly of sheol as the roots of the mountains (Jon 2:6). Well, the roots
of the mountains aren't located in a fish's tummy, they're located deep in the earth's interior;
which is why Jonah said that the earth with its bars was closed about him instead of the lips of a
fish's mouth.
But how is it possible for Jonah to be inside the fish while at the same time inside the earth?
Well; the answer is pretty easy if we but simply allow that people exist beyond the demise of
their organic bodies. In other words: while Jonah was dead; his corpse was interred in the fish;
and his soul was interred in the netherworld.
According to Acts 2:25-31 while Christ was dead, he was in two places at once too: in a grave,
and in haides (hades); which is the Greek equivalent of the belly of sheol; which, according to
Mr. Jonah, is located in the vicinity of the roots of the mountains. Within three days and nights
Christ's soul was re-united with his corpse and he became a whole man again; just as Jonah was.
They say timing is everything. Well; in this case, God's Spirit preached to the spirits in prison in
their day rather than Christ's; viz: while the ark was being built.
†. 1Pet 3:18-20 . . He was put to death in the body but made alive by The Spirit, through whom
also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago when God waited
patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.
How did God's Spirit preach? With his own voice? No; with Noah's.
†. 2Pet 2:5 . . Noah; a preacher of righteousness
BTW: classical hades is the unseen world of all the dead; both the good dead and the bad dead.
So then, technically Abraham was in the very same afterlife location as the rich man in the
narrative recorded at Luke 16:19-31 only according to Luke 23:43, Abraham's half of hades was
much nicer.
The "lower parts of the earth" seems to lend design mostly in reference to the grave of His body
Christ wasn't buried in the heart of the earth. In point of fact, he wasn't even buried in the earth's
soil. No, he was stuck in a rock on the surface of the earth.
For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish
Jonah was in two bellies at the same time: the belly of the fish (Jon 2:1) and the belly of sheol
(Jon 2:2). He described the belly of sheol as the roots of the mountains (Jon 2:6). Well, the roots
of the mountains aren't located in a fish's tummy, they're located deep in the earth's interior;
which is why Jonah said that the earth with its bars was closed about him instead of the lips of a
fish's mouth.
But how is it possible for Jonah to be inside the fish while at the same time inside the earth?
Well; the answer is pretty easy if we but simply allow that people exist beyond the demise of
their organic bodies. In other words: while Jonah was dead; his corpse was interred in the fish;
and his soul was interred in the netherworld.
According to Acts 2:25-31 while Christ was dead, he was in two places at once too: in a grave,
and in haides (hades); which is the Greek equivalent of the belly of sheol; which, according to
Mr. Jonah, is located in the vicinity of the roots of the mountains. Within three days and nights
Christ's soul was re-united with his corpse and he became a whole man again; just as Jonah was.
By whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison
They say timing is everything. Well; in this case, God's Spirit preached to the spirits in prison in
their day rather than Christ's; viz: while the ark was being built.
†. 1Pet 3:18-20 . . He was put to death in the body but made alive by The Spirit, through whom
also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago when God waited
patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.
How did God's Spirit preach? With his own voice? No; with Noah's.
†. 2Pet 2:5 . . Noah; a preacher of righteousness
BTW: classical hades is the unseen world of all the dead; both the good dead and the bad dead.
So then, technically Abraham was in the very same afterlife location as the rich man in the
narrative recorded at Luke 16:19-31 only according to Luke 23:43, Abraham's half of hades was
much nicer.