Why Is Reading The Bible Boring To Me?

Hi everyone,

I've been trying for a long time to read the Bible and feel the holy spirit. When I do I often find myself bored or just trying to get to the end of the verse or chapter. I know the word of God is supposed to be inspiring, uplifting and encouraging, but I find myself more bored than inspired.

Side note: I've been turning to the Bible to fight my addictions and lusts of the flesh. I read the bible daily even if it's just my Bible's App verse of the day. I also spend time alone just reading and reflecting. When I'm not sinning i.e smoking, being lazy just sitting around watching TV or just "trying" to do ANYTHING to keep my mind busy, I get really bored.
It's almost like I can't just enjoy spending time with God reading the bible.
Am I missing something?

My biggest enemy is boredom. If I'm not satisfying the flesh I feel anxious, agitated and regardless of what hobby I try I end up quitting because ultimately I want to sin and satisfy my flesh with cigarettes, pot, alcohol or porn.
I'm trying hard to just let go and give God control, but I fear the process and transition. I know it doesn't have to be boring, but all of the things that you get from spending time with God, reading the Bible and so on, Im missing. In short, Im having a hard time letting the Holy Spirit fill my time with joy.

Help me please
You not alone bud! We all battle with the flesh and wanting to read His word. There have been times I have felt like I had victory over the flesh and then times I havn't. Times I have craved to study scripture and then times I have watched the dust settle on my bible.

The facts are:

1. We are spiritually alive but yet still in a weak flesh. We will be fighting it until we die.
2. Only those that love the Lord will crave reading / studying His word. Like a long love letter.
3. Venial sins are not mortal sins. Keep repenting.

Of late I have been thinking about how good God is. God tolerates mankind's sin for so long. He is slow to anger and relents from sending calamity. We look at murderers and rapists and want vengeance / punishment for them immediately. God says, no. He keeps them living, looking for any hope they that will change and come to Him. God really is mercifull. Of course He could rid this world of all those who continue in mortal sins. To me that shows a depth of love for a person. Let's face reality, who here can say they honestly /truly love the person that just raped them /their wife / their daughter? That they would die for them? Only God and the random Christian who is closer to Him then me :cautious:.

I allow thoughts like this of His goodness and love to linger in my mind. Especially when sin is en-route.