In going through what i have been in the past week or two...i finally realized that God wanted me to praise Him in the storm. And the reason for the attacks was because we praised God for everything, and the devil wanted us to give up and doubt God. he was trying to get us to speak words of doubt and lack. An attack on our faith. Or as our pastor has said....shut up my faith mouth.
I know that another thing was that my time in the Word was lacking and God showed me that i was not walking in love and forgiveness like i should have been.
I have run into many people who were kind of whimsical in their dilligence in the Word. The people of today, are so bombarded or preoccupied with things on tv and the busyness of life, that they make little time for the Word. They go from sunday to sunday..with no nourishment inbetween. Many are not aware of the battle of the mind and how to, like you said, put the scriptures into practice or to stand on them. Which really breaks my heart.
The integrity of the written Word of God is down, and the enemy has done such a good job of desensitizing most of the body of Christ, that many just believe that either God is up in heaven ready to strike them down if they miss it, or that the Word does not really apply to us today.
In a healing thread Abdicate used the verse of those who have it they will gain more, but those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away (Luke 19:26). And as i was praying, i believe that the Lord told me that this has been the beginning of the great deception of 2 thessalonians. I think that people think that the great deception will happen suddenly, but that is not always how the devil operates. Usually it is over time...using hurts, unforgiveness, people getting offended, etc.. which leads to hardened hearts, and confusion (James 3:16)
One young man whom God has me encouraging, finally reached the root of why he has difficulty believing that what God says in the Word is true. It came from disappointments as a little boy. And for me, i have things in my childhood that God has been working on healing for quite some time, that caused me to see God improperly.
But the sad part is that some of the people in the church, would rather hold on to tradition, and worldly ways, instead of reading the Word of God for themselves....taking it literally. Allowing themselves to have what it says that we have. I have to admit that before a couple of years ago...and still today, there are passages that say things other than i originally believed.
Another thing is that the Word of God is a lot of times not properly taught. In many Bibles and sites online...the Word is not kept in its original meaning, or someone decided that this is what they think it means, so now it has become fact. And those people have paid for it to be the first on the list for the google searches. Or have been put in the front of a Bible for references to try to encourage someone who is depressed for instance, and the verses in my opinion do nothing to encourage ones faith or peace or joy.
As i daily hold onto God, and have reached a place where my trust is in Him, and His Word...and His power that is working within me, i see more good, well meaning people, who are still trusting in themselves. Not realizing that its not about us...its about the power of the Almighty and His Word. Even Jesus relied solely on the Father for His Words and actions. For He said I only do what I see my Father do, and I only say what I hear my Father say. The only thing that we can do is speak His Words, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He fulfills His promises always. For His Word never returns unto Him void.
Do you know that not many people do not know what God's promises are? The value of the law, is still more important to some people, over the Blood that Jesus shed on the cross. Earning salvation and the right to be called righteous is more common than being able to accept the free gift of salvation, and be loved inspite of our sins. Many people believe that people have to stop sinning prior to coming to Christ. Which is like getting cleaned up before taking a shower. I could go on and on, but i have been on my soapbox long enough.
Sorry Chopper for hijacking your thread. It just kind of flowed out.
Love you brother! And thank You for being who you are!