i see it that way also - same degree of commitment - different capabilities - earns them both the same commendation from God
and if we are talking 30/60/100 fold i think that means 30% /60% /100% increase
this means both the 2 and 5 talent guy would be hundred fold/100% increase kind of people
because both doubled their talents
i believe doubling your money is called 100% increase in the business world
thanks to
Fish Catcher Jim for that awesome scripture
and actually this 100 fold/100% increase factor shows me again the goodness of our God
God gave each one an amount HE knew they could double
iow, he was trying to give each of them a chance to be 100 fold/100% increase kind of people
isn't that amazing how God gave 1 talent to the wicked guy because doubling 1 talent would not have been very hard to do
it was only his wickedness that caused him to fail at such an easy task
and the good hearts/attitudes of the 2 and 5 talent guy caused them both to use their abilities to double what they had
iow, if God had given the 2 talent guy 5 talents, he might not have had the maturity/experience/ability to double it - meaning he would not have had a 100 fold/100% increase result
this really blesses me to think God wants all of us to be 100% increase kind of people
God actually sets us all up to be 100% increase kind of people
and only those with wicked intent will fail
the rest of us will succeed because we love God and God is merciful toward each of us at what ever maturity/experience/ability level we each have attained
so as
Fish Catcher Jim and
From Pieces To Peace the level of commitment is what counts
and imo our abilities come from God, and i also believe our level of commitment is also a gift from God - just as God gives to every man a measure of faith
how much of what is good/successful about us is us?
is not all our good really a gift from God?
and only wickedness toward God causes anyone to fail?
Praise God for his undeserved love/mercy/benevolence toward us
there is hope for all of us because God has no favorites
i'm seeing that God gives good gifts to all of us, and all we need to do is receive it by faith and watch God's grace make it all succeed
all we need to do is believe God, trust His goodness, and watch Him do the battle so we can have the victory