Excellent conversation.!! Good thoughts!
Mere sentimentalism ignores the Bible’s teaching which bears on the issue. We have no right to establish doctrine on the basis of what we hope may be true. We must draw our answers from what the Bible reveals to be true.
The Bible clearly teaches that we are born in sin and that God will not tolerate sinners. God has made one absolute and definitive provision for our salvation through the substitutionary atonement accomplished by Jesus Christ our Lord. Salvation comes to those who believe on His name and confess him as Savior. The Bible teaches a dual destiny for the human race. The redeemed – those who are in Christ – will be raised to eternal life with the Father in Heaven. Those who have not believed in Christ and confessed Him as Lord will suffer eternal punishment in the fires of Hell. Universalism is a dangerous and unbiblical teaching. It offers a false promise and denies the Gospel. I believe that to be true with every fiber of my body and soul.
The Bible reveals that we are born marked by original sin, and thus we cannot claim that infants are born in a state of innocence. Any biblical answer to the question of infant salvation must start from the understanding that infants are born with a sin nature. HOWEVER, The shifting of the focus to election actually avoids answering the question IMHO. We owe the parents of those dear infants a better explination that that when they come to us broken hearted over their loss. Theological "Bible speak" simply will not do in this particular case........believe me, I know because I have been there!!!Those who divide infants into the elect and non-elect seek to affirm the clear and undeniable doctrine of divine election. The Bible teaches that God elects persons to salvation from eternity, and that our salvation is all of grace. At first glance, this position appears impregnable in relation to the issue of infant salvation – a simple statement of the obvious. A second glance, however, reveals a significant evasion. What if all who die in infancy are among the elect? Do we have a biblical basis for believing that all persons who die in infancy are among the elect?
I believe that Scripture does indeed teach that all persons who die in infancy are among the elect. This must not be based only in our hope that it is true, but in a careful reading of the Bible. We start with the biblical affirmations we have noted already.
First: the Bible reveals that we are "brought forth in iniquity," and thus bear the stain of original sin from the moment of our conception. Thus, we face squarely the sin problem.
Second: we acknowledge that God is absolutely sovereign in salvation. We do not deserve salvation, and can do nothing to earn our salvation, and thus it is all of grace. Further we understand that our salvation is established by God’s election of sinners to salvation through Christ.
Third: we affirm that Scripture teaches that Jesus Christ is the sole and sufficient Savior, and that salvation comes only on the basis of His blood atonement. Fourth, we affirm that the Bible teaches a dual eternal destiny – the redeemed to Heaven, the unredeemed to Hell.
What, then is the basis for claiming that all those who die in infancy are among the elect?
First: the Bible teaches that we are to be judged on the basis of our deeds committed "in the body." That is, we will face the judgment seat of Christ and be judged, not on the basis of original sin, but for our sins committed during our own lifetimes. Each will answer "according to what he has done," and not for the sin of Adam. The imputation of Adam’s sin and guilt explains our inability to respond to God without regeneration, but the Bible does not teach that we will answer for Adam’s sin. We will answer for our own. But what about infants? Have those who die in infancy committed such sins in the body? I don't think so!!!.Is there Biblical examples of this. I have already spoken to David and Bathsheba's child. but there is more than that. After the children of Israel rebelled against God in the wilderness, God sentenced that generation to die in the wilderness after forty years of wandering. "Not one of these men, this evil generation, shall see the good land which I swore to give your fathers." But this was not all. God specifically exempted young children and infants from this sentence, and even explained why He did so: "Moreover, your little ones who you said would become prey, and your sons, who this day have no knowledge of good and evil, shall enter there, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it." The key issue here is that God specifically exempted from the judgment those who "have no knowledge of good or evil" because of their age. These "little ones" would inherit the Promised Land, and would not be judged on the basis of their fathers’ sins.
I believe that this passage bears directly on the issue of infant salvation, and that the accomplished work of Christ has removed the stain of original sin from those who die in infancy. Knowing neither good nor evil, these young children are incapable of committing sins in the body – are not yet moral agents – and die secure in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
John Newton, the great minister who wrote the hymn Amazing Grace was certain of this truth. He wrote to close friends who had lost a young child: "I hope you are both well reconciled to the death of your child. I cannot be sorry for the death of infants. How many storms do they escape! Nor can I doubt, in my private judgment, that they are included in the election of grace." The great Princeton theologians Charles Hodge and B. B. Warfield held the same position.
One of the most eloquent and powerful expressions of this understanding of infant salvation came from the heart of Charles Spurgeon. Preaching to his own congregation, Spurgeon consoled grieving parents:
"Now, let every mother and father here present know assuredly that it is well with the child, if God hath taken it away from you in its infant days." Spurgeon turned this conviction into an evangelistic call. "Many of you are parents who have children in heaven. Is it not a desirable thing that you should go there, too? (Isn't this exactly what David said in 2 Samuel) He continued: "Mother, unconverted mother, from the battlements of heaven your child beckons you to Paradise. Father, ungodly, impenitent father, the little eyes that once looked joyously on you, look down upon you now, and the lips which scarcely learned to call you father, ere they were sealed by the silence of death, may be heard as with a still small voice, saying to you this morning, ‘Father, must we be forever divided by the great gulf which no man can pass?’ Doth not nature itself put a sort of longing in your soul that you may be bound in the bundle of life with your own children?"
No one is seeking to affirm the doctrine of election. I am saying that is the answer to this problem. The Scriptures in John indicate that before we are born we are Gods or we are not.
I fail to see anything in your comparrison of the children of Israel not being punished for the sin of unbelief, as their parents were, pertaining to all children being elect. You are confusing the illustration of Israel, or types, whichever you want to call it. Israel as a nation is already redeemed. That occurs at the Passover. She is baptized in the Sea. 1Cor.10:1-10 Entrance into the promised land is not a picture of heaven. There are wars to be fought in this promised land. In heaven we are not going to be fighting any wars. The promised land is a picture of the Christian or believer coming into his possissions that God wants for him here. Victorious living. War is a part of that. So, the generation that did not commit the sin of unbelief was part of the saved just as those who did commit the sin of unbelief. These sins do not affect ones eternal destiny. That was already settled. Thus being ignorant of good or evil at this point is not the point as far as election goes. It is the point as far as believers committing sins at this time.
Perhaps I misunderstand when you say 'we will answer for our own'. In dying for Adams sin Christ died for all sins.
Ginger pointed out that God loved Jacob before he was even born. Its also true that God hated Esau before he was born. Rom. 9:10-13. Why? Because God knew who he was.