Wisdom Please: How To Handle The Less Fortunate.

To capture the people of flesh you have to think with flesh thoughts.

That is why soldiers and law enforcement are divided. I do not envy them.
What are you talking about? I met a lot of really good Christians on the police department. Just because you have to put people in handcuffs sometimes doesn't mean that you immediately get "fleshy."

Also, as a cop you are in the position to help people all the time. I helped homeless people, people in car accidents, one guy that was going to drown, a woman that was about to be killed, and countless others. I'd say helping others is the main part of the job.
When I was younger I worked at 2 different Starbucks locations. One was in a very poor neighborhood, the other was in a very rich neighborhood. I found that the rich neighborhood never tipped, and we actually had more items stolen from the store located in the richer neighborhood.

I would also do this thing in the drive through where I'd give out a free drink and then that person would offer to pay for the person behind them. It always worked in the poorer neighborhood and never worked in the rich neighborhood. Rich people would take the drink like they deserved a handout.

So from my observation I could say the majority of rich people are thieves and prefer the handouts. But I think the whole world is like that, it's just the nature of a nonbeliever. I try not focus on the evil that people are capable of, or categorize people into a group no matter how many of them are doing the same thing. Instead I try to remember that love can conquer a multitude of sin, and focus on displaying love to others whether I think they deserve it or not.

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty."

I'd say that rich people are greedy rather than wanting a handout. They want more in any way they can get it, even if it is a handout. I do agree that people that actually work for their money and don't make much are more likely to help others out. I think once you make over a certain amount of money that is all you want anymore.
For those of you saying not to give money, here is a verse I struggle with. Maybe you can help me understand:
"Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back."
For those of you saying not to give money, here is a verse I struggle with. Maybe you can help me understand:
"Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back."

I'd happily give food, but they usually want money instead. The money is more than likely going to go to drugs that are going to kill them, so I never give money.
If someone is hungry you feed them. If they need clothes then you clothe them. I think that verse is more about needs than wants.
Interesting. I think the verse is more about giving, trusting in God, and not having any material possessions in our lives that we are not willing to let go. We can't take money with us when we die.
Interesting. I think the verse is more about giving, trusting in God, and not having any material possessions in our lives that we are not willing to let go. We can't take money with us when we die.

Money is pretty much useless but with the way everything is now it's like we are encouraged to be greedy. If I had to be honest, I'd say that the only thing in my house currently I'd be upset over losing would be my computer. I don't have much but I did work my butt off to get a nice one. I'm sure there is something else in here that I'm attached to, but I wouldn't know until I lost it.

I wish that I was more generous, actually. When you're thousands of dollars in debt and make nearly minimum wage it's hard to give freely though.

Back to the original topic.
Do you guys give to homeless shelters or anything?