I am a male, so my views might be different than yours. But I believe that women should stay at home and do the housework, while the man goes and gets the money (unless he's a farmer, which I think that God wanted all men to be. Correct me if I am wrong). Housework such as cooking, taking care of the kids and teaching them things, cleaning, and then whatever they enjoy (although, of course, God should be at the center of their lives all the time). This might be considered sexist, but unless a woman is a teacher or something like that, I don't think that they should be working. I also don't think that they should be in leadership.
The Biblical way of thinking about this... First Scripture that comes to mind is the passage in Proverbs that speaks of the good wife who actually does work and owns a small business, if I remember correctly (I don't have the verses right now), so there might be a biblical defense for women working. But if you read the Scripture over, I'm sure that it says something about her staying at home as well. But that is from my memory. Please tell me if you find it.
That is just my opinion on the subject.