To delete thread:
PM Moderators, say "please, if you are not too busy",.... and then just hope one of them is in an obliging mood, which they usually are.
Try here :
Do you want to build on this or would you rather someone.....(me ) derail it?
Darnit I just created a thread! Am I able to say darn?
What's the Hay bag?
Hmmm Tink hasn't PMed yet....Am I in trouble?
What!!!! Who is this slime ball that wants my thread deleted!
One thing to keep in mind, ISTE's....God, if He directs you helping a stranger, will also protect you. He doesn't ever lead us into danger....we are good at doing that ourselves.
The hitch is knowing when God is saying..."Help this soul. Feed him. Cloth him. Give him shelter."
My cousin runs one of the largest Mission Houses for street people in S. California. Has since the 70's. An institutions selection for helping street people is quite different what an individual must use.
Hmmm Tink hasn't PMed yet....Am I in trouble?
Sorry, Major, about your uncle.
As I have repeatedly pointed out: A Christian must directly ask God for specific orders per case. God instructs. One's position in a church is not a substitute for getting God's instructions.
Right Calvin: There are many institutions today, started by Christians long ago, to do Good Sam work. They were endangered then and still are, sometimes. But they claim God's assistance to them.
Point is: not every "loser" on the street is a crook, junky or murderer. That's where prayer and sensitivity to answers to those prayers MUST come in.
I began giving money to pan handlers recently and occasionally some food that I would buy. I told my police friend and he said, "You know, the money you give them goes directly to drugs and alcohol, don't you?"
Me: "Not always, they also need to eat and drink."
Him: "They get food from the local churches every night. It's not what they use it for. They actually think that WE are crazy for working everyday. A lot of them enjoy their lifestyle."
Gave me a very different perspective so now I just use judgement instead of feeling condemned every time I don't give the homeless money. Oh, and where I live, they are every where. No, my city isn't "ghetto", far from it, actually, but southern California has gorgeous weather, cities and people, so many of them live here because of it.