Lets Make Fun Of The Clown Thread

Proverbs 6:16-18 (NLT)
There are six things the Lord hates—
no, seven things he detests:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that kill the innocent,
18 a heart that plots evil,
feet that race to do wrong,
19 a false witness who pours out lies,
a person who sows discord in a family.
You noticed my signature :)
Wow the insult! I used a DSLR.

Employment bit is a bit of a tough one. Mine own employment record was a touch erratic though I think when employed I was regarded as a hard worker. I thought I'd finally got things straight when what was to turn out to be my conversion from atheist to Christian got in the way. I was working as a white collar worker for a major white goods company at the time, involved with MRP.

Anyway, I managed to get myself into a mental hospital and pick up the label schizophrenic. When I resumed work, it turned nasty on me. My role changed with me being asked to take on other duties and the day I resigned, I was supposed to be sorting out some problem (I think we needed dial backup because the leased line had gone down), attending a meeting and organising a line trial to get some material that had arrived on site not to drawing into production. They revised the staffing after I left.

I'd not foreseen that my mental health history and resignation would make things as difficult as they did.

Anyway, at times since then I've drifted and admit at times not wanted to work. At times I've been trying to learn things, at times I've just been trying to keep myself on my feet. The decision to move back in with my parents was not an easy one, I can assure you.

Last 10 years has really been about fighting alcohol. At the moment I am feeling optimistic. The trip today was part of a plan involving me getting out to new places and new surroundings (I still have difficulties going anywhere on my own and getting to places unfamiliar to me) so it wasn't even entirely a joy trip.

Maybe this time round, things will turn out right. I'd love to have unshakable faith but I've been close to this point before. It's usually the one where what feels like the floodgates of hell start opening.

Sorry to post this btw. but, while I don't deny I've made some stupid and wrong moves myself, what has happened at times since I started to believe in Christ have been nightmarish to me. Whatever form of failure I may be, I have been at points where I've been unable to go further and even if today might seem to be fun (and feel fun to me), for whatever reason, I don't think I've had an easy time.

Keep on keeping on! Hold on to Jesus for dear life! He promises that he will never let you go. When we are unfaithful, He says he remains faithful. He is our healer and the lifter of our heads! When things seem bleak, He is right there urging us onward. Look for Him when you are having those bad times. He will be found right by your side.
Is this the most recent people that have liked the Facebook page?

Yes. You spying on us?:cautious:
Whoa...what's been happening brothers and sisters? I went from Phoenix to Illinois and with God watching my family and I, we made it back in one piece without any issues! Praise God. Now I'm on a months vacation or so before heading out east. No job and no place to live out there yet. Am I worried? HA, no. I trust that God will give me everything that I need to be successful out there. Now I have to play catch up on here...I hate reading...
Whoa...what's been happening brothers and sisters? I went from Phoenix to Illinois and with God watching my family and I, we made it back in one piece without any issues! Praise God. Now I'm on a months vacation or so before heading out east. No job and no place to live out there yet. Am I worried? HA, no. I trust that God will give me everything that I need to be successful out there. Now I have to play catch up on here...I hate reading...

What are you planning to do with this time off, besides packing?
What are you planning to do with this time off, besides packing?

I still have a lot of stuff to do for school. I'm at starbucks right now trying to get some stuff done. I think I'm in desperate need of an editor for my dissertation. I'm supposed to go back and put everything in past tense but I can't seem to get through more than 3 pages without going "oh look...squirrel". Super ADD I guess, who knows.

I'm visiting family and friends and applying for jobs out east too. That's how I am keeping busy for the most part.
Whoa...what's been happening brothers and sisters? I went from Phoenix to Illinois and with God watching my family and I, we made it back in one piece without any issues! Praise God. Now I'm on a months vacation or so before heading out east. No job and no place to live out there yet. Am I worried? HA, no. I trust that God will give me everything that I need to be successful out there. Now I have to play catch up on here...I hate reading...
I was wondering where you were. I'll be praying for you bro!
I still have a lot of stuff to do for school. I'm at starbucks right now trying to get some stuff done. I think I'm in desperate need of an editor for my dissertation. I'm supposed to go back and put everything in past tense but I can't seem to get through more than 3 pages without going "oh look...squirrel". Super ADD I guess, who knows.

I'm visiting family and friends and applying for jobs out east too. That's how I am keeping busy for the most part.

I have done editing work in the past. It's a big job, sometimes! Sounds like you are going to have fun while being productive! Good job!
I wouldn't do that to you. It's 50+ pages. I have to start finding an approved editor anyway.

That's fine, Brian. I've proofed, edited and helped in the polishing of a book in the past. It would most likely be best for you to find your editor, but if you ever need another pair of eyes... :cool: