1. It's kind of hard when you say ''everyone''.
2. I don't understand what you are trying to say.
3. Disagree with the NT...

- Why do you think God says David was a man after His heart?
- Why do you think hating evil and clinging to what is good follows 'let love be genuine' Rom 12:9
The love unfeigned: abhorring the evil; cleaving to the good;
- Why does John 3:19 say the verdict is that people loved the darkness?
- What do you think causes us to repent?
- Do you think God is un impressed by people who hate what is evil? If so how do you explain James 4:8
- Why does God judge hearts and minds Jer 17:10 if it is take advantage of Jesus vs not taking advantage of Jesus?
I could go on all day.
Those people you say hate evil will find Jesus as Jesus will find them. We know that God's eyes scour the earth. If they don't find Jesus, they didn't really hate evil. Do you have examples?
There is no cultural difference on ''taking advantage''

. The cross is not a get out of jail free coupon you are lucky enough to pick up at Walmart. It is a gift from God to those that love Him.