Journal The Cabin

WHO...... can you get those shots from?
WHY..... WHY.... Do I find that skit SO hilarious??? It's perplexing to me... but OH how I HOWL.. I have NOT seen the actual skit for a very long time... but I still see that LOOK... with the broom handle HAHAHAHAHAHA..... Now... if someone randomly reads this... they WILL think that I am indeed possessed. HAHA. There is a back story...... Just look it up... not sure what page it's on.... but it's there.

AND.... Big Moose .... I would not get so BRAZEN young man.... THINGS can happen to YOU too you know!!!!
WHY..... WHY.... Do I find that skit SO hilarious??? It's perplexing to me... but OH how I HOWL.. I have NOT seen the actual skit for a very long time... but I still see that LOOK... with the broom handle HAHAHAHAHAHA..... Now... if someone randomly reads this... they WILL think that I am indeed possessed. HAHA. There is a back story...... Just look it up... not sure what page it's on.... but it's there.

AND.... Big Moose .... I would not get so BRAZEN young man.... THINGS can happen to YOU too you know!!!!
This one?????????????????????????

Good morning my precious forum family...

Well.... my little seeds are ALL planted... and sitting on my very cold window sill... which means that even though I planted two weeks earlier than last year.... that means nothing until it WARMS up... which it is slowly doing.

I will compensate what does NOT grow with starter plants at the end of May. It's all simply a lovely EXPERIMENT.

I hope all is well with everyone.

Mr. Moose.... THANK you for doing all the hard work and digging up that video... I cannot believe we are at 25 pages already... GOOD GRIEF.... you talk A LOT. HAHAHAHAHA. ( looking in the mirror and seeing Mr. Moose ). HAHAHAHA.
I crack myself up.

Have a beautiful day y'all eh. ( my southern Canadian accent. HA ).
Howdy - Y'all said that you planted some seeds. Well, now, that's just one planting, 'cause when we all share God's Word, we plant even more 'seeds'... the seeds of Truth. And to tell y'all the truth, I'm adding my name to the produce request list for August... I'd like one of them small tomatoes to make up a sauce to go with a Possum and 'tater dinner. Thank y'all.

Here's some good possum cookin' info for y'all -


Here's some good possum cookin' info for y'all -
Is it true that “you people” eat possums?
Well, I don’t know what you think about possums but us hillbillies takes ’em serious. However, the stereotype of hillbillies eating possum are over exaggerated. The truth is that in most hillbilly homes you’d be lucky to see possum on the table two or three times a week. We never have possum more than three days out of the week at my house.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... I thought the URL that PaducahLuke included was simply that picture of the possum...... TURNS out.... it's an in history. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I used to stain out all the little critters in this here drink, but by cousin Bubba says that they just adds some protein to the drink.
If it's good enough for Bubba... then by golly... guaranteed... NO one else is gonna WANT it. HAHAHAHA

Wait.... I'm not sure... I think just maybe... Mr. Moose likes BUGS...

Gotta add this.... that menu is lovely. HAHAHA... complete with its own DOG jingle. HAHA.

** Canine Cuisine **
You'll eat like a hog when you taste our dog.

Slab of Lab ......................................... $ 1.99
Pit Bull Pot Pie .................................... $ 0.99
Cocker Cutlets (best of show) ....................... $ 4.99
Sharpei Fillet ...................................... $ 2.99
Poodles N' Noodles (w/French fries) ................. $ 3.79
Snippet of Whippet .................................. $ 2.69
Collie Hit by a Trolley (Toonerville)................ $ 3.89
BBQ Beagle .......................................... $ 2.79
German Shepherd Pie (with sauerkraut)................ $ 3.99
Fire Broiled Dalmatian .............................. $ 1.01
Trampled Sheep Dog .................................. $ 3.29
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I guess I will call this WEIRD Wednesday.... I love this guy.... It OK.... it brings you back. HAHAHAHA
What in the heck is "recalsatrate your senses"? lol He done lookied like one of you'nses kin, In Awe of Him , Eh?
I stayed signed in all day... I hate when that happens cuz well... people tend to think you are SNUBBING them if you don't answer. HA.

What in the heck is "recalsatrate your senses"? lol He done lookied like one of you'nses kin, @In Awe of Him , Eh?
straightens them out BACK to normal... ALIGNS them senses. I love the way he talks... and I don't know if it should be concerning or not... but I usually understand him. HAHAHAHAHA.
** Canine Cuisine **
You'll eat like a hog when you taste our dog.

Slab of Lab ......................................... $ 1.99
Pit Bull Pot Pie .................................... $ 0.99
Cocker Cutlets (best of show) ....................... $ 4.99
Sharpei Fillet ...................................... $ 2.99
Poodles N' Noodles (w/French fries) ................. $ 3.79
Snippet of Whippet .................................. $ 2.69
Collie Hit by a Trolley (Toonerville)................ $ 3.89
BBQ Beagle .......................................... $ 2.79
German Shepherd Pie (with sauerkraut)................ $ 3.99
Fire Broiled Dalmatian .............................. $ 1.01
Trampled Sheep Dog .................................. $ 3.29
I must say, this is some brilliant writing. Many levels of humor!
I must say, this is some brilliant writing. Many levels of humor!
MR. MOOSE..... I am very much MISSING YOU.... Are you following someone else these days??? HAHAHAHA

Just to be clear... you do realize it is NOT me who wrote that menu....It is from the site that our dear buddy Paducah Luke shared. I'm pretty sure he copied it from Bubba's family and calling it his own... but hey... What happens in the Kentucky back woods... stays there.

I've been so busy these last few weeks and I am suddenly realizing that I am neglecting the Cabin... so... I will have to be mindful regarding checking in more frequently.

I am also working on one of the other threads and that is demanding some study.... PLUS... Spring is absolutely ON it's way and I am just doing more things.... and speaking of Spring.... I have some GREEN little heads popping out of the dirt. I could not believe it... as I only got the seeds in on March 16th... It's only a flower called Baby's breath which is absolutely gorgeous... and I'm not sure if I am even going to be able to keep it alive because it's one of those leggy little flowers that is all stem with tiny little bundles of white flowers. I should have planted them in a tray instead of a small round pot... but we'll see what happens. The rest of the stuff... I won't be seeing anything green for awhile because we are JUST starting to warm up during the day ( meaning above zero ).

Anyways.... I am so grateful that my precious Mr. Moose buddy is faithful to visit the Cabin often. I'm sure fizzy drinks and peanut butter cups has something to do with that... but hey.... WE gots our own pet MOOSE.

That is my wee update....
It's SUNDAY..... all day... SUNDAY.... and March has another week left. GOOD BYE winter.... HELLO Spring!!!

PaducahLuke .... has stopped by with an after church meal.... NO identification on the food. EAT at your own RISK.
All I know is that it is in ONE POT... and NOTHING is IDENTIFIABLE. :D Exactly how I like it... all together and touching.... which leads me to this thought..... DO you know one of them people who can't stand their food touching??? and worse yet.... the guy who eats one food group at a time..... Like SERIOUSLY????? Way to spoil a meal.

I agree that dessert should be eaten separately and I've even heard of some people eating dessert FIRST but still separately.

I noticed the other day that BOB was eating pizza with a knife and fork. Just sayin.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....... HAPPY SUNDAY!!!!!!! Looking forward to all of you coming for LUNCH. :rolleyes: