Journal The Cabin

Good morning my precious forum family.

Just checking in.... I am experiencing WRITER's BLOCK. Life has gone absolutely QUIET.... and I just don't seem able to form any thoughts. HAHA. Da Sheep is without words.

Perhaps I am suffering from the side effects of being followed by a MOOSE... HAHAHA..... Today... I decided to play hide n' seek.... I am not sitting in my chair.... I am located in a position to WATCH Mr. Moose roam around. HAHA.

We got a delivery yesterday of all things SNACKS... and I went to the library to pick up some favourite movies.

Please feel free to stop in and have a time of rest.

Love you all.... Hopefully... I will get my voice back soon.

Lillian just sent me a post card.... She has made it back to Le Paris.... resuming her dance lessons with the KING.

Snails are well..... Mr. Moose is well..... I am well... but quiet...... and HIDING. HA.
Good morning my precious forum family. Just checking in.... I am experiencing WRITER's BLOCK. Life has gone absolutely QUIET.... and I just don't seem able to form any thoughts. HAHA. Da Sheep is without words. Perhaps I am suffering from the side effects of being followed by a MOOSE... HAHAHA..... Today... I decided to play hide n' seek.... I am not sitting in my chair.... I am located in a position to WATCH Mr. Moose roam around. HAHA. We got a delivery yesterday of all things SNACKS... and I went to the library to pick up some favourite movies. Please feel free to stop in and have a time of rest. Love you all.... Hopefully... I will get my voice back soon. Lillian just sent me a post card.... She has made it back to Le Paris.... resuming her dance lessons with the KING. Snails are well..... Mr. Moose is well..... I am well... but quiet...... and HIDING. HA.

Good morning, In Awe of Him;

Lately the visitations and funerals have put me in a funk so I immediately went into prayer to the Lord. Many of these people we have known in the last 11 years are getting older and in more need of health care.

It's not a pleasant thing to talk about but it is life.

These beloved people are tended by their doctors, nurses, meds, etc... but their biggest need is, other people. It's a bummer when people are laid up at home or in a hospital bed and noone to come by and visit.

I'm sure we all are faced with this. There are times when we may feel helpless but when we come to our senses, God is completely aware and in control. He will send His servants to make time to visit others because that is what they desire.

God bless you, sister.

Lately the visitations and funerals have put me in a funk so I immediately went into prayer to the Lord.
Oh Bob... Life can indeed get overwhelming at times... but you hit the nail right on the head when you said...
so I immediately went into prayer to the Lord.
It's all we can do.

For me... seeing my entire family after not seeing or talking to them in 10 years was a bit overwhelming... and it humbled me... which is a good thing. My heart has definitely SOFTENED... and I have my aunt to thank for that as she is the one who suddenly knocked at my door on my birthday. My cousin got sick two weeks later and died at the end of February.

God works in mysterious ways.

Anyways.... I am just checking in. It was grocery shopping day with Margaret... She was funny this morning... so that was a treat.

I am feeling badly for NEGLECTING the forums ... but honestly.... I am just QUIET... I can't for the life of me think of what to say.
AND so.... I will simply go with the flow and accept that I am meant to be QUIET.... I guess it has caught me off guard because QUIET and DA SHEEP don't usually go together. HAHAHAHA.

It is well with my SOUL.... but I am on RESTING mode it seems.

This week-end... I have to plant my SEEDS.... so I will give a seed report on Monday. I am heading for another sleep over at my Aunt's.

I will check in when I get back home.

Love you ALL..... DA SHEEP who is QUIET

How on earth am I supposed to get RE-CHARGED when you keep GLARING at me through the cabin WINDOW.... DO you need something??? Are you out of FOOD?

ARE you watching me CUZ you wish you wuz me...but you'll never be... CUZ you're not in an all girls band. HA.
That's FRANNIE's new favourite song. I made it up... sort of. HA.
Just wanted to give you some nose prints on the window! Happy........uh..........Ides of March! Is that a thing? Julius Caesar fans may think that was inappropriate. Oh bother!
..Ides of March! Is that a thing?
So basically.... YOU are cursing the forums with MISFORTUNE. HAHAHAHAHA.

I had to look that up.... I had NEVER heard of this before. I guess it is the anniversary of Julius Caesar's death.

EVEN more concerning than THAT is St. Patrick's DAY..... NOW that is a BAD holiday... and if you have the MISFORTUNE of actually living in a UNIVERSITY or COLLEGE town..... the day is a WRITE off.

I kid you NOT.... the drinking starts in the morning... everyone wears GREEN..... It plays out like a low budget horror movie.... The cops all have to take VALIUM several times a day. IT's DISGUSTING.

Thankfully.... I live in a small city.... filled with a majority of seniors who will simply be playing BINGO. HAHA.
So basically.... YOU are cursing the forums with MISFORTUNE. HAHAHAHAHA.

I had to look that up.... I had NEVER heard of this before. I guess it is the anniversary of Julius Caesar's death.

EVEN more concerning than THAT is St. Patrick's DAY..... NOW that is a BAD holiday... and if you have the MISFORTUNE of actually living in a UNIVERSITY or COLLEGE town..... the day is a WRITE off.

I kid you NOT.... the drinking starts in the morning... everyone wears GREEN..... It plays out like a low budget horror movie.... The cops all have to take VALIUM several times a day. IT's DISGUSTING.

Thankfully.... I live in a small city.... filled with a majority of seniors who will simply be playing BINGO. HAHA.
I never participated in the St. Patrick's day thing. Number one, I'm not Irish. Number two, I'm not Catholic. Number 3, emerald green is not my color. Number 4, I'm not a drinker. Number 5, I'm not going around with a "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" pin on my lapel. Number 6, I don't believe in Leprechauns.
Ok, I think my enumerated rant is done.
I never participated in the St. Patrick's day thing. Number one, I'm not Irish. Number two, I'm not Catholic. Number 3, emerald green is not my color. Number 4, I'm not a drinker. Number 5, I'm not going around with a "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" pin on my lapel. Number 6, I don't believe in Leprechauns.
Ok, I think my enumerated rant is done.
= I do not celebrate St. Patrick's Day! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
It's Margaret's birthday today..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend Margaret who has been BLESSED to experience such AWESOME and LOUD adventures with DA SHEEP!:D HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I think I am responsible for most of her grey hairs this year. HAHAHA.

Poor Margaret.... the shy and most RESERVED friend who decided to adopt my dog 5 years ago and got STUCK with me too. HAHAHAHA. That gets funnier by the year. You guys have no IDEA how I FRUSTRATE Margaret... HAHA.
It's Margaret's birthday today..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend Margaret who has been BLESSED to experience such AWESOME and LOUD adventures with DA SHEEP!:D HAHAHAHAHAHA. I think I am responsible for most of her grey hairs this year. HAHAHA. Poor Margaret.... the shy and most RESERVED friend who decided to adopt my dog 5 years ago and got STUCK with me too. HAHAHAHA. That gets funnier by the year. You guys have no IDEA how I FRUSTRATE Margaret... HAHA.

What In Awe of Him said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGARET on your special day!

On a side note I wanted to share this in the Cabin, isn't God amazing! His technology enables His children to fellowship from England, Ukraine, Australia, Africa, Myanmar, Canada, Switzerland, United States, etc...!

Imagine if we didn't have this we wouldn't know each other right now.
(((high five🫸 ))) b😎b 👏👏
On a side note I wanted to share this in the Cabin, isn't God amazing! His technology enables His children to fellowship from England, Ukraine, Australia, Africa, Myanmar, Canada, Switzerland, United States, etc...!
Who else can claim they have a moose from USA??? and snails from UK???
It doesn't get BETTER that BOB!!!!!!!!!!

So.... at 4:30 am.... I planted a bunch of seeds.... they are on my window ledge.... OH my goodness... here we go again.

I wonder if I will succeed this year. I kind of think last year was a total FLUKE... I still can't believe that I got 6 peppers from one plant... that just blows my mind.

Anyways.... went on a wee adventure with my niece and now it's time for a bowl of hamburger soup.

Have a glorious Sunday everyone!!!
Who else can claim they have a moose from USA??? and snails from UK??? It doesn't get BETTER that BOB!!!!!!!!!! So.... at 4:30 am.... I planted a bunch of seeds.... they are on my window ledge.... OH my goodness... here we go again. I wonder if I will succeed this year. I kind of think last year was a total FLUKE... I still can't believe that I got 6 peppers from one plant... that just blows my mind. Anyways.... went on a wee adventure with my niece and now it's time for a bowl of hamburger soup. Have a glorious Sunday everyone!!!

Hello In Awe of Him;

Wouldn't it be cold outside, planting a bunch of seeds at 4:30 am?

heh heh!

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY everyone... GREEN fizzy drinks will be served ALL day :D... and LOOKIE.... It's a perfect day for my FAVORITE little green guy!!!

I'm off to the grocery store.... I need to decide what I am making myself for a TREAT. This is my least favourite holiday but..... I still WANT a treat. :D:D:D:D:D:D ( a 6 pack of green guys ). Too funny!!!!

Off I go....
This is the ONE exception I am making to anything snake in the Cabin..... OH my goodness... this made me spit my tea. This was BRILLIANT... and again.... I got my shots last I know that I am NOT possessed by an owl... just sayin.
