Journal The Cabin

Mr. Moose.... Frannie has told that joke to EVERYONE.... ( literally EVERYONE)...the birds.... the snails... all the GUESTS.... the squirrels... the deer... the beavers....Lillian...... me....... and she even dedicated a one time telling to the OWLS..... oh.... and GUESS who had to call Aunt Helga and Uncle Hank??? YEP.
Maybe next time you can just bring a bouquet of flowers??

Well... I have been busy.... oh my goodness... I seem to have developed a LIFE... HAHA.
Between writing letters... drawing... and plucking away at my puzzle as well as walking on the treadmill... it seems like
my days are just ZOOMING by.... which is GOOD..... so VERY good. It feels wonderful to have some sort of structure. It gives me momentum. One thing about not working is that one day seems to float into another and if you don't have things to do... it makes for a very long day... so I am starting to be just NICELY occupied.

Had a bit of an issue with my treadmill... Well... not really an issue... My niece gave me the wrong allen key to loosen the belt of my treadmill... and she could not find the silicone oil I had given her.... SO.... my daughter had to order the stuff from Amazon because.... well.... there is none to be found in my city apparently. I went to two hardware stores and NOPE.... so...thank you my daughter for having an Amazon account with free shipping to your MOMMA. :D

So.... I oiled it once about 5 days ago... but as I suspected... I did not put enough on... I watched a video... learned how to do it properly and PRESTO... this morning.... I NAILED it.... Haven't tried my new runners yet... and I do have to do that because the beautifully kind lady from Brooks USA asked me to let her know what I thought of her choice of shoe for me. This experience will go down as the BEST customer service I have EVER received in my 62 years. Hands down. The lady emailed me the most beautiful letter to explain which shoe she had chosen for me.

Anyways... all that to say this......................
I am so BLESSED.... oh my!!! As I was walking this morning in the comfort of my own home... with a 70,s and 80,s soundtrack playing.... I could not help but be RE-ENERGIZED with the knowledge of how well cared for I am. It boggles my mind how GOOD my life is. So... I will SUCK it up... and celebrate the fact that I have the means to stay healthy... instead of GOOD GRIEF... DO I have to walk on that thing AGAIN?? :D
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Just a quick check in... There has been a death in my family and so I have been pre-occupied with family business.

AND now.... I am too tired to write. HAHA. All is well.... I'm just a bit busy.

Mr. Moose.... Can you maybe do a comedy routine to ENTERTAIN the troops until I get back??
Just a quick check in... There has been a death in my family and so I have been pre-occupied with family business.

AND now.... I am too tired to write. HAHA. All is well.... I'm just a bit busy.

Mr. Moose.... Can you maybe do a comedy routine to ENTERTAIN the troops until I get back??
I'm not sure how much I can do right now. I am currently away in Washington DC with my son for his VFW Voice of Democracy speech competition. To entertain everyone, anyone who has interest can listen to any of the state winners on their website:
All of the recordings of each speech is there. The same website will livestream the announcement event at 6 pm EST US Monday evening.
Good morning my precious family...

I am home from my time with family. I thought it would be business as usual for me and that I would get home and simply bounce back into the groove of the forums... but I am quite literally spent. I am EXHAUSTED both physically and emotionally and so... I am going to spend this week... gathering my thoughts and trying to process what has happened. Something DEEP has happened to my heart... I have been humbled in a way that I have never experienced before.

Anyways.... just checking in to ask for PATIENCE. The Cabin is nice and warm for anyone who desires to visit in my absence.

I love you all so very much.
You need a ong sleep In Awe of Him
What you have been through takes away physical strength and emotional draining.

Praying for you. 💕
God Bless
HE already DIED and got that out of the way.... ( LAZARUS )..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA By now I stinketh. HAHAHAHA

What a lovely way to return to the forums..... some light-hearted humour... and that is so refreshing because I have just come out of some
intense sadness for my family.

I still do not have much to say. This experience of returning to my family by means of a funeral has been deeply moving to me. What I am feeling is NOT sadness... but it is a deep wondering as to the mysterious way that God works at times.

I am going to continue to simply allow myself this quiet time. I think for someone like me who has made these forums a DAILY thing...There comes a sense of DUTY to keep the conversation going.

I would just like to state that I am WELL... but I am QUIET... and so... I will simply leave that here for all to read.

Thank you Mr. Moose for watching the Cabin. :D
Good morning, In Awe of Him;

I can relate and you are doing the right thing. Christian Forum Site a place to enjoy fellowship, prayer and learning more about Christ. This doesn't mean each day will be hunky dory. There are up and down days at CFS for me as well. It's how we can still be that salt and light toward others.

So if you need to keep a low profile at the Cabin so be it. Big Moose can run things at the Cabin since he has nothing else to do but share about animals that are edible.
😄 lol!

God bless you, sister, and take all the time you need.

Ok, just got back from DC. My son finished...................................................5th place in the nation! Got some clammy hands as it got to the top 20, and then top 10 got worse. Just so happy for him. So blessed.
So do I have this correctly??? Your son plays a brass instrument or drums???... Can remember.... AND he does public speaking???
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So do I have this correctly??? Your son plays a brass instrument or drums???... Can remember.... AND he does public speaking???
He is a drummer as his main instrument, but he also plays upright bass and bass guitar, and has been trying to learn trombone in the last year. He has given his speeches at the local VFW, the district level banquets and now he gave his speech at the state award event. It was funny that he was nervous about winning at the national level and having to give his speech on the national stage. He said a number of times he would rather win 2nd or 3rd than to be 1st and have to give the speech in front of a thousand people in the hall.

Good morning my precious forum family...

It is time for a serious entry from my heart.

It has been a WEEK plus some... I have been stretched... challenged and humbled all at the same GLORIOUS time.
My heart has softened through that process... and I believe the invisible workings of God ( mainly through my communications in THIS FORUM has prepared me for a time such as this.... ( the funeral that took place in my family ).

This family I speak of has been the thorn in my side for a very long time due to their beliefs in a very legalistic doctrine. I walked away from it all about 10 years ago because of the hypocrisy and harsh judgemental attitudes.

This year.... on my birthday... I received a knock on my door from the very aunt I walked away from in 2015. I had not seen her in all that time or spoken to her and there she was... at my door... on a very miserable and stormy day... with a sweet smile.. and a birthday card in hand...Her words were that I have had you on my heart for some time now.
We talked briefly... and a week later... we went out for lunch. I was good with that... I was not interested in coming back to face the REST of my family.

THEN.... my cousin got sick in mid February and passed away on February 27th ( exactly a month after my aunt knocked on my door ). It seems that GOD wanted MORE of me. He wanted me to FACE the REST of my FAMILY.
Funerals have a way of bringing people together in the worst of circumstances.

I stayed behind at my aunt's house to prepare for company AFTER the ceremony. I ended up spending the night at my aunt's because I did not want her to be alone... and every one else was absolutely EXHAUSTED.

What occurred within my heart in a period of less than 24 hours was the most humbling experience I believe I have had in a very long time.

When everyone was gone.... my aunt and I began to talk.... openly and DEEPLY about the reasons I walked away all those years ago. The conversation was NOT angry or confrontational... but rather heart-felt and honest on both sides of the table. SHE understood why I rejected what she has been taught. It was healing... and comforting for both of us to hear the other speak so tenderly and compassionately with simply the TRUTH of what troubles our hearts. She shared things with me that she has never shared with her own family. For the FIRST time EVER... we became UNITED as ONE in CHRIST.

So.... I am now referred to as the little black sheep that came home. Like literally... they have called me the little black sheep.... and that sits nicely on my heart.

LIFE is full of surprises. I could not have orchestrated any of this. I would NOT have participated in ANY of it... had it simply been up to me.... However... GOD.... had OTHER plans. How AWESOME!!!

This brings me to another scripture that states.... God will be FAITHFUL to finish that with which HE has begun. Life is a journey.... a pilgrim walk... a work in progress... and if we only OPEN our hearts to HIM.... HE will truly do all the work. When we say we CAN'T.... He says HE WILL.

God bless you all. I am still in a strange space... a very quiet place... but I wanted to check in to share a bit of what is happening in my little world. It's GROWING... my world is getting a wee bit bigger... and this is a GOOD thing.

Happy week-end coming to everyone. I love you my precious forum family.
Happy Saturday to everyone...

I'm off for a wee adventure.... coffee with my cousin and hopefully we can go to Winners... because.... it's my dear friend Margaret's birthday on the 16th and she likes nice designer SOAP ( that's what I call it ) some of that nice soup really DOES smell nice.

Anyways... I am also hoping to stop in at Staples to see what they have for paper.

Other than's going to be a quiet week-end... a good week-end to do some writing and drawing.

Happy week-end!!!!