“Once for All”

Just one point. I think it is important to understand that Christians don't sin, they fall but get right back up. If one is in Christ you can't sin because the only 'real' sin is unbelief. Jesus said 'go and sin no more' saying keep walking in Me.
I don't understand how you have come to this belief. Why are you not able to accept that once we are saved we still sin?

It sounds like you are stating the ONLY sin after salvation is UNBELIEF.
Hello netchaplain;

Excellent thread going into the Holiday Season. I'm actually delivering the message along these lines on the first Sunday in December.

There are times saved Christians can very easily disconnect from God by overwhelming circumstances alone. Satan pollutes the world by enticing and deceiving us to make quick, rash decisions that bring us instant gratification, many times sin, instead of God’s results. Sin breeds sin and connects to other sins and before we know it, we ask ourselves, what did I just do?

We lose a sense of God's promises of forgiveness, even our salvation of forever and ever.

God bless
you, Bob and your family. Happy Thanksgiving.

Christ died for those that his Father gave to him and redeemed them from their sins, and they will never lose their eternal inheritance (John 6:37) (John 10:26-29). However as they sojourn here on earth, they can , and often do, lose their fellowship with God when they commit a sin, until they repent, and God delivers (saves) them from the results of the sin, and receives them back in his fellowship.(Revelations 2:4-5).
save, saved and salvation, according to Strong's concordance means, save=deliver, saved=delivered and salvation=deliverance.

There is an eternal deliverance that was accomplished by God's grace in having his Son Jesus to redeem from their sins all of those that he gave him, without the loss of one. (John 6:37).

There is a deliverance, as they live here on earth, for all of those that Jesus died for, and are born again, when they repent, and follow his instructions.

You are correct in affirming that those, that Jesus died for, can never lose their eternal deliverance.

There is an eternal deliverance by God's grace, without the works of mankind, and there is a deliverance received. for God's born again children, as they sojourn here on earth, by their works of repenting and following God's instructions.
If I am understanding what you are referring to let me go on that.
I believe there are two groups that receive salvation, as depicted in the parable of the ten virgins. First point, they were all virgins, just some did not have the oil.
Scripture does speak of being sealed until your day of redemption but it also speaks of conditional salvation. Paul also speaks of judging men and angels. That then begs the question as to how can you judge and be judged at the same time?
I understand there to be two groups, one the bride who is being judged now, the Word test, and those that will have to go through the judgement and will be judged according to their stand.
Scripture speaks of being redeemed, meaning to be brought back, not added to. So if we are known before the foundation of the world we are being brought back. If we must stand the judgment it will then be determined whether we should be added to.
Like what you said. One of the most important an encouraging doctrines to uphold and speak about is eternal security!

Hello Dear Netchaplain...
Do you have an understanding as to why a great many believers resort to this doctrine of "loss of salvation"?

I know on a personal note...for me... the fighting that has occurred in debates about this issue has been the most DAMAGING to me.
I have family members that I have walked away from due to this issue because they are so TOXIC with their judgments of others.

Anyways... I don't think you will have an answer for my question. False doctrine is something that unfortunately exists.
I don't understand how you have come to this belief. Why are you not able to accept that once we are saved we still sin?

It sounds like you are stating the ONLY sin after salvation is UNBELIEF.
If a person is a real believer they are in Christ and there is an atonement for the short falls in a person's walk.
An unbeliever is on their own and we know the penalty for sin is death. The believer does not really die and so sin is not imputed to them so in other words they are not guilty of sin - or - do not sin.
Does that satisfy?
If a person is a real believer they are in Christ and there is an atonement for the short falls in a person's walk.
An unbeliever is on their own and we know the penalty for sin is death. The believer does not really die and so sin is not imputed to them so in other words they are not guilty of sin - or - do not sin.
Does that satisfy?
I hear what you are saying...but sadly... it is not a matter of being satisfied.
Thank you for the explanation.

* HA... I forgot to say God Bless you. HOW RUDE of me. LOL. I am one of the new kids on the block.
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If we must stand the judgment it will then be determined whether we should be added to.
Thanks for replying to my post. I think that it is very important that we understand the importance of the doctrine that we believe (Gal 1:8) (Isaiah 28:9).

Those that Christ died for include only those that his Father gave him (John 6:37) and those will not be judged at the last judgement day, but will be told "Come, ye blesses of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world", (Matt 25:32-34) They will, however, be judged for their disobedience as they sojourn here on earth, and can lose their fellowship with God, (not their eternal deliverance) when they commit a sin, until they repent and he delivers (saves) them from the results of the sin back into his fellowship.

Your above statement hints of eternal deliverance by mankind's good works.

I am 89 years old and welcome your reproofs of my comments
If a person is a real believer they are in Christ and there is an atonement for the short falls in a person's walk.
An unbeliever is on their own and we know the penalty for sin is death. The believer does not really die and so sin is not imputed to them so in other words they are not guilty of sin - or - do not sin.
Does that satisfy?

Respectfully, I believe the scriptures teach that God gave a larger portion of mankind to Jesus, that he would die on the cross to redeem them from their sins and secure an inheritance in heaven for every one of them ( John 6:37 )

Although their sins are forgiven, they still do, at times, commit sin, which separates (death=separation) them from their fellowship with God, until they repent, but it does not separate them from their eternal inheritance.
There can be difficulty as to what to so with those immature in Christ, if a bad habit is what is considered. But those who truly love God will continue to grow in Christ, and those who are not reborn will always return to their pleasures, because that's really all they have without God (2Ti 3:4).

Yes, one could go through the motions of being saved, but if it's not genuine it will eventually show. God wouldn't have anyone continue in ignorance of truth if they are sincerely seeking it.
God blinded most of Israel's eyes (Rom 11:1-7).
Scripture does speak of being sealed until your day of redemption but it also speaks of conditional salvation.
Just wanted to share that Ephesians 4:30 is in reference to the time of the "redemption of the body" (Rom 8:23), for which we await. Thankfully there's no waiting for the redemption of the soul, which is guaranteed at rebirth. "The earnest of our inheritance" (Eph 1:14) is a present and eternal salvation by the Spirit (2Co 1:22; 5:5).

John Gill on Eph 4:30: The saints being sealed up by the Spirit unto this time, shows the perpetual indwelling of the Spirit in them; and that it will continue even after death, who will give them confidence at the day of judgment; and that it is the Spirit which works up the saints, and makes them meet for glory; and gives them the assurance of it, and therefore they should not be grieved.

Like your reply!
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I have family members that I have walked away from due to this issue because they are so TOXIC with their judgments of others.

Anyways... I don't think you will have an answer for my question. False doctrine is something that unfortunately exists.
Are you referring to never loosing your salvation, or a loss of salvation? Which doctrine are you saying is false? Eternal security or temporal security.
Are you referring to never loosing your salvation, or a loss of salvation? Which doctrine are you saying is false? Eternal security or temporal security.
I'm talking about the belief that one can LOSE their salvation. I believe the doctrine of temporal security is the false one.
Yes, but it's only temporary for making room for the Gentiles to enter into salvation - Rom 11:25 (which will involve mostly Gentiles).

I wrestle with understanding the functions of "the remnant of Israel".

What is your understanding and purpose of the remnant?

My reference is to Zeph 3:11-13, Rom 9:27, Rom 11:4-8, Rev 12:17.
I wrestle with understanding the functions of "the remnant of Israel".

What is your understanding and purpose of the remnant?

My reference is to Zeph 3:11-13, Rom 9:27, Rom 11:4-8, Rev 12:17.
My belief at present concerning the eschatology of Israel is the same as the Plymouth Brethren, which were circa 1700's-1800's; these spiritual growth authors are also my source of learning, and have been sharing their beliefs on the internet for the last 13 years.

It's their teaching that those among Israeli descent who do not believe in Christ, but do believe in God will be restored in fellowship with Him during the millennium. There are many doctrines about Israel's last days that are not directly clear in Scripture, but yet seem show enough Scripture to support certain teachings (in my opinion).

One is that the Israelites who believe in God (Jn 14:1) but not in Christ will be restored when they see Christ during the millennium. But they cannot be part of the Body of Christ because it will be too late. To be Christian one must believe in Christ before they see Him during the millennial kingdom. Thus Israel will continue as a "people of God," inheriting the new earth; and Christians inheriting the new heaven with them ruling with Christ in the millennial kingdom, and on through eternity.

I realize there are Scripture passages that seem to refute these teachings, but I have yet to be convinced otherwise. Thus, the remnant of Israel in Zeph 3:13, for example, are the Jews who believe in God but not in the Lord Jesus. I think too many mistakenly relate Israel as being the Christians, but there is always too much ethnic language to relate Christians to be the new Israel.
My belief at present concerning the eschatology of Israel is the same as the Plymouth Brethren, which were circa 1700's-1800's; these spiritual growth authors are also my source of learning, and have been sharing their beliefs on the internet for the last 13 years.

It's their teaching that those among Israeli descent who do not believe in Christ, but do believe in God will be restored in fellowship with Him during the millennium. There are many doctrines about Israel's last days that are not directly clear in Scripture, but yet seem show enough Scripture to support certain teachings (in my opinion).

One is that the Israelites who believe in God (Jn 14:1) but not in Christ will be restored when they see Christ during the millennium. But they cannot be part of the Body of Christ because it will be too late. To be Christian one must believe in Christ before they see Him during the millennial kingdom. Thus Israel will continue as a "people of God," inheriting the new earth; and Christians inheriting the new heaven with them ruling with Christ in the millennial kingdom, and on through eternity.

I realize there are Scripture passages that seem to refute these teachings, but I have yet to be convinced otherwise. Thus, the remnant of Israel in Zeph 3:13, for example, are the Jews who believe in God but not in the Lord Jesus. I think too many mistakenly relate Israel as being the Christians, but there is always too much ethnic language to relate Christians to be the new Israel.

What are your thoughts on the two gates mentioned in Matt 7?

My belief is that the straight gate and narrow way that leads to life is depicting the remnant of Israel, and the life is not eternal life, but an abundant and peaceful life that they live here on earth.
The wide gate and broad way being those of God's children who are blinded to seeing the truth and are teaching false doctrines.

Both gates are God's children and have an inheritance of heaven.

I believe this harmonizes with Ezk 1:13-21. The inner wheel, being the visible church (straight gate) and the larger wheel being the invisible church (wide gate).
It's their teaching that those among Israeli descent who do not believe in Christ, but do believe in God will be restored in fellowship with Him during the millennium. There are many doctrines about Israel's last days that are not directly clear in Scripture, but yet seem show enough Scripture to support certain teachings (in my opinion).

I believe the scriptures to teach this also. however, I believe that Christ has been reigning in his Kingdom, the church sense he set it up.
What are your thoughts on the two gates mentioned in Matt 7?
It's my understanding that the "straight gate" is the way those who have eternal life go; and the "wide gate" is the way those who go to the "lake of fire," which will be most of mankind. If we compared the numbers in the two groups, those going to eternal life will be few compared to those going to the lake of fire.

God bless!
I believe the scriptures to teach this also. however, I believe that Christ has been reigning in his Kingdom, the church sense he set it up.

It's my understanding that the "straight gate" is the way those who have eternal life go; and the "wide gate" is the way those who go to the "lake of fire," which will be most of mankind. If we compared the numbers in the two groups, those going to eternal life will be few compared to those going to the lake of fire.

God bless!
How would you explain Heb 11:12-16?