Do you relate Jacob, whose name God has changed to be no more called Jacob, but to be called Israel, to be the new Israel (God's adopted children)? Rom 11:26. Rom 9:6-11.My belief at present concerning the eschatology of Israel is the same as the Plymouth Brethren, which were circa 1700's-1800's; these spiritual growth authors are also my source of learning, and have been sharing their beliefs on the internet for the last 13 years.
It's their teaching that those among Israeli descent who do not believe in Christ, but do believe in God will be restored in fellowship with Him during the millennium. There are many doctrines about Israel's last days that are not directly clear in Scripture, but yet seem show enough Scripture to support certain teachings (in my opinion).
One is that the Israelites who believe in God (Jn 14:1) but not in Christ will be restored when they see Christ during the millennium. But they cannot be part of the Body of Christ because it will be too late. To be Christian one must believe in Christ before they see Him during the millennial kingdom. Thus Israel will continue as a "people of God," inheriting the new earth; and Christians inheriting the new heaven with them ruling with Christ in the millennial kingdom, and on through eternity.
I realize there are Scripture passages that seem to refute these teachings, but I have yet to be convinced otherwise. Thus, the remnant of Israel in Zeph 3:13, for example, are the Jews who believe in God but not in the Lord Jesus. I think too many mistakenly relate Israel as being the Christians, but there is always too much ethnic language to relate Christians to be the new Israel.
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