We need the nine gifts more than ever. We need the nine fruits more than ever. We need the fivefold ministry more than ever. I do not and cannot limit God.
We need the nine gifts more than ever. We need the nine fruits more than ever. We need the fivefold ministry more than ever. I do not and cannot limit God.
Hello there!
I would like to talk to you about what this means.
To discern is to KNOW, through the Holy Spirit.
Yes! I agree...
We discern the spirits each and every day as we face trials in our lives.
Paul is asking the multitude if they are able to discern the Holy Spirit from the spirit of Satan.
Is 1 Corinthians 12:10 what you are referring to? If its another verse please give us reference.
Sometimes the "dark" spirit can mislead you and compose itself to seem like the "Holy" Spirit.
This is interesting and true...Could you give an example?
Through faith, prayer and study of the scripture, you too will be able to discern the darkness from light.
I am new in speaking of this, so the Lord is still working on me...
Feel free to message me if you would like to chat...
Maybe its a setting, is Jeff avaliable?Really?
I don't have to click on a link....
all photos show up for me~
That is interesting!
I am sorry, I thought we were talking about that fake one
I was given. Sorry
If it is limmited, and not that stupid Spiritual X-Ray Vision
fake I was given, then it's ok.
Because we all have ups and downs and strugles, and
there should be times when it works, and others which
require more Prayers and strugles,
As none of us are perfect,
And we all face tests and trials,
And some things we face are stronger
trials than others,
like My posts???????????
Sorry, I thought it was the one I had
Can I hide now, :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish::fish:
God Bless,
And just try and pick out which one is Me,
because I'm hidding
Which is why it is even more scary when your silent to Me.
Thought You could trick Me with that one did you.
But I am happy fish now!!!! :fish: :fish: :fish:
I like those fish, because they are like pets, but I don't
have to worry about them.
Mike that is called discernment. It is not understood with mental aquisense but it is a knowldge that rises up from deep within the core of one being.i don,t know,sometimes i can feel evil.
YES! Larry we do need all these things... You are so wise to understand this and not place God in a box...
Maybe the Lord gives me the ability, because I am not frightened to see them, but the thought scares me to cast them out because of the warning that 7 more evil that the first enters that person, if the house is empty and sweeped clean...
Yes Beloved.... I firmly believe in spititual gifts and especially in these last days , it is even more important as the times are growing very close to our soon coming King.
Don't be afraid to exercise these gifts as the Lord sees fit . He will give you the strength to carry through. I have seen by your dreams and visions that the Lord is moving you into a very important roll but also a very difficult one. Lean solely on Him and He will direct you paths. He would not have given you these gifts if He didn't think you were able to handle them. Bless you my dear and I will be praying for you.
But remember He has not given you a spirit of fear but a sound mind and we know who is trying to disalusion you and he will not win. He is under your feet.