Greetings Brother Gerald,
It only takes a group of spirit filled beleivers to come together and stand on Gods word - to get Him to act in a situation. History has documented this many times.
Check out the life story of a brother by the name of Angus Buchan. He gathered the people - they prayed and stood on Gods word - it brought God moving results. See for your self.
That is one of many and the only thing Different between them and any of us - They actually did what His word says and Not make excuses why it can not be done.
If you desire a deeper understanding of the Authroity that God has placed in us - Then honestly seek God in this and I know He will show you or rather teach you if you are willing to ber willing to learn. Then - you will have an entirely view on taking authority over storms of any kind.
Gods Blessings are ours.........if we take them
God Bless
Jim. Not disputed.
Things are always better for prayer . and would not be so if men had not prayed .
I would even argue that in 1940 if the Godly King of England hads not done his duty and called the country to prayer and if the people would NOT have prayed .Then God would not have answered .
But the fact is that "My people were willing in the day of power " and they did pray and God did answer and the the first miracle was the miracle of Dunkirk. Recognised by the many at the time denied by the many it seems in the present .
and those young airmen ,those "few" did not endure what needed to be endured in thier own strength but the whole country was praying for them and God was answering and as the scriptures put it "bore them up as on eagles wings"
But no amount of praying then would have stopped the Nazis .
Though IF there had been the same amount of praying BEFORE then who knows and more than likely .
If you read the conditions of the time of Gidion . The same then the same now in the UK and even the same people .
It does not then need a LOT of people .it needs enough people of God to pray . They do not have to be geographically in the same place either . But they do need to be of the same mind and of the same Spirit .
and before the throne of Grace .
Not so much 'celebrating' but I think more weeping . and groaning and sighing over the abominations in the land.
and as Gidion thought on these things in secret. God drew near to him.
and once the communication lines had been opened and established things began to change "openly"
The storms that are coming to the UK I do not believe can be now avoided.
For we have now made equal in law what is not equal in fact and have therefore to all intents and purposes made a lier equal to the truth in law .
A parliament that gives but lip service to the Crown , the Constitution and the nation it says it represents yet at the same time is serving the as yet unseen ehad of Europe.
A church in the main to busy 'celebrating' and the world is in the church as much as the church is in the world .
The disciples who were bailing out the boat were in the world but not of the world and were endevourign to bail the water out of the boat all the time.
The scriptures say strangely in some ways "The Lord had not come yet"
I do not believe we are to give up bailing and wait for the coming of the Lord.
But to be always abounding in the work of the Lord.
That includes praying .
Authority can only be excersised when a person is under authroity .
The authority of a believer is his the moment he becomes a child of God and has authroity over the devil from that moment on and the devil none over him.
But you cannot excersise that authority unless you are not only filled with the Spirit of God but are also beign led by Him also .
For while a man has the authority he can only excersise it under the authority of the Holy Spirit .
The sick man at the beuitifull gate who through faith in Jesus name was healed by Peter and John had bene there all his life .
Jesus must have passed him by many times before then. So why did he not heal him?
You could argue that God beign so good to us left us some work to do also .
But Gods timing is also perfect .
Jesus did not repeat what all of isiah said when he spoke "the Spirit of the |Lord is upon me............"
For it was not then nor now "the day of judgment" that follows after he stopped.
"He went about doing good"
I happen to think he was not limited as to what good he could do. and what he found to do he did and what he had am ind to do he did . Yet with all that the focus was on the good he came to do and was called to do and why he came .
and in that regard he was limited to the lost sheep of the household of faith .
For salvation is of the Jerws first then the gentiles .
Which is one reason why he did not respond to the Serophonecian woman at first. For he had no authroity to do so . Untill she came the right way .
The Assyrians were raised up to be the scourge of the gentiles .
So too then is Islam.
If then islam is to be defeated then what should we pray?
That the scourge be lifted? Or that it will do its work?
But the scripture also says that one day "thier mind will change ............................."
That I will pray for .
As also that Islam must suffer a great moral collapse .For by the scriptures I know that all the false religions will gather under the skirts of that that great false religion of old .
Islam at present is to full of pride to do so. Though her leaders are already climbing into bed with that great whore . and their blind followers do not even know it .
So she must be humbled in some way fro her to seek 'refuge' under those skirts .
That I can pray for .
But I cannot pray that the scourge be lifted.
For perchance also it will drive the church to pray!
and if not all the church then enough .
For the God of Gidion is not dead nor relegated to the past .Though he is by some; who think He can do no great work anymore.
The events in Paris are terrible.
But look at what ahs been the result>?
No mention of God save derogitory .
But rather the whole of Euorpe be ever joined closer .
etc. and the UK who have no excuse whatsoever like foolish Jehosephat declaring as much as he did with Ahab.
These things "were given for our ensample"
The battle ahead as then will not end well for Ahab.
Jehosephat was 'saved'
Gidion had first to get rid of all the idols in his fathers house.
before any good could be done elswhere .
Judgment begins at the house of God FIRST.
In Christ