@Euphemia you are right God is who he is. I am also what I am. You might see me as funny, because your study of me draws you to that conclusion, but I could be very serious and not funny at all. So even though I am who I am you have an idea of who I am. Regardless if you are wrong are right. Also I am accurate when I say it depends on the view of theology your looking at. There Are two different types of theology for believers
1. Calvinism
2. Arminianism
Each have 5 points of their doctrine. You and I and Jim and every other believer fall into one of those theological groups.
Won't give all five points but to stay on point Calvinist believe in predestination and that God is in control of all things. Nothing happens without his hand in it.
On the other hand you have Arminianist who believe that man has free will. And God gave up those things due to sin. Please research these things before you go off and tell me how inaccurate and wrong I am. I understand if you disagree and that's ok. But I accurate when I say it depends on your theology are you as Calvinist or Arminianist. You fall in one or the other you and Jim are Arminianist. You believe in free will. But we both agree on the most important thing that Jesus is the only way to heaven, and you must believe in him to be saved.