A Trillion Lives-years Away

I believe animals a really very intelligent. They just travel to the beat of a different drum than us.

I completely agree! God created us all, the animals first, then humans. There is no reason that animals cannot worship God. In my mind, God made us all equal and I personally think that that extends past humans, rather humans and animals alike.
My dog worships me even when I'm not so good to him...he wags his tail just as fast and furiously when I return home after leaving him for all day or for just a few minutes.
Psalm 145:10, 15-16, 21 These verses seem to imply all creation looks to the Lord for sustenance; and blesses and praises Him.

Do you know why dogs get so excited when you come home....mine does as well. They didn't think we were coming back!
C.S.Lewis created an idea that the Earth and all the space bordered by that side of moon that we can see (as we can see just half of the moon and the other half is turned away from us all the time) is fallen. But out of this area there exist other intelligences and creations that are not fallen and they worship God. They know about the Earth and try to isolate this fallen space in order to keep themselves clear. In Perelandra, 2nd part of the trilogy, a man from the Earth visits the planet Venus and witnesses to a new emerging kind of humanity. There happens similar struggle with sin as Adam end Eve experienced. It´s the best picture of the world before the fall I have ever heard.
It´s just story, but I really like the idea of other life forms created by God. I can´t say that I believe there are any of them but I like the idea.
But I like fantasy literature, I like elves and hope to meet them one day, I may be weird :)

If you are weird, then so am I. I used to read fantasy literature as well; but I've never read that book by C.S.Lewis. I will be checking it out.

Lately though, I find the truths in the Bible to be more interesting, and I've put the novel reading off a bit. There are many stories in the OT, which if I use my imagination, can be colored with details that make them come alive.

While I do not see the Bible speaking about life on other planets, I also do not see the Bible excluding the idea specifically. There may be! But personally, I think what people are perceiving as aliens today are actually demonic manifestations to deceive people. Thousands of people think the aliens are benevolent beings who are coming to "save" earth. Thus, people don't think they need God because the aliens will "save" them. I just have one question for these people: If these beings are so benevolent, why are they consistently "abducting" people and poking around on them surgically?
Agreed! It would mean exactly that, as God is impartial.

The reason God did not die for the angels is because the angels are a greater creation then us. Unlike us, they are not excused by scripture like Rom 7:15 I do not understand what I do :whistle:. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate, I do.

Yes, and also they are without excuse for sinning because they were consciously aware and IN HIS PRESENCE when they sinned.
The odds of there not being life on other planets is astronomically high. Look at how many galaxies, solar systems, and planets there are.

Do you know scientists have determined that if the universe were off by one-one millionth of a degree (gravity, speed, temperature, matter); that OUR VERY OWN planet would not exist? That kind of sounds like God created the whole universe with just us in mind, to me. ...just saying...
Do you know why dogs get so excited when you come home....mine does as well. They didn't think we were coming back!

That makes me wonder if all the people who don't think Jesus is coming back will be "wagging" their heads (or evolutionary, left-over bits of tailbone) when He actually does come back!
It is stated clearly in the Bible that God created beasts and other forms of life only on the earth and for the purposes of engagements with the humans that are created in His own image. The creation of other forms of life in the universe is not only unmentioned throughout the Bible but would mean as KingJ stated....that Jesus went to another planet and died for them too, something exceedingly unlikely. Therefore, IMO life can only exist on earth.

I don't think it's unlikely.

We do understand a lot though. A dolphin's brain is considered second to ours. But that is still not saying much.

Have you ever thought that they are actually more intelligent than us, or even equally as intelligent?!? Since when has man had the power to make us better than they are. God created them too, does that not deserve respect? Our Lord made them too and we classified us as better, more important, and more intelligent. The people at the time of Jesus didn't decide that we are smarter than they, we have done that recently.

Tell me if I am wrong. Dolphins and Orca Whales have advanced ways to hunt, more advanced than our ways will be for centuries. More animals than just dolphins and monkeys can recognize themselves in mirrors, so can a slim percentage of dogs! Animals taught humans how to raise babies, and feed them. We have milk because a man saw a calf drinking from its mother!! And we are smart? Yeah?

Since when have we had the right to classify other creatures created by God below us?
Have you ever thought that they are actually more intelligent than us, or even equally as intelligent?!? Since when has man had the power to make us better than they are. God created them too, does that not deserve respect? Our Lord made them too and we classified us as better, more important, and more intelligent. The people at the time of Jesus didn't decide that we are smarter than they, we have done that recently.

Tell me if I am wrong. Dolphins and Orca Whales have advanced ways to hunt, more advanced than our ways will be for centuries. More animals than just dolphins and monkeys can recognize themselves in mirrors, so can a slim percentage of dogs! Animals taught humans how to raise babies, and feed them. We have milk because a man saw a calf drinking from its mother!! And we are smart? Yeah?

Since when have we had the right to classify other creatures created by God below us?

Answer: Since the Genesis account at least (about 6000 years ago).

Gen_1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Gen_1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Gen_2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. (Adam named the creatures, and I imagine he also tried to classify the creatures when he noticed some were similar to each other.)

Have you ever thought that they are actually more intelligent than us, or even equally as intelligent?!? Since when has man had the power to make us better than they are. God created them too, does that not deserve respect? Our Lord made them too and we classified us as better, more important, and more intelligent. The people at the time of Jesus didn't decide that we are smarter than they, we have done that recently.

Tell me if I am wrong. Dolphins and Orca Whales have advanced ways to hunt, more advanced than our ways will be for centuries. More animals than just dolphins and monkeys can recognize themselves in mirrors, so can a slim percentage of dogs! Animals taught humans how to raise babies, and feed them. We have milk because a man saw a calf drinking from its mother!! And we are smart? Yeah?

Since when have we had the right to classify other creatures created by God below us?

Dolphins and orca whales may have advanced technique for hunting; however, can they invent the computer? God equipped the animals with special skills/instincts they needed to survive, but He equipped man with reasoning powers that far exceed the ability of any animal. Why do you think He did this? Because He wanted to commune with His creation...!

I think we have milk because the first woman who breast-fed her baby naturally recognized what was going on when a calf suckled its mother. I don't think a male had much to do with that process...;)
I completely agree! God created us all, the animals first, then humans. There is no reason that animals cannot worship God. In my mind, God made us all equal and I personally think that that extends past humans, rather humans and animals alike.

I believe God requires us to treat animals kindly; but also to have dominion over them. God did not send His Son to die for the animals though...only us. The Old Testament Law given by God, gives very specific descriptions of how to treat animals, how to humanely offer them for sacrifice, and how to exercise dominion over animals. It seems clear to me that He did not intend for us to consider animals our equal but He does intend for us to treat them with respect simply because they are His creation. But at no time do I understand God to mandate us to give animals precedence. They are here for our benefit, not vice versa. I believe that is why He created animals first...in preparation for mankind's interest, amusement, love, and practical uses.

God is awesome (in the old-fashioned sense of the word). He does use the animal kingdom to teach us many spiritual truths which would otherwise be hard for us to understand unless we were familiar with and studied the animals. Perhaps this is the best reason for why He created the animals.
Do you know scientists have determined that if the universe were off by one-one millionth of a degree (gravity, speed, temperature, matter); that OUR VERY OWN planet would not exist? That kind of sounds like God created the whole universe with just us in mind, to me. ...just saying...
But even less than a millionth of a percent is hospitable to us so I don't think it was all for us. I mean it's kind of overkill just to have lights in the night sky.
But even less than a millionth of a percent is hospitable to us so I don't think it was all for us. I mean it's kind of overkill just to have lights in the night sky.

But ASUK, you are missing my point.... I did not say less than a millionth of a percent is hospitable to us....I said the opposite was true! According to what scientists have determined about our ENTIRE universe, based on their calculations stemming from the "big bang theory". If we had less than .000001 percent degree of gravitational pull, temperature fluctuation, volume of mass, etc., OUR PLANET would not exist. Overkill? Do you really believe the only purpose of the other planets, stars, comets, etc. are merely to be lights in the night sky? NOOOO! They are there to create balance in this delicately and finely tuned, brilliantly adjusted, and mysterious universe we live in. And this information comes from the modern scientists of whom most are confessed atheists....! I am merely making the notation that due to this new-found fact discovered by science, it causes me to raise my head and look to my Creator with awe.

"just to have lights in the night sky..." !!!:confused:
Lewis's space trilogy is great... especially Perelandra.

I disagree with the logic of saying there can't be intelligent life elsewhere in the universe because Jesus would have to die for them too. It assumes two things:
  1. The other lifeforms are also fallen.
  2. If they are fallen, Jesus is obligated to save them.
Neither of these are necessarily true. Angels, for example, are intelligent lifeforms. Two thirds of them didn't sin, and therefore didn't need to be redeemed. And the third that did sin did not obligate Jesus to die for them. Salvation is purely by grace.

I think it possible that there could be life on other planets, but not because the universe has a huge number of stars (and presumably planets). God can do what He wants. He may have populated the universe with other forms of life, or He may not. Whichever it is is not important for us to know, otherwise God would have told us.
Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens! Praise him from the skies! Praise him, all his angels! Praise him, all the armies of heaven! Praise him, sun and moon! Praise him, all you twinkling stars! Praise him, skies above! Praise him, vapors high above the clouds! Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being. He set them in place forever and ever. His decree will never be revoked. Praise the LORD from the earth, you creatures of the ocean depths, fire and hail, snow and clouds, wind and weather that obey him, mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all livestock, small scurrying animals and birds, kings of the earth and all people, rulers and judges of the earth, young men and young women, old men and children. Let them all praise the name of the LORD. For his name is very great; his glory towers over the earth and heaven! He has made his people strong, honoring his faithful ones— the people of Israel who are close to him. Praise the LORD! (‭Psalms‬ ‭148‬:‭1-14‬ NLT)