C.S.Lewis created an idea that the Earth and all the space bordered by that side of moon that we can see (as we can see just half of the moon and the other half is turned away from us all the time) is fallen. But out of this area there exist other intelligences and creations that are not fallen and they worship God. They know about the Earth and try to isolate this fallen space in order to keep themselves clear. In Perelandra, 2nd part of the trilogy, a man from the Earth visits the planet Venus and witnesses to a new emerging kind of humanity. There happens similar struggle with sin as Adam end Eve experienced. It´s the best picture of the world before the fall I have ever heard.
It´s just story, but I really like the idea of other life forms created by God. I can´t say that I believe there are any of them but I like the idea.
But I like fantasy literature, I like elves and hope to meet them one day, I may be weird