ALL THINGS COVID - fresh in the aftermath of the fallout from the saga

Dear Forumsite Family,

This is a discussion I would like to open up with the permission of the moderators.
I hope I have posted in the correct space.

How was it for you during this time. What was your most difficult experience.
Any regrets, any losses. Any observations. Any lessons.

I will myself come back with my own experience :(
I just posted on your other thread... and thankfully I was still under edit time... so there is now a cute little period with my name beside it. HAHA and I will move this on over to here.

Good morning Mercedes Benz E Class ... as I read your words above.... it reminded me of how NOT on the same page I seem to be with most Christians on a great many social and political issues. I truly wear the "black sheep" title well. HAHA.

I am a recluse... a troll... a hermit... whatever title one wants to put on someone who is a solitary soul. I don't get out much and that was the case PRE-COVID.... MID-COVID.... TAIL-END COVID :)... and POST-COVID.

Since I do not work and live on a limited budget.... plus I live on cash with no debts owing to anyone... I was UNAFFECTED by this terrible time of turmoil.

I take an opposite view of what many Christians have taken. I do not feel that we were in the least persecuted... I actually take offence to that term being used in light of what MANY CHRISTIANS in other countries are facing on a daily basis. It is my opinion that we were INCONVENIENCED... and because the church was a CROWD/LARGE gathering... they were made to comply... just like everyone else did. I understand that in Christian circles... my opinion is unpopular according to the status quo.... and I am OK with that. :D

Ironically.... when everyone else was suffering... God chose to heal me of decades long depression in the summer of 2021.... from that day forward.... I was filled to overflowing with JOY and I still live in the condition of absolute GRATITUDE for all the BLESSINGS poured upon me.

I did get COVID.... and I was sick for about a month. It is not an ailment I would like to repeat. After getting sick... I chose to get vaccinated... I have two shots... that were given 6 weeks apart. I am good with that... It was a choice I made in the second year of the pandemic. I was not coerced or tricked into anything... but I have been told that I was tricked and deceived.... and that is what makes me angry. WE have suddenly lost our FREEDOM to respectfully make choices.... without 1000's of nosey parkers weighing in about what they think WE should have done.

What deeply offends me is the shift in making EVERYTHING political. Being Canadian... we are used to living and let live... minding our own business and doing according to our conscience. SUDDENLY... that does not seem to even be allowed anymore.

Anyways... yet another topic that I stick out on as DA BLACK SHEEP. HA.

Have a beautiful day. I hope you have returned to stay for awhile.
Gosh... Mercedes Benz E Class .... I guess I got fooled by your name and just ASSUMED you were from USA. HA. on me.
You are from Africa.... WOW..... I am looking forward to hearing your experiences of Covid.

I do UNDERSTAND that I did NOT suffer BECAUSE.... I am on a disability pension and don't work.....and so I do not mean for my opinion to BELITTLE the HORRIFIC DAMAGE that was done ECONOMICALLY.... not to mention the loss of jobs for those who refused to get the shot.

I am NOT right.... This is not about right for me.... Just wanted to clarify that... I HONOUR the stories that others may tell here in this thread.

Looking forward to reading about people's experiences.

I think in my case... GOD showed me great mercy at a time where the world was falling apart. I was not affected negatively ( other than when I got COVID ) because of how I lived pre-covid ( rather isolated ).

God bless us ALL.
I just posted on your other thread... and thankfully I was still under edit time... so there is now a cute little period with my name beside it. HAHA and I will move this on over to here.

Good morning Mercedes Benz E Class ... as I read your words above.... it reminded me of how NOT on the same page I seem to be with most Christians on a great many social and political issues. I truly wear the "black sheep" title well. HAHA.

I am a recluse... a troll... a hermit... whatever title one wants to put on someone who is a solitary soul. I don't get out much and that was the case PRE-COVID.... MID-COVID.... TAIL-END COVID :)... and POST-COVID.
A Divergent? :)
Since I do not work and live on a limited budget.... plus I live on cash with no debts owing to anyone... I was UNAFFECTED by this terrible time of turmoil.
This is beautiful, I have since become averse to debt.
I take an opposite view of what many Christians have taken. I do not feel that we were in the least persecuted... I actually take offence to that term being used in light of what MANY CHRISTIANS in other countries are facing on a daily basis. It is my opinion that we were INCONVENIENCED... and because the church was a CROWD/LARGE gathering... they were made to comply... just like everyone else did. I understand that in Christian circles... my opinion is unpopular according to the status quo.... and I am OK with that. :D
I do think they were planning a persecution. Already they were studying people at a micro level who were "too religious". Plus there are accounts of patients in hospitals being branded according to religion (secretly). It just all didnt work out that well, it was too much too fast too soon. Online as well, hence term "Misinformation" - which we really know is just the truth.

With time, given biblical prophecy, God will allow this. How and when it happens is not clear. They do say COVID was just a test run. It revealed the chinks in their system, which they are working on.

Ironically.... when everyone else was suffering... God chose to heal me of decades long depression in the summer of 2021.... from that day forward.... I was filled to overflowing with JOY and I still live in the condition of absolute GRATITUDE for all the BLESSINGS poured upon me.
Amen, I do believe He has a present for His kids. At His choosing.
I did get COVID.... and I was sick for about a month. It is not an ailment I would like to repeat. After getting sick... I chose to get vaccinated... I have two shots... that were given 6 weeks apart. I am good with that... It was a choice I made in the second year of the pandemic. I was not coerced or tricked into anything... but I have been told that I was tricked and deceived.... and that is what makes me angry. WE have suddenly lost our FREEDOM to respectfully make choices.... without 1000's of nosey parkers weighing in about what they think WE should have done.
And thats the beauty of forums, I think everyone deserves to have their own views. I like to say that if God wont choose heaven or hell for you, who are we to force. You were in your right mind and it was your choice, who are we. I respect you.
What deeply offends me is the shift in making EVERYTHING political. Being Canadian... we are used to living and let live... minding our own business and doing according to our conscience. SUDDENLY... that does not seem to even be allowed anymore.
Canadian hunh! Thats nice to hear.
Anyways... yet another topic that I stick out on as DA BLACK SHEEP. HA.
Black sheep, tell me about it! I think I come to forums because I feel like I need to get away from the norm.
Have a beautiful day. I hope you have returned to stay for awhile.
I definitely have returned to stay a while! Blessed Day.
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Gosh... Mercedes Benz E Class .... I guess I got fooled by your name and just ASSUMED you were from USA. HA. on me.
You are from Africa.... WOW..... I am looking forward to hearing your experiences of Covid.
Yes I am :) Our COVID experience was a little different. It highlighted the greed (and Im sorry to say but its true) of ruling officials. With us it was used as a money train. So those who needed the help from the fallout, in terms of business etc - the money just disappeared. I will say more later.
I do UNDERSTAND that I did NOT suffer BECAUSE.... I am on a disability pension and don't work.....and so I do not mean for my opinion to BELITTLE the HORRIFIC DAMAGE that was done ECONOMICALLY.... not to mention the loss of jobs for those who refused to get the shot.

I am NOT right.... This is not about right for me.... Just wanted to clarify that... I HONOUR the stories that others may tell here in this thread.

Looking forward to reading about people's experiences.

I think in my case... GOD showed me great mercy at a time where the world was falling apart. I was not affected negatively ( other than when I got COVID ) because of how I lived pre-covid ( rather isolated ).
And I am happy about that. God Bless
God bless us ALL.
AWE..... that was so lovely.... thank you for your kind words to my heart Mercedes Benz E Class.

I'm not sure but I think I am one of the NEWER kids on the block here. I arrived in October of 2023.
People here have been so kind to me... I am accepted as I am... and as a result.... I am GROWING :D
AND... my heart is getting soft ( in a good way ).

In real life... I am a LONER... I love being alone with God. My life is simple and filled with JOY and PEACE and
this is how I choose to live.

I do think they were planning a persecution. Already they were studying people at a micro level who were "too religious". Plus there are accounts of patients in hospitals being branded according to religion (secretly). It just all didnt work out that well, it was too much too fast too soon. Online as well, hence term "Misinformation" - which we really know is just the truth.

With time, given biblical prophecy, God will allow this. How and when it happens is not clear. They do say COVID was just a test run. It revealed the chinks in their system, which they are working on.
I find your words to be VERY interesting. My little brain does not think like this.. and because I am UNCHURCHED... I am unaware of the political AGENDA around me. It's does NOT affect me because I live outside of the WORLD. I very much understand that this is NOT a normal way to live... however... it works for me... and so with that said... I do NOT listen to anyone's THEORIES about what is going on. I just shut it all out and shut it down because the ONLY thing that matters to me is PRAISING FATHER....THANKING HIM... WORSHIPPING HIM for the GLORIOUS GOD that HE IS. WE are all made differently. I need my life to be SIMPLE and again... FATHER has lavished me with His MERCY and GRACE.

I am HAPPY to hear your words. I am BLESSED to know that it is well with YOUR SOUL. and that is something I can give thanks for.

I hope you get the conversation that you desire in this thread. GOD BLESS YOU.

Love, In CHRIST.... Your Canadian sister EH :D
Yes I am :) Our COVID experience was a little different. It highlighted the greed (and Im sorry to say but its true) of ruling officials. With us it was used as a money train. So those who needed the help from the fallout, in terms of business etc - the money just disappeared. I will say more later.
That is very sad... but I have a feeling that this was a PROBLEM across the board... Not just in your country.
Good morning, Mercedes and In Awe of Him;

You two "new besties" are making me weep. 😭

😅 lol!

During covid my wife and I wore the bloody masks, then learned a huge difference between N95 (US standard) masks, KN95 (Chinese) and the fashionable cloth masks. Many hospitals, nursing facilities, etc...forced me to use the correct mask or I couldn't enter.

Unfortunately, approximately 3.5 million people died worldwide. It was a time that came and went by so fast but there was left over damage to people's lives.

I caught the virus and was bedridden for 2 weeks. The only way to describe my symptoms was I felt weird (in my head) and slept a lot. My doctor prescribed paxlovid and I was better within a week.

This may not sink in but the Lord knew this would happen, many went to be with Him, and He was with us through it all to where we are today. For that I give all the praise to His Wonderful Name.

I caught the virus and was bedridden for 2 weeks. The only way to describe my symptoms was I felt weird (in my head) and slept a lot. My doctor prescribed paxlovid and I was better within a week.
It was definitely a WEIRD virus... For about two months... I could not tolerate anything with vinegar... it was putrid... I threw out 2 bottles of vinaigrette dressing thinking it had gone bad.... It wasn't until I washed some vegetables in vinegar and water that I realized what was going on. I was sick with flu like symptoms for a week.

Unfortunately, approximately 3.5 million people died worldwide
WOW.... I did not know this. WOW.
Mine was an odd journey

The country shut down in early March; however, in January, the wife and I had spent a couple of weeks in Memphis, TN. We both got sick just before returning to Miami and had flu-like symptoms for around three days.

My wife and I both work for our school district. She is a teacher and I am a director of investigations.

When we closed down the district, we had about a week to get it together for remote teaching and work.

Since all our kids are grown and gone, we had room at the house. I have a den and a fully functional office. We converted one of the bedrooms into a "classroom" for the wife. We had high-speed internet, fax machines, and I, as a serious geek, had enough computers and screens to build an impressive office for both of us. The hardest part was working with people who did not understand the technology (video conference, digital signatures, etc).

It was actually pretty fantastic. I had a full tank of gas in March and did not have to buy gas again until August. We never officially got CIVID, but during that year's physical, they found COVID antibodies in our system, so we probably got it back in January before anyone knew what it was.

Unfortunately, we did have some friends die from COVID complications, we were just fortunate that none of us got it.

Below is the very first selfie I took of my wife and me on our very first COVID grocery run. PS. I added the zombies post-production.

The following year was not that bad either. The schools opened but limited the number of kids that could physically attend. I and my guys worked two days at the office and three at home. That lasted for the entire year. We did not go back to "normal" until the year following that.

IMG_20200409_220327_723 (1).jpg
Good morning, Mercedes and In Awe of Him;

You two "new besties" are making me weep. 😭

😅 lol!

During covid my wife and I wore the bloody masks, then learned a huge difference between N95 (US standard) masks, KN95 (Chinese) and the fashionable cloth masks. Many hospitals, nursing facilities, etc...forced me to use the correct mask or I couldn't enter.

Unfortunately, approximately 3.5 million people died worldwide. It was a time that came and went by so fast but there was left over damage to people's lives.

I caught the virus and was bedridden for 2 weeks. The only way to describe my symptoms was I felt weird (in my head) and slept a lot. My doctor prescribed paxlovid and I was better within a week.

This may not sink in but the Lord knew this would happen, many went to be with Him, and He was with us through it all to where we are today. For that I give all the praise to His Wonderful Name.


Amen Bob. Really touching.
Mine was an odd journey

The country shut down in early March; however, in January, the wife and I had spent a couple of weeks in Memphis, TN. We both got sick just before returning to Miami and had flu-like symptoms for around three days.

My wife and I both work for our school district. She is a teacher and I am a director of investigations.

When we closed down the district, we had about a week to get it together for remote teaching and work.

Since all our kids are grown and gone, we had room at the house. I have a den and a fully functional office. We converted one of the bedrooms into a "classroom" for the wife. We had high-speed internet, fax machines, and I, as a serious geek, had enough computers and screens to build an impressive office for both of us. The hardest part was working with people who did not understand the technology (video conference, digital signatures, etc).

It was actually pretty fantastic. I had a full tank of gas in March and did not have to buy gas again until August. We never officially got CIVID, but during that year's physical, they found COVID antibodies in our system, so we probably got it back in January before anyone knew what it was.

Unfortunately, we did have some friends die from COVID complications, we were just fortunate that none of us got it.

Below is the very first selfie I took of my wife and me on our very first COVID grocery run. PS. I added the zombies post-production.

The following year was not that bad either. The schools opened but limited the number of kids that could physically attend. I and my guys worked two days at the office and three at home. That lasted for the entire year. We did not go back to "normal" until the year following that.

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Thats amazing.

Whats really great about this is that no two people are the same. And as the bible says "each heart knows its own grief". Only you could feel what you really felt. What your family felt, your church felt, work mates felt that no one else could appreciate.

For us it was crazy. Crazy economically especially. I mean the whole household got sick. Except the dog! But even then who knows. Maybe they also got hit by something - the dogs.

I remember just feeling aweful. You couldnt do anything but wine away. Sleeping throughout. I always love the LORD because He has such a wonderful way of reminding you or whispering into your ears what to do. I have since come to respect those urges or unctions, sometimes ever so subtle but nevertheless effective.

Went and got lemonade and lemon juice and headache tablets and just mixed it all up. Tons of lemons. That was the drink of choice for the family at home. Because everyone got sick. By God's grace we survived it.

It was just funny that at the end of the sickness we went to town, all of us. And I asked can anyone smell that. I thought my senses were playing me. At the time of asking we had walked away from the bakery, but there was this sweet lingering smell, you couldnt get it out of your nose.

And I have a sweet tooth yet it got to me. Because in the house in the morning next day there was this cakey, bakey, sweet icingy smell. It was aweful. But it went.

Needless to say it was an aweful time. The president declaring the lockdowns and then having to flee to get home on time "lest the army catches you". I mean why was the army policing normal average daily citizens. There were inevitably reports of people being beat down.

And it was over ridiculous things like, a young man would be walking somewhere and the soldiers would stop him and ask him why were his pants so low, or why did he have a hat on whilst talking to them. And they would kick him to the ground. It was crazy.

Someone says the reason we never really witness soldiers interacting with average citizens is because they are trained to kill. So how is it that average citizens where being guarded by trained war machines.

I liken the whole covid saga to using a canon to kill a fly. It was an extreme sport of another realm. And I probably do mean realm because for me it was inspired by spiritual forces, intergalactic forces using the earth as their battle ground and the prize? The human soul.

It showed to me, that a new era has dawned (I hate to use the words new normal) but the gloves are off and the forces are at war. Well let me get out of my transformer mode - its end times. They are hastey because time is short.

God as always is cool and sits unperturbed on His throne. I see a beautiful white maned male lion, ever so massive, with a mane to rival anything, a cool breeze gently and softly sweeping through His mane, ever so white, ever so crispy, ever so resplendent, with light. I love Him.

He is good. The Christian is to learn number one this is not our territory. Number two we cannot be ignorant of evil. Too trusting sometimes. Where the world is going is not good. If any of us are left on this side of eternity, we have to get into gear. Firm up our relationship with God to the nth power. You can tell I am traumatised by this thing. It felt like a war on the human soul. I do think many people have post war whatever you call it (is it ptsd or something) will they try it again. It was aweful.

This whole thing, either brought many closer to Christ, as the material possessions became dross before them. That was certainly the case for us.

I thank God for COVID though, it put God in His rightful place for me and for that I bless Him truly.
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Mercedes Benz E Class ......WOW..... just WOW... you so articulately and beautifully described the EFFECTS of this strange time.
As I was reading your post describing all the different aspects which you experienced/witnessed.... it hit me that this was truly a time of so much CHAOS and FEAR. I managed to escape all that... due to how I live a solitary life.

I remember just feeling aweful. You couldnt do anything but wine away. Sleeping throughout. I always love the LORD because He has such a wonderful way of reminding you or whispering into your ears what to do. I have since come to respect those urges or unctions, sometimes ever so subtle but nevertheless effective.
I think I described to Bob the odd reaction I had with the smell/taste thing. It was a very VERY bad taste from VINEGAR so I'm assuming ACID products as... lemons had the same effect on me. This is something that took a while for me to figure out because it was so bizarre... and that lasted way BEYOND my "sick time" with the virus.... about 6 weeks until my taste buds returned to normal. I was NEVER so happy to eat a salad with a vinegar dressing.:D
Needless to say it was an aweful time. The president declaring the lockdowns and then having to flee to get home on time "lest the army catches you". I mean why was the army policing normal average daily citizens. There were inevitably reports of people being beat down.

And it was over ridiculous things like, a young man would be walking somewhere and the soldiers would stop him and ask him why were his pants so low, or why did he have a hat on whilst talking to them. And they would kick him to the ground. It was crazy.

Someone says the reason we never really witness soldiers interacting with average citizens is because they are trained to kill. So how is it that average citizens where being guarded by trained war machines.

I liken the whole covid saga to using a canon to kill a fly. It was an extreme sport of another realm. And I probably do mean realm because for me it was inspired by spiritual forces, intergalactic forces using the earth as their battle ground and the prize? The human soul.

It showed to me, that a new era has dawned (I hate to use the words new normal) but the gloves are off and the forces are at war. Well let me get out of my transformer mode - its end times. They are hastey because time is short.
and here... we have the age old problem of ABUSE of POWER.... It's EVERYWHERE my dear sister. It's in offices of politicians... policemen... the military... work places.... It's EVIL... and THANKFULLY... for us as Christians... we have the HOPE and the PROMISE that GOD sees it all.... and one day HE will deal with it ALL.

WE should have suffered DIFFERENTLY as Christians.... and by that... I mean... we HAVE as believers... the ALL POWERFUL AND ALMIGHTY our friend... advocate and protector. The world does NOT have this security.
I have no idea... and can't imagine the absolute horror and turmoil the non-believers went through during this NASTY time.
YOU are right my dear sister.... we have entered the NEW REALITY/NEW NORMAL. WE can never go back. Those who abused us with their power... will never be trusted again. WE saw the cracks open and much TRUTH came out.
I BELIEVE that GOD used this to WAKE up HIS CHILDREN... to be more careful with their finances... their need of STUFF.... their wasteful ways. It brought us or SHOULD have brought us to this place of DEEP reflection of our lives.
For me... this was the time of realizing that I was way... way more BLESSED than I could ever have realized. The fact that I had been living frugally for many years.... that I was forced to live on cash due to being on a disability was shown to be to be a HUGE blessing and a FREEDOM if you will because... I had EVERYTHING I needed. I never looked at it that way UNTIL the pandemic.

God as always is cool and sits unperturbed on His throne. I see a beautiful white maned male lion, ever so massive, with a mane to rival anything, a cool breeze gently and softly sweeping through His mane, ever so white, ever so crispy, ever so resplendent, with light. I love Him.

He is good. The Christian is to learn number one this is not our territory. Number two we cannot be ignorant of evil. Too trusting sometimes. Where the world is going is not good. If any of us are left on this side of eternity, we have to get into gear. Firm up our relationship with God to the nth power. You can tell I am traumatised by this thing. It felt like a war on the human soul. I do think many people have post war whatever you call it (is it ptsd or something) will they try it again. It was aweful.

This whole thing, either brought many closer to Christ, as the material possessions became dross before them. That was certainly the case for us.
Your reflections are spot-on. This is a beautiful wording about our WONDERFUL SAVIOUR.
ALL this....... BUT GOD was COOL....( love it ) and HE was UNPERTURBED!!!! Isn't that so comforting?? Didn't blink an eye...
I see a beautiful white maned male lion, ever so massive, with a mane to rival anything, a cool breeze gently and softly sweeping through His mane, ever so white, ever so crispy, ever so resplendent, with light. I love Him.

This is quite possibly ONE of the most beautiful collection of written words I have ever read. WOW. I love HIM too...

I absolutely agree with what you have written in such a profoundly moving way. THANK YOU.

When you first posted your desire to TALK ABOUT the fall out of COVID... I thought ... OH NO... this is going to be yet another RANT on all the rights and freedoms we lost.... but this.... THIS is what we SHOULD be talking about.

GOD BLESS you precious sister.... for lavishing us with such lovely and beautiful words.
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Those were odd times. Being six feet away from everyone and wearing those masks. I remember ordering "stuff" from Amazon and leaving it in the sunlight for a couple of hours before opening it up.
I remember those times so well... I don't get much mail... but my landlords do and OH my goodness... parcels and letters were put in JAIL for a very long time before being RELEASED. To their defence... my landlords are NOT believers and they were PETRIFIED of this virus. That is the saddest part is all the FEAR that was manufactured and promoted from this.
Mercedes Benz E Class ......WOW..... just WOW... you so articulately and beautifully described the EFFECTS of this strange time.
Why thank you sister :)

As I was reading your post describing all the different aspects which you experienced/witnessed.... it hit me that this was truly a time of so much CHAOS and FEAR. I managed to escape all that... due to how I live a solitary life.

I think I described to Bob the odd reaction I had with the smell/taste thing. It was a very VERY bad taste from VINEGAR so I'm assuming ACID products as... lemons had the same effect on me. This is something that took a while for me to figure out because it was so bizarre... and that lasted way BEYOND my "sick time" with the virus.... about 6 weeks until my taste buds returned to normal. I was NEVER so happy to eat a salad with a vinegar dressing.:D
6 months was too long

and here... we have the age old problem of ABUSE of POWER.... It's EVERYWHERE my dear sister. It's in offices of politicians... policemen... the military... work places.... It's EVIL... and THANKFULLY... for us as Christians... we have the HOPE and the PROMISE that GOD sees it all.... and one day HE will deal with it ALL.
Its like they sent each other a brief of some sort. It seemed all govs everywhere were the same

WE should have suffered DIFFERENTLY as Christians.... and by that... I mean... we HAVE as believers... the ALL POWERFUL AND ALMIGHTY our friend... advocate and protector. The world does NOT have this security.
I have no idea... and can't imagine the absolute horror and turmoil the non-believers went through during this NASTY time.
All of this. Because I never imagined that we had our Father to lean on so no need to worry. Imagine the world, all they have is them. This was traumatic. I think its funny that since then when I tell my friends about Christ, they have stopped the resistance. In fact during and after this time most people opened up when we ministered the gospel. They must have clicked that there are powers out there and thus started to look for God.

The biggest thing is the harvesting of souls. Thats all I think its all about. Bringing people to Jesus. And the harvest is certainly ripe!!!! I am excited, the world can do what it does, but Jesus has His priority, and He wants no one lost. May we partner with you Father.

YOU are right my dear sister.... we have entered the NEW REALITY/NEW NORMAL. WE can never go back. Those who abused us with their power... will never be trusted again. WE saw the cracks open and much TRUTH came out.
I BELIEVE that GOD used this to WAKE up HIS CHILDREN... to be more careful with their finances... their need of STUFF.... their wasteful ways. It brought us or SHOULD have brought us to this place of DEEP reflection of our lives.
For me... this was the time of realizing that I was way... way more BLESSED than I could ever have realized. The fact that I had been living frugally for many years.... that I was forced to live on cash due to being on a disability was shown to be to be a HUGE blessing and a FREEDOM if you will because... I had EVERYTHING I needed. I never looked at it that way UNTIL the pandemic.
You know what, I learned to respect cash as well. The wastefulness and frivolous spending has since been reviewed. Great news is you dont need as much. And if we have more, it should be for others. Whew was that one steep learning curve.

Your reflections are spot-on. This is a beautiful wording about our WONDERFUL SAVIOUR.
Yay! Thank you.

ALL this....... BUT GOD was COOL....( love it ) and HE was UNPERTURBED!!!! Isn't that so comforting?? Didn't blink an eye...
I see a beautiful white maned male lion, ever so massive, with a mane to rival anything, a cool breeze gently and softly sweeping through His mane, ever so white, ever so crispy, ever so resplendent, with light. I love Him.

This is quite possibly ONE of the most beautiful collection of written words I have ever read. WOW. I love HIM too...
So appreciate this. Truly.

I absolutely agree with what you have written in such a profoundly moving way. THANK YOU.

When you first posted your desire to TALK ABOUT the fall out of COVID... I thought ... OH NO... this is going to be yet another RANT on all the rights and freedoms we lost.... but this.... THIS is what we SHOULD be talking about.

GOD BLESS you precious sister.... for lavishing us with such lovely and beautiful words.

Thank you my precious sister in Christ. Evidently it was and is and will always be about Christ. Whatever the purpose and goal of this thing, the funny thing is all it did was highlight the truth, highlight evil and if not waking people up was their goal, well, this whole saga had the exact opposite effect.

God ALWAYS wins.
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Dear Forumsite Family,

This is a discussion I would like to open up with the permission of the moderators.
I hope I have posted in the correct space.

How was it for you during this time. What was your most difficult experience.
Any regrets, any losses. Any observations. Any lessons.

I will myself come back with my own experience :(
Mercedes my recollections upon COVID was that it almost made Australia a prison state within itself. Firstly a persons right to what goes into their bodies medically with the right to say NO was frowned upon very much. I guess you did have that right to say no to some degree. The right to say no simply meant you lost job more so with those in the medical profession nurses or many in the government agencies. Many basic freedoms were taken from us with the stroke of a pen and much medical evidence was denied and condemned that went contrary to government policy . IMG_4094.jpeg. Considering that over 99 percent of people recovered it does make one wonder at harshness of the laws. Were the lockdowns really required perhaps in old people’s homes. Yes. But the rest of society could have functioned quite well. Considering the aftermath of mental issues and suicide caused by the isolation not all cope well with isolation so well . Along with many businesses that were destroyed mainly the small business sector. Big business seemed to do just fine. Covid was largely exaggerated very much. It is interesting that nearly all flu death tallies suddenly evaporated and were merged into Covid deaths in many places around the world. The tragedy and lesson that we should learn from all of this is just how easy it is to control and manipulate society under the guise of a virus. We can only hope that wiser checks are put in place and our democracies diligently evaluate the next epidemic more wisely and not rush to judgment so quickly.
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