Mine was an odd journey
The country shut down in early March; however, in January, the wife and I had spent a couple of weeks in Memphis, TN. We both got sick just before returning to Miami and had flu-like symptoms for around three days.
My wife and I both work for our school district. She is a teacher and I am a director of investigations.
When we closed down the district, we had about a week to get it together for remote teaching and work.
Since all our kids are grown and gone, we had room at the house. I have a den and a fully functional office. We converted one of the bedrooms into a "classroom" for the wife. We had high-speed internet, fax machines, and I, as a serious geek, had enough computers and screens to build an impressive office for both of us. The hardest part was working with people who did not understand the technology (video conference, digital signatures, etc).
It was actually pretty fantastic. I had a full tank of gas in March and did not have to buy gas again until August. We never officially got CIVID, but during that year's physical, they found COVID antibodies in our system, so we probably got it back in January before anyone knew what it was.
Unfortunately, we did have some friends die from COVID complications, we were just fortunate that none of us got it.
Below is the very first selfie I took of my wife and me on our very first COVID grocery run. PS. I added the zombies post-production.
The following year was not that bad either. The schools opened but limited the number of kids that could physically attend. I and my guys worked two days at the office and three at home. That lasted for the entire year. We did not go back to "normal" until the year following that.
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Thats amazing.
Whats really great about this is that no two people are the same. And as the bible says "each heart knows its own grief". Only you could feel what you really felt. What your family felt, your church felt, work mates felt that no one else could appreciate.
For us it was crazy. Crazy economically especially. I mean the whole household got sick. Except the dog! But even then who knows. Maybe they also got hit by something - the dogs.
I remember just feeling aweful. You couldnt do anything but wine away. Sleeping throughout. I always love the LORD because He has such a wonderful way of reminding you or whispering into your ears what to do. I have since come to respect those urges or unctions, sometimes ever so subtle but nevertheless effective.
Went and got lemonade and lemon juice and headache tablets and just mixed it all up. Tons of lemons. That was the drink of choice for the family at home. Because everyone got sick. By God's grace we survived it.
It was just funny that at the end of the sickness we went to town, all of us. And I asked can anyone smell that. I thought my senses were playing me. At the time of asking we had walked away from the bakery, but there was this sweet lingering smell, you couldnt get it out of your nose.
And I have a sweet tooth yet it got to me. Because in the house in the morning next day there was this cakey, bakey, sweet icingy smell. It was aweful. But it went.
Needless to say it was an aweful time. The president declaring the lockdowns and then having to flee to get home on time "lest the army catches you". I mean why was the army policing normal average daily citizens. There were inevitably reports of people being beat down.
And it was over ridiculous things like, a young man would be walking somewhere and the soldiers would stop him and ask him why were his pants so low, or why did he have a hat on whilst talking to them. And they would kick him to the ground. It was crazy.
Someone says the reason we never really witness soldiers interacting with average citizens is because they are trained to kill. So how is it that average citizens where being guarded by trained war machines.
I liken the whole covid saga to using a canon to kill a fly. It was an extreme sport of another realm. And I probably do mean realm because for me it was inspired by spiritual forces, intergalactic forces using the earth as their battle ground and the prize? The human soul.
It showed to me, that a new era has dawned (I hate to use the words new normal) but the gloves are off and the forces are at war. Well let me get out of my transformer mode - its end times. They are hastey because time is short.
God as always is cool and sits unperturbed on His throne. I see a beautiful white maned male lion, ever so massive, with a mane to rival anything, a cool breeze gently and softly sweeping through His mane, ever so white, ever so crispy, ever so resplendent, with light. I love Him.
He is good. The Christian is to learn number one this is not our territory. Number two we cannot be ignorant of evil. Too trusting sometimes. Where the world is going is not good. If any of us are left on this side of eternity, we have to get into gear. Firm up our relationship with God to the nth power. You can tell I am traumatised by this thing. It felt like a war on the human soul. I do think many people have post war whatever you call it (is it ptsd or something) will they try it again. It was aweful.
This whole thing, either brought many closer to Christ, as the material possessions became dross before them. That was certainly the case for us.
I thank God for COVID though, it put God in His rightful place for me and for that I bless Him truly.