ALL THINGS COVID - fresh in the aftermath of the fallout from the saga

Mercedes my recollections upon COVID was that it almost made Australia a prison state within itself. Firstly a persons right to what goes into their bodies medically with the right to say NO was frowned upon very much. I guess you did have that right to say no to some degree. The right to say no simply meant you lost job more so with those in the medical profession nurses or many in the government agencies. Many basic freedoms were taken from us with the stroke of a pen and much medical evidence was denied and condemned that went contrary to government policy . View attachment 12558. Considering that over 99 percent of people recovered it does make one wonder at harshness of the laws. Were the lockdowns really required perhaps in old people’s homes. Yes. But the rest of society could have functioned quite well. Considering the aftermath of mental issues and suicide caused by the isolation not all cope well with isolation so well . Along with many businesses that were destroyed mainly the small business sector. Big business seemed to do just fine. Covid was largely exaggerated very much. It is interesting that nearly all flu death tallies suddenly evaporated and were merged into Covid deaths in many places around the world. The tragedy and lesson that we should learn from all of this is just how easy it is to control and manipulate society under the guise of a virus. We can only hope that wiser checks are put in place and our democracies diligently evaluate the next epidemic more wisely and not rush to judgment so quickly.

Hi Prim,
Australia hunh?. Yeah we read and heard a lot about Australia. I mean after what I witnessed there I started to come accross deep research on Australia, your leaders were also just over eager (putting it mildly). I think at the time Australia and New Zealand were doing the most.

I learnt that in life, the best liars construct a narrative in which the lie holds. So for example, I would set up a scenario, with a beggar at the mall or somewhere. I would quickly tell that beggar to agree to anything I say so that I can film an interview with him in which he agrees to mention that he is my long lost cousin and I am giving him my car (which I would take away). Post this to social media and then boom, it goes viral. I could put a fake bandaid on my hand and video call my boss telling him why I cant make it to work.

Now that is next level lying. They constructed a narrative that forced you to adhere. That is manipulative, coersive and the whole nine yards. How do you tell someone if you dont sign here you dont eat - it eerily makes me think of the mark.

In short for me all of this was abuse, deception and all. I hate what was done. It was phycological warfare.

The lockdowns were... I have no words.
Dear Forumsite Family,

This is a discussion I would like to open up with the permission of the moderators.
I hope I have posted in the correct space.

How was it for you during this time. What was your most difficult experience.
Any regrets, any losses. Any observations. Any lessons.

I will myself come back with my own experience :(
Well, I guess I will have to be the exception. We really did not have any real problems. A few inconveneousess but no real problems.

Living in Central Florida, our governor did not mandate masks and because I have COPD, that was a real blessing. Our governor did not require Churches to stop meetings and all the businesses were open.

IN the middle of the crisis, I had to go to Gettysburg Pn. for a funeral. It was a disaster! Almost all the motels and restaurants were closed.

We did instigate several changes at church so as to be on the active safe mode. We blocked off every other pew, stopped the offering plate and social greetings. We did not have any cases in our church.

My wife and I got all the vaccinations when they were available and neither of us had the virus.
Mercedes my recollections upon COVID was that it almost made Australia a prison state within itself. Firstly a persons right to what goes into their bodies medically with the right to say NO was frowned upon very much. I guess you did have that right to say no to some degree. The right to say no simply meant you lost job more so with those in the medical profession nurses or many in the government agencies. Many basic freedoms were taken from us with the stroke of a pen and much medical evidence was denied and condemned that went contrary to government policy . View attachment 12558. Considering that over 99 percent of people recovered it does make one wonder at harshness of the laws. Were the lockdowns really required perhaps in old people’s homes. Yes. But the rest of society could have functioned quite well. Considering the aftermath of mental issues and suicide caused by the isolation not all cope well with isolation so well . Along with many businesses that were destroyed mainly the small business sector. Big business seemed to do just fine. Covid was largely exaggerated very much. It is interesting that nearly all flu death tallies suddenly evaporated and were merged into Covid deaths in many places around the world. The tragedy and lesson that we should learn from all of this is just how easy it is to control and manipulate society under the guise of a virus. We can only hope that wiser checks are put in place and our democracies diligently evaluate the next epidemic more wisely and not rush to judgment so quickly.
Well, I guess I will have to be the exception. We really did not have any real problems. A few inconveneousess but no real problems.

Living in Central Florida, our governor did not mandate masks and because I have COPD, that was a real blessing. Our governor did not require Churches to stop meetings and all the businesses were open.

IN the middle of the crisis, I had to go to Gettysburg Pn. for a funeral. It was a disaster! Almost all the motels and restaurants were closed.

We did instigate several changes at church so as to be on the active safe mode. We blocked off every other pew, stopped the offering plate and social greetings. We did not have any cases in our church.

My wife and I got all the vaccinations when they were available and neither of us had the virus.

Good morning,

After reading your posts re Australia and Covid, reminded me during the early part of Covid, how the Bible Study teacher in our neighborhood "heard from someone" that I had not been vaccinated. I was surprised he learned about my private business. I told him that's correct so he would not allow me to attend Bible study until I got vaccinated. 😮!!! Seriously?
I was taken aback and felt alienated by my neighborhood friends, as if I had leprosy.

Time went on and I got up to 4-5 jabs of mRNA or Moderna vaccine. Finally when I went back to Bible Study nobody said anything after someone made a stink.

While California was closing down going to work, school or attending Church, Florida's Governor DeSantis kept the schools and Churches open. That was bold but favorable and this increased faith and educational learning for students. It was also a time when thousands of Californians had enough and were relocating to Florida.

believers in our state were serious about leaving. We seriously considered moving to Idaho, Nevada, West Virginia but we felt called to stay behind on God's orders. 🙏 People in this state are still people.
Good morning,

After reading your posts re Australia and Covid, reminded me during the early part of Covid, how the Bible Study teacher in our neighborhood "heard from someone" that I had not been vaccinated. I was surprised he learned about my private business. I told him that's correct so he would not allow me to attend Bible study until I got vaccinated. 😮!!! Seriously?
I was taken aback and felt alienated by my neighborhood friends, as if I had leprosy.

Time went on and I got up to 4-5 jabs of mRNA or Moderna vaccine. Finally when I went back to Bible Study nobody said anything after someone made a stink.

While California was closing down going to work, school or attending Church, Florida's Governor DeSantis kept the schools and Churches open. That was bold but favorable and this increased faith and educational learning for students. It was also a time when thousands of Californians had enough and were relocating to Florida.

believers in our state were serious about leaving. We seriously considered moving to Idaho, Nevada, West Virginia but we felt called to stay behind on God's orders. 🙏 People in this state are still people.
Bob seems you were one of the lonely lepers who were made to feel the full wrath of a world hierarchy gone mad with power for a time. It takes anywhere up to 6 yrs of rigid testing to legally put such vaccines on the market. No one should ever be forced. into such a predicament when it comes to one’s health and what goes into your body. For those of us who lived through the era. We live and learn life goes on.
Good morning,

After reading your posts re Australia and Covid, reminded me during the early part of Covid, how the Bible Study teacher in our neighborhood "heard from someone" that I had not been vaccinated. I was surprised he learned about my private business. I told him that's correct so he would not allow me to attend Bible study until I got vaccinated. 😮!!! Seriously?
I was taken aback and felt alienated by my neighborhood friends, as if I had leprosy.

Time went on and I got up to 4-5 jabs of mRNA or Moderna vaccine. Finally when I went back to Bible Study nobody said anything after someone made a stink.

While California was closing down going to work, school or attending Church, Florida's Governor DeSantis kept the schools and Churches open. That was bold but favorable and this increased faith and educational learning for students. It was also a time when thousands of Californians had enough and were relocating to Florida.

believers in our state were serious about leaving. We seriously considered moving to Idaho, Nevada, West Virginia but we felt called to stay behind on God's orders. 🙏 People in this state are still people.

I think, for me anyways there are people I just would never trust again after covid

It was in a sense a blessing as they showed themselves

I am telling you people were fixing to be snitches

The psycho warfare was real yet they like to gaslight people as if nothing happened

At its core this whole mess shows how dark forces operate
Like Major my situation stayed mostly normal as the company I work for has government contracts considered critical. At church we had been preparing to put our service on youtube for the shut ins of our congregation. When covid came and the church got shut down, we were able to post sermons to our channel. God is so far ahead of us! He had already prepared our way. I did see how others were treated in their states and countries, it was bad behaviour from government globally. Sadly for the globalists far worse is coming from the anti-christ.
Like Major my situation stayed mostly normal as the company I work for has government contracts considered critical. At church we had been preparing to put our service on youtube for the shut ins of our congregation. When covid came and the church got shut down, we were able to post sermons to our channel. God is so far ahead of us! He had already prepared our way. I did see how others were treated in their states and countries, it was bad behaviour from government globally. Sadly for the globalists far worse is coming from the anti-christ.
Our church did a good job. Mostly services were on "Zoom" Well, the services were recorded at church or from home, but with very limited people. The service was recorded, but attendance was on Zoom.
Our church did a good job. Mostly services were on "Zoom" Well, the services were recorded at church or from home, but with very limited people. The service was recorded, but attendance was on Zoom.

Hey rtm;

When you say limited people on ZOOM, are we talking 60, 70 of more or less?

When we ZOOMED we had barely 20. It wasn't right for me ask, text, call or email, "how come you weren't in attendance?" I would never do that but it was asked of me by former Pastors and I didn't personally like that.

God bless you, brother.
Hey rtm;

When you say limited people on ZOOM, are we talking 60, 70 of more or less?

When we ZOOMED we had barely 20. It wasn't right for me ask, text, call or email, "how come you weren't in attendance?" I would never do that but it was asked of me by former Pastors and I didn't personally like that.

God bless you, brother.
It's hard to know for sure. It was done in groups, so I only saw those in my group.

For a while, they even had the worship team perform from their respective residences. It was interesting.
Do we remember this kind of government tactic? This was in the state of Minnesota, USA.

Good morning, Big Moose;

I'm watching and learning for the first time this curfew happened in the Twin Cities in 2020. It didn't look pretty, the National Guard enforcing the curfew. I had my share of criticizing the government for decisions like this video that continue to surprise me even today.

I truly believe God hears my prayers and arguments regarding the world's leaders and their decisions who seek peace, not just in America.

Logic is revealed to me in my prayers. The leaders that made decisions like the curfew in the Twin Cities had their reasons. I'm assuming there was unrest in the streets for the Twin Cities to order the curfew.

They discussed and debated until a course of action was reached. Or, are the leaders in Minnesota just a bunch of unqualified leaders? I don't discern that.

God bless you, Big Moose, and thank you for sharing this unfortunate happening in Minnesota.

Do we remember this kind of government tactic? This was in the state of Minnesota, USA.

That was an illustration of why police officers must be psychologically evaluated before hiring to elimininate bullies from consideration. That kind of action is reminiscent of the SS behavior in Nazi Germany, not in democratic America.
Good morning, Big Moose;

I'm watching and learning for the first time this curfew happened in the Twin Cities in 2020. It didn't look pretty, the National Guard enforcing the curfew. I had my share of criticizing the government for decisions like this video that continue to surprise me even today.

I truly believe God hears my prayers and arguments regarding the world's leaders and their decisions who seek peace, not just in America.

Logic is revealed to me in my prayers. The leaders that made decisions like the curfew in the Twin Cities had their reasons. I'm assuming there was unrest in the streets for the Twin Cities to order the curfew.

They discussed and debated until a course of action was reached. Or, are the leaders in Minnesota just a bunch of unqualified leaders? I don't discern that.

God bless you, Big Moose, and thank you for sharing this unfortunate happening in Minnesota.


I tried looking for information, but there really is not much.
When considering the masks we were all made to wear which didn’t in anyway stop the virus. And the truth be known were more detrimental to our health in denying us all that outdoor fresh air and sunshine the best remedy against a virus. Denied us by the government goon squads. I take with a grain of salt the offical government line . As to the Canadian truckers it was a protest against government overreach. In the end the government froze their bank accounts to continue to have their way.
When considering the masks we were all made to wear which didn’t in anyway stop the virus. And the truth be known were more detrimental to our health in denying us all that outdoor fresh air and sunshine the best remedy against a virus. Denied us by the government goon squads. I take with a grain of salt the offical government line . As to the Canadian truckers it was a protest against government overreach. In the end the government froze their bank accounts to continue to have their way.

Personally, after researching the problem with Canada's "Emergencies Act" and it's truckers, I sided with the truckers.
They had highly stressful "time schedules" beside driving safe and staying awake. They didn't have time to reconcile the government's agenda and hindering the truckers from making their major deliveries.

I am a fan of "keep on trucking!"