ALL THINGS COVID - fresh in the aftermath of the fallout from the saga

Personally, after researching the problem with Canada's "Emergencies Act" and it's truckers, I sided with the truckers.
They had highly stressful "time schedules" beside driving safe and staying awake. They didn't have time to reconcile the government's agenda and hindering the truckers from making their major deliveries.

I am a fan of "keep on trucking!"
When considering the masks we were all made to wear which didn’t in anyway stop the virus. And the truth be known were more detrimental to our health in denying us all that outdoor fresh air and sunshine the best remedy against a virus. Denied us by the government goon squads. I take with a grain of salt the offical government line . As to the Canadian truckers it was a protest against government overreach. In the end the government froze their bank accounts to continue to have their way.
The mask thing did not bother me. In fact, to a certain extent, it was like a security blanket. To some extent, I felt more comfortable wearing a mask. It felt kind of like it does when you are sitting in the sofa and wrap a light blanket over you. We (me and the wife) did not have a shortage of sunlight or fresh air, but not in public places. I remember the wife and I going for walks in the evening and moving to the street to allow other people to pass us on the sidewalk.

We do have a long history of this, going back way longer than the CIVID thing. In some places, particularly Asia, it is almost a social expectation.

I still have two people who come to work wearing masks. I'm not sure why, and I don’t ask, but I guess people have a right to do whatever they want.
The mask thing did not bother me. In fact, to a certain extent, it was like a security blanket. To some extent, I felt more comfortable wearing a mask. It felt kind of like it does when you are sitting in the sofa and wrap a light blanket over you. We (me and the wife) did not have a shortage of sunlight or fresh air, but not in public places. I remember the wife and I going for walks in the evening and moving to the street to allow other people to pass us on the sidewalk.

We do have a long history of this, going back way longer than the CIVID thing. In some places, particularly Asia, it is almost a social expectation.

I still have two people who come to work wearing masks. I'm not sure why, and I don’t ask, but I guess people have a right to do whatever they want.
Yes you right . People should be able to choose as they wish . Sadly that option was a one street during Covid and wasn’t given. As I said the medical facts are that the mask gave you no protection from Covid
Personally, after researching the problem with Canada's "Emergencies Act" and it's truckers, I sided with the truckers.
They had highly stressful "time schedules" beside driving safe and staying awake. They didn't have time to reconcile the government's agenda and hindering the truckers from making their major deliveries.

I am a fan of "keep on trucking!"
Bob fully agree.,where would we all be without our truckers ❤️
Yes you right . People should be able to choose as they wish . Sadly that option was a one street during Covid and wasn’t given. As I said the medical facts are that the mask gave you no protection from Covid
Well, I look at it this way. It did not bother me a bit, and it made those who were in fear feel better.

I do not like the fact that the government forces you to wear a seatbelt. It's your car, your life, your decision. However, in the big picture, is does impact others.
Well, I look at it this way. It did not bother me a bit, and it made those who were in fear feel better.

I do not like the fact that the government forces you to wear a seatbelt. It's your car, your life, your decision. However, in the big picture, is does impact others.
Well RTM it did not bother me so much either. It was ok walking around like an Arabian beauty with the mask. But for others they had some troubles breathing and for others they didn’t like the smell of their breath or rebreathing their own breath some. IMG_4094.jpeg. As to the seat belt there be no comparison. Wearing a seat belt saves you from having your brains smashed up against the cars window or being thrown out of the dar if your windows be open. The cheapy masks we were all made to wear gave no protection against Covid. About the only thing that they help you some with is with industrial pollution as you mentioned of them wearing masks all the time in certain parts of Asia because industrial pollution is rampant. IMG_4094.jpeg. As to making making others feel better because they were in fear. That was the exact manipulation they used in trying force everyone in Australia to take the vaccines. You became a leper for refusing to take. A self centred Person that put the well being of your fellow man at risk. It turned Australian against Australian. RTM the only Big picture I saw was that Big government was able to strip our basic human rights to the bone.
Well RTM it did not bother me so much either. It was ok walking around like an Arabian beauty with the mask. But for others they had some troubles breathing and for others they didn’t like the smell of their breath or rebreathing their own breath some. View attachment 12582. As to the seat belt there be no comparison. Wearing a seat belt saves you from having your brains smashed up against the cars window or being thrown out of the dar if your windows be open. The cheapy masks we were all made to wear gave no protection against Covid. About the only thing that they help you some with is with industrial pollution as you mentioned of them wearing masks all the time in certain parts of Asia because industrial pollution is rampant. View attachment 12582. As to making making others feel better because they were in fear. That was the exact manipulation they used in trying force everyone in Australia to take the vaccines. You became a leper for refusing to take. A self centred Person that put the well being of your fellow man at risk. It turned Australian against Australian. RTM the only Big picture I saw was that Big government was able to strip our basic human rights to the bone.
I told myself if can smell anything through a mask, what then of tinee tiny microorganisms?
Microorganisms can permeate rubber gloves.

The ratio between a hairpin passing through a doorway can never compare to the amount
of bacteria that can pass through a mask. Its a hopeless way of limiting bacteria. Maybe a
hazmat suit, even then its those that you get in end of the world nuclear disaster movies.

I did get that feeling of comfort when I wore a mask, I wanted to be in my own world, it lulls
you into a sense of security, you just feel comfy but thats because the brain is deprived of
oxygen - in fact it is fixing to put you to sleep! Yikes.

I have asked pregnant women standing all alone in public spaces in 20 metre radiuses to
remove their masks. Poor baby!

The thing I like about God is that He created such a massive expansive huge atmosphere
for many reasons. Whatever it is in there needs to be diluted, and whatever wannabe
pathogens need to be arrested.

Then the "scientists" come and tell us you only need access to about half a cup of air
and recycled air at that! Are they playing with my Heavenly Father?!

I dont know what air is measured in but it would be quadrillions of cubic air metres
that circulate from ocean to mountains to country to country from countries with
sunshine, those with pollen then oceanic touches, touches of cow perfume everything
that we need - mixing it all up like in one big earth pot.

It dilutes chemicals but imagine the concentration of chemicals in a cup full size of air.
Cup size of air recylced on a cloth thats got plastic fabrics, further heating up more
chemicals for you to inhale?

Masks were a test of obedience.
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Masks were a test of obedience.
I cannot agree with the sinister plot you seem to feel occurred...

There seems to be a DEEP SCIENTIFIC reason given for something that was truly meant to protect ourselves if not at least a LITTLE bit from
spit molecules of others. I am not thinking this was 100% effective because there were a lot of LOOSE fitting masks.

Anyways... I am not a scientist... I know things went wrong... perhaps a lot of things went wrong. At this point... it's done and over with... and lessons learned for the future which is NEVER a bad thing.
I have asked pregnant women standing all alone in public spaces in 20 metre radiuses to
remove their masks. Poor baby! Masks were a test of obedience.

Good morning, Mercedes Benz E Class;

I never thought of my masks on a sub-contextual level but we're all just sharing our thoughts, eh?

Speaking for myself. If I saw a pregnant woman wearing a mask in public I would not ask her to remove it out of respect to her space. She probably had instruction from her doctor and it's really none of my business.

Today I know she had a healthy baby.

During Covid people were uncomfortable wearing face masks and felt it hindered their breathing when outside, walking, working, exercising or worshiping the Lord in a group setting.

The masks, whether surgical or cloth didn't cause increase or decrease in carbon dioxide blood levels or heart rates, etc...They were just uncomfortable for most people, but at the time it was meant to protect against Covid-19.

For me I wore the mask and didn't think about it and went about my business.

I guess in a way wearing the mask was being obedient but in my role there were bigger issues at stake where my obedience was tested and had to remain focused.

Today my wife and I are fine, thank you, Lord. We still have a box of those N-95 masks and a clean bag of cloth masks.

Again, we're just sharing our thoughts and thank you, sister.

God bless you, Mercedes Benz E Class.

Good morning, Mercedes Benz E Class;

I never thought of my masks on a sub-contextual level but we're all just sharing our thoughts, eh?

Speaking for myself. If I saw a pregnant woman wearing a mask in public I would not ask her to remove it out of respect to her space. She probably had instruction from her doctor and it's really none of my business.

Today I know she had a healthy baby.

During Covid people were uncomfortable wearing face masks and felt it hindered their breathing when outside, walking, working, exercising or worshiping the Lord in a group setting.

The masks, whether surgical or cloth didn't cause increase or decrease in carbon dioxide blood levels or heart rates, etc...They were just uncomfortable for most people, but at the time it was meant to protect against Covid-19.

For me I wore the mask and didn't think about it and went about my business.

I guess in a way wearing the mask was being obedient but in my role there were bigger issues at stake where my obedience was tested and had to remain focused.

Today my wife and I are fine, thank you, Lord. We still have a box of those N-95 masks and a clean bag of cloth masks.
Again, we're just sharing our thoughts and thank you, sister.

God bless you, Mercedes Benz E Class.


God bless you my brother