Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

I am sitting here after midnight
trying diligently to write something
as my thoughts race deep within
personal spiritual philosophies
and I find myself jumbled
like Scabble letters in a bag
spilled out upon a cold table
left there for all to see
in a mess of alphabet glory
and I smile
cause it reminds me of home-made soup
gooey cheese sandwiches
conversations yet to be had
in the sunshine of my happiness
I am sitting here after midnight trying diligently to write something as my thoughts race deep within personal spiritual philosophies and I find myself jumbled like Scabble letters in a bag spilled out upon a cold table left there for all to see in a mess of alphabet glory and I smile cause it reminds me of home-made soup gooey cheese sandwiches conversations yet to be had in the sunshine of my happiness

Dear thenami;

In your Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties, "conversations yet to be had in the sunshine of my happiness"

reminded me of Lamentations 3:22-23, 22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.

The new morning is a miracle covered by His mercies.

God bless
you, thenami.

go away mr snowman
you dont belong on my lawn
did not anyone inform you
this is the south
you dont have to pack that carrot
and please leave my hat

there's ice on my laser blue Jeep
she doesnt like it at all
Hanna prefers sand in her tires
salt water spray tans
nice warm mud baths
or to frolic in fields of green

be gone stuff of white
poof and melt away
this is not why we live here
you are the worst guest ever
so giddy up and go
we will not miss you

stay up north where you belong...
a barren tree produces shade
it stands bold against sunshine
for a purpose it remains still
even if we do not understand

do flood waters clear a path
or fire provide more nutrients
did the winds carry seeds
and all make the earth grow

for everything there is a reason
from the smallest detail
to the largest blue whale
we are here to glorify our Lord

it is a beautiful thing indeed
knowing we have been made
and loved enough to exist
in His big galaxy from dust

created in His image
what a wonderous mystery
we may never have many answers
and thats ok with me

Im simply special being here...

ox' amen
When I was around 3 or so, my mom would put me inside a 2 wheeled shopping cart.
it was one of those that folded for storage, and it hurt to sit in the bottom of it.
However, it was better than walking all the way to the Key Food in both directions.
Sometimes my mom would have more money than others, and buy me Snowballs.
You know those pink, coconut, and marshmallow covered, cream filled chocolate cakes.
I absolutely still love the darn things with a passion like no other because of this.

I bought some for myself when I went shopping yesterday, and they brought me to tears.
When I got home and sat at the table, all I could think of was my mom and our adventures.
She would have to wait till my brother and sister were at school to shop for groceries.
Never learning how to drive out of anxiety and fear, we had to walk most places.
Subways, busses, trains, and our feet carried us everyplace she needed to be.
There I was sitting at my table remembering these outings, and places we had been.

Snowballs in hand, I was crying over them like a lost friend I haven't seen in years.
Now, I think she bought them so I would be quiet on the long walk back home.
Its funny how magical they still are to me, and how much I will always miss my mom.
They dont quite taste the same now but still evoke childhood excitement.
I can envision a magician in my mind saying "presto" you can eat one now.
...and Poof they were gone.
what is the right thing
what is the wrong thing

are there in between the lines shredded texts
like a wet newspaper laid upon the ground
to keep the weeds and light out
and stop all from growing

my soul is exceedingly filled
turmoil frustration anxiety
when does this contemplation seize
there seems to be too much dirt sometimes

we all know what happens with a shovel
sometimes they uncover bigger messes

as I sit here in my silence I feel sick
for I know in my heart I have been wronged
do I hurt those who place me in harm's way
or keep my mouth shut and make peace

an old slogan comes to mind from childhood
make love not war

make love not war

power behind words do not ease my consciousness
especially in the conundrum of right and wrong
is the Christian thing to allow myself to be in a sense abused
my good nature to be taken advantage of

or do we do what the world would do and speak
in my heart I do not currently know

contemplation subjugation motivation
these are the things that lead to altercation
is all of this a want need or what is right
when is praying and leaving all in God's hands not enough?

I have my answer already so why do I feel like crap
the time to get on my knees is now...
Our Father whom art in the glorious heavens above
in the name of Your precious Son Jesus Christ
hallowed shall your name remain forever
give me the strength and patience to do you will
to know in my heart how to decipher right from wrong
in careful contemplation organization for any justification

praise love and thanksgiving my Father of undeserving mercy
this world can truly be an evil place filled with contempt
please protect me from it and cover me in your loving kindness
I understand your grace eternal glory and the power of the holy spirit
which I feel inside me knowing you are here with me every step
every breath every blink every thought in my mind you are here

may your bright light of love shine upon me today Lord
give me strength give me courage give me compassion
give me patience to persevere for I know I am unworthy
as I sit here I wipe my earthy tears in great hope
knowing you Father have given me the greatest gift of all
for your great love is sufficient to cover the worlds sins

the older I get

having peace inside my heart
knowing peace of mind
and living peacefully

is more important than being right
even if what others are doing is wrong

and that is letting go and letting God
no matter how hard it is

we have a lifeguard that wont let us drown
for He can walk on water!
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its just another Valentines Day gone
with years of tears remaining for me still,
maybe I should find this boring and yawn
but its seems Im on a yearly refill,

I do try not to mourn but it gets me
an understanding like no other thing,
this love wont leave my heart and let it be
as my memories cause my eyes to sting,

so I will choke on some dark chocolate
and buy myself some cheap flowers again,
I'll eat the entire box you can bet
and recall romantic times of where or when,

to wallow in sorrow is an art form
as I said goodbye to those I have loved,
a collage of tissues becomes the norm
when my emotions inside them get shoved,

I bid you farewell day of Valentine
you came you conquered and then you did leave,
you took some more of the sorrow thats mine
while another year passed and helped me grieve...

I finally did it
poor Hanna
my laser blue baby
the Jeep Jeep

she has a boo boo
on her tail gate
there is a ding
Im a bad mom

only took me 5 years
its been that long
already? wow
Im baffled

Ive been a member
through a bit
reality creeps
or can be one

just creepy I say...
I finally did it
poor Hanna
my laser blue baby
the Jeep Jeep

she has a boo boo
on her tail gate
there is a ding
Im a bad mom

only took me 5 years
its been that long
already? wow
Im baffled

Ive been a member
through a bit
reality creeps
or can be one

just creepy I say...

Awwww, thenami;

It's just a cosmetic ding, right? It is fixable?

Praying the Lord will provide His provisions for you.

God bless you, sister.

Yes she can be fixed, as it is a small ding. She is my first ordered new car though.

God will never break my heart
or leave me depressed or blue,

He picks me up when I fall apart
and guides when I dont have a clue,

He gives me hope when I lose my way
a road map He does leave for me,

His light does brighten everyday
so I do not stumble and I can see,

His Son Jesus Christ died for us all
eternal salvation is His free gift,

He helps me up when I do fall
His loving kindness a thoughtful lift :)
we believe and will receive its written
through Jesus Christ when asked in prayer,
faith comes by hearing and Ive been bitten
with the fellowship love bug and Im a share(r),

it is the substance of all things hoped for
and evidence of things not seen with eyes,
with God all is possible so open that door
discover His truth and light no disguise,

we cannot save ourselves this we know
it is by grace and love we have this gift,
water your heart with His words and grow
deeply rooted no longer seeds adrift,

just ask the Lord for wisdom He will lead
your life prayers actions and pathway,
He hears our deepest thoughts as we plead
and grants us with eternal hope every day

human deception grows like weeds
in the garden of discontentment
it seems they get plenty of sunshine
standing tall among the flowers they choke

I do not rust them at all with their disguise
pretending to be prized and beautiful
therefore I pluck them out quickly
before they spread further in the ground

then my sweet little hyacinths and snapdragons
can spout forth to spread their leaves boldly
as my tulips await to blossom big and bright
telling their truths before all who enjoy them

remember to rip out the roots of evil
for they multiply quickly when watered
they do wither away when discarded in the trash
and will leave you with a beautiful garden