Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

Its been dark to long today
The night closes in,
and darkness retires to make another play.

Momma says, its ok at school Teachers
Help you to follow the rules.
It will help you stay close to Christ.
And built you to take on the fight.

But I like fun, the rules are out there.
I want enjoy now, I got no time to care.
I do what I please, no time to kneel on my knees.
You speaking of sin, no 4th angel now.
So keep your faith to yourself, stop telling me how.

I got life in front of me.
Don't be telling me what I gotta be.
I'll come to the Lord when I get tired and board.
I can repent later, labor later. No time to stop
the life I'm liven.
I'll look later, for the gift he's given.

My life ended before I thought.
My sins grew and repented not.
I will live life alone in eternity.
Instead of with his Grace from the Trinity,
its like Im a bargain pirate
with a giant quest in a slew of chaos
digging searching in nooks and through books
among the sometimes dusty memories
forgotten somehow on the shelves
of casserole dishes pots and what nots
only to find items even more worn that mine
or a bunch of stuff even I would donate
then sometimes I get lucky in my plucky
for yesterday I found a really nice dress
it is my birthday next week so Im going out
with family and friends to greet then eat

in my newly recycled designer $6 treasure :)
God is a Puzzle ( inspired by Garage posting)

God is a puzzle.

I am born and God starts putting my puzzle together.
He has my life all laid out on the table. Pieces everywhere.
He starts by putting one corner of my life together first for me.
This way he has created a border for my life to be. Can't wait until he is done.

I'm now 15 but, I've been pretty busy, guess I should check in on God.
See what my puzzle of life in he has for me. I am sure he is done now.
He just now finished all the corners? I'll check back soon ok God?

Time flies.. I go and visit God again.
I notice at age 30, God is not even working very hard
on my puzzle. All this time and he has only got half done.
If you could have put it together faster. That would have been
helpful. Why are you taking so long I think.

OK, Life was pretty busy with out knowing my puzzle.
So have not had time until now to check in with God.
I am now 50, I go to God and he has been working hard these
Last 20 years. Looks like just four pieces left. Maybe my talk inspired him?

But I am no spring chicken. Could have used this 30 years ago.
Pretty Disappointed. I thought God had a plan. Glad I didnt
hang out and wait all that time.

I turn 60 thought Id check in. Been pretty busy not much time to
check in on God the last 10 years.
I go and visit and I notice one piece is not done. What the heck ?
I have waited 60 years for him to finish my life puzzle and then what
he takes a break? And God is no where to be found?
But wait there is a note on the table. Needs Missing Piece.

Oh well I, I know it will be done by the next time I see him.
I mean he is God he cant lose something, I laugh, and yet I am irritated
its not done. I wonder if trying to follow his work on that puzzle was a waste of time?

I wake up one day. I feel very strange. I realize I am not long among the living.
I feel a hand on my shoulder. Its God.

I turn and yep, its God. But I got some questions.
I said why did you take so long with my puzzle?
I have no idea what I was to do with my life.
You had my pieces and did nothing, and I never got to see the last piece.
You lost it ?

God, said.
It was you that were to put the puzzle together. Its your Life. You have free will.
But I helped. I saw you struggle so I put the corners on for you.
I saw you needed help and I helped even more.
You kept coming back to look at the puzzle but never helped.

So if I was to build the Puzzle, I was to do all the work?
So what about all this talk about God has a plan for us?
Is there one? Yes.

OK, well what about the last piece, I never could have finished without it.
God sighs, and says. You are the puzzle that you needed to build with my Son.
And I was the missing piece.

Had you helped build the Puzzle with me, you would have seen this.
I am tired and running on empty
eyes drowning in my own exhaustion
my feet are still burning yet Im sitting
hunger is calling but I dont have any energy
as I quietly wallow in this moment of peace
wanting it to last long enough to sleep

yet sleep is an illusion only Houdini himself
can muster through the waving of a wand
no abra cadabras here in this household
I might as well eat buttered toast with some tea
cause there isnt much else I can get myself
while I keep dragging along this life

no hot bath in the world can soothe me
my weary soul can only find rest in the Lords arms
He hears my woes of the day yet again
as I pray for closure to this working nightmare
of power outages angry customers crying children
and the endless phone calls I couldnt aswer

so thank you father for this peace
my quiet wallowing in this moment
before I finally can crash and fade from this place
and enter your gift of slumber with dreams of heaven
filling myself with stale toast and weak tea
cause it really all is a blessing right now...
might my salvation shine with a soft radiance
meek mild marvelous in its elegance and grace

may everything I perform in life be unto the Lord
in a subtle creative artistic expression to enhance

this beautiful natural world He creates for us daily
He is our choreographer dancer musician artist

our master mathematician scientist and philosopher
might we humble ourselves in dignity and kindness

with careful consideration with smallest manners
for all we do in this life has consequences

may we remember to give Him thanksgiving
and the glory in all things~

might my salvation shine with a soft radiance meek mild marvelous in its elegance and grace may everything I perform in life be unto the Lord in a subtle creative artistic expression to enhance this beautiful natural world He creates for us daily He is our choreographer dancer musician artist our master mathematician scientist and philosopher might we humble ourselves in dignity and kindness with careful consideration with smallest manners for all we do in this life has consequences may we remember to give Him thanksgiving and the glory in all things~

Top o' the morning, thenami;

It's nice logging on at CFS, having my good morning coffee and enjoying Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties

God bless you, sister, and thank you for keeping this going.
Love in Verse

charity is full of love long and kind
we rejoice in scriptural truth we find,
he that loves not our Lord does not know
that without Him his pure love cannot grow,

we do love our Lord with soul and heart
united in body never apart,
so love your neighbor as yourself it's said
from within our hearts its easily spread,

will we give our life for each other?
there is no greater love for a brother,
may we keep His commandments in this life
and be kept comforted in times of strife,

may mercy peace and love be multiplied
especially to those whose souls have cried,
I pray to you my Lord they need rest most
in the name of our Father Son and holy ghost~


(just a quickly inspired by scripture write)
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working its way towards midnight my clock reminds me
that another night of little sleep awaits my tired body
my eyes will be covered by my uncomfortable mask
as my mind races along another endless array

rejoice in the Lord always again I say rejoice (clap clap)
Im stick on band aids cause band aids stuck on me
guess what was on the radio today while I was driving
I wonder where my old riding leathers are in my closet

or anything else that doesnt matter or make sense
someone just knock me out and put me out of misery
just long enough to rest quietly in my clean bedding
made up all nice with my plethora of plump pillows

it really is a very nice place Ive put together
in shades of cream light blues off whites and gray
makes me wanna go to sleep for a while but then
BING- Im wide awake again thinking about nonsense

guess thats why back in the day no one had insomnia
they were too tired from actually working to survive
to give a hoot about if they could fall asleep or not
they were happy to sleep on a bed made from hay

we really are spoiled Americans huh Lord? Yep.
I missed most of you today
you are all in my thoughts
not a day goes by
I dont think about one of y'all

sometimes a scent will shed a tear
maybe I silently sighed a long sigh
or I smiled at a bad dad joke
it was one someone would have shared

there are too many of you these days
haunting my minds memories
tugging on old heart strings
and making me feel lonely

some of you wont be there
when I do finally go home
thank you for the good moments
but it does make me sad

I will rejoice with most of you
and my tears will turn into happiness
cause its rough sometimes
being left behind here

its getting to be a smaller circle
which I dont like at all
but it is what it is as they say

cant wait till we meet in heaven....
its getting to be a smaller circle which I dont like at all but it is what it is as they say
cant wait till we meet in heaven....

Hello thenami;

At times while reading Alphabet Soup Garden Varieties I come across an alphabet that needs pronouncing. (lol! Get it?)

Please elaborate what I
blue-lighted of your post? What does it mean?

God bless
you, thenami, and thank you
always for sharing.
