Thank you so much for your support comment, In Awe of Him.
I can identify and commiserate with your feelings of "intimidation", for it is a feeling which I experience when approaching new media or a commissioned project. "I can't do this!" rings in my head and I will let you know how I overcome that feeling:
I let go of any expectation that I need to produce a "good" product and get into the process. It is said that the only thing we truly possess is this moment and I get into the moment, the "aesthetics of the transitory".
We all like to have a product to show for our expended energies, and if I am displeased with that product, I do it over and over and over again, sometimes even more displeased with the product. Yet, when I separate myself from the product and come back to it, I see it in a new light, and am okay with it, not focusing on the mistakes.
You mentioned "supplies" for which you paid for or were gifted to you. Oh, that is an impediment for me, for I need not waste good art implements with my bad products. To this day, some 30 years ago when art became a daily thing for me, I continue to feel this way. What I do nowadays to relieve that feeling of high expectation is to purchase cheap supplies to just play with, for the majority of these cartoons are created on a cheap Walmart 97 cent notebook tablet using a Pilot gel pen and Sharpie highlighters.
Using inexpensive or cheap materials really allows me to let go and express myself and if a good idea comes out of it, I'll recreate with my better materials. For example, January 6 image was sketched in my cheap notebook and I liked the idea, but wanted to get an old magazine feel with it, so I used my more expensive watercolor paper and pencils.
I would enjoy seeing some of your work should you feel comfortable posting it, In Awe of Him.
P.S: Something else I'll do to get into the groove is just scribble on a piece of paper. For a lot of reasons, that helps me to let go and create.
I can identify and commiserate with your feelings of "intimidation", for it is a feeling which I experience when approaching new media or a commissioned project. "I can't do this!" rings in my head and I will let you know how I overcome that feeling:
I let go of any expectation that I need to produce a "good" product and get into the process. It is said that the only thing we truly possess is this moment and I get into the moment, the "aesthetics of the transitory".
We all like to have a product to show for our expended energies, and if I am displeased with that product, I do it over and over and over again, sometimes even more displeased with the product. Yet, when I separate myself from the product and come back to it, I see it in a new light, and am okay with it, not focusing on the mistakes.
You mentioned "supplies" for which you paid for or were gifted to you. Oh, that is an impediment for me, for I need not waste good art implements with my bad products. To this day, some 30 years ago when art became a daily thing for me, I continue to feel this way. What I do nowadays to relieve that feeling of high expectation is to purchase cheap supplies to just play with, for the majority of these cartoons are created on a cheap Walmart 97 cent notebook tablet using a Pilot gel pen and Sharpie highlighters.
Using inexpensive or cheap materials really allows me to let go and express myself and if a good idea comes out of it, I'll recreate with my better materials. For example, January 6 image was sketched in my cheap notebook and I liked the idea, but wanted to get an old magazine feel with it, so I used my more expensive watercolor paper and pencils.
I would enjoy seeing some of your work should you feel comfortable posting it, In Awe of Him.
P.S: Something else I'll do to get into the groove is just scribble on a piece of paper. For a lot of reasons, that helps me to let go and create.
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