1. Worldy mainstream church traditions are responsible for massive crimes against their parishioners - paedophile exposes concerning priests, monks, private schools, orphanages and other terrible stories of abuse and cruelty do much to bring the spiritual down to grubby worldly sinfulness. "Christians" are no better than those who do not believe and have not committed such sins. Atheists are given ammunition for their guns.But when we have innocent children who die everyday and other horrible things, would a loving God let them just happen when he COULD intervene? If He doesn't, is that not loving?
It becomes difficult to explain the calling of God to repentance and doing good when the news media broadcast scandal after scandal.
Here is perhaps the greatest obstacle to those resisting Christ to have some justification for their reluctance to embrace Church based christianity.
Many of us understand the difference in a true commitment to the Christian calling and to turn away from a previous sinful life, and to embrace righteousness - but how do you promote this against a backdrop of corrupt mainstream church practices over the decades. The problem is so severe here in Australia, that all churches are currently giving evidence to what we call a 'Royal Commission' which has powers of interrogation under oath and subpoenaed to give evidence. The findings have been horrific and shameful by all churches and institutions to date.
Revelation 18:4-5
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
Here is the the difference. Our own personal testimonies to the truth of experiencing Jesus and the Holy Spirit need to be real and tangible.
You are unlikely to make a crack in defensive armour through philosophy and generalities on good and evil, or some people said they saw something while they were dead for a while.
Personal testimony as to how and why one was converted. What one has experienced. Answered prayer. Miracles and healings. That God is love in a hard and cruel world. He brings mercy and grace and forgiveness where humans hold onto their grudges and paybacks, and revenge.
We will always be challenged on issues like Northern Ireland and the generational hatred there. Hindu and Muslim violence. The Crusades and their slaughters.
Worldly religion that partakes of worldly empires [didn't Satan offer these to Jesus] versus true spirituality, true belief, a true Christian experience.
We need to personalise the truth of Jesus and his saving grace with the evidence of experiencing this demonstrably.
To convince an atheist will take more than a good debate over where did the universe come from.