Anybody else preparing for rising prices and possible food scarcity?

You can catch or trap fish, don't need to shoot them.
I'm not sure about hunting rifles ammunition though, but I don't imagine there is actually a shortage of those if you live in an area where they manufacture them. Why does everyone seem think there's not enough?

Instead, look at the Lords provision of what you have ALREADY.
Plenty of stones around if need be. Just need to practice with your arm and a sling (your actual throwing arm, not a weapon). Remember David vs Goliath.
Slaughtering lambs - not done by shot, it's holding them and then slitting their throat. They know.
Chickens, is also done by cutting their neck with a wire.

This is if you live on a farm. That is one of the reasons why you'd raise them instead of chasing after them like a hunter. Cultivate a relationship with your local farmers if you don't. They are the ones growing food for you. It is in their interests to have a local market.

They should have a local farmer's market in your area. If there is not, sign up for a CSA or OOOBY. When they grow food, they'll deliver a box of fresh produce to you each month. A lot of places have Co-ops. You should not have to rely on imported food.

If you live in an urban area, there should also be community gardens nearby that you can garden in. If there isn't one, get one started. If you are part of a body corporate, ask to get one installed for the benefit of everyone living in your building. Likewise start tending a garden at church if there's space. There should be. Rip up the car park if there's not.
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The global economy is experiencing an increase in inflation, but some countries are definitely doing better than others. According to the US Inflation Calculator ( inflation in the United States is currently 7.9% - the highest since 1982. (The CPI Calculator states that the trailing 12-month CPI rate in the US is 7.87%

The US govmint has changed how they calculate CPI many times over the years to make the numbers look more agreeable. I figure that the current numbers are about half the reality.