Apostasy Rising: 4 Denominations In Less Than A Week Defy God's Word

No the most respected sceintist in the field reject that there is any credible evidence for this theory...this theory is defeated and everyone who understands these things knows it..watch the video post #106 I believe?
Mitspa, you continue to say that it is rejected, but you have not cited a single expert in astronomy that subscribes to this model, you've only cited a few creationists whose agenda is to propagate a non-evolutionary theistic model that denies the laws of physics. Rather than looking at actual astronomers who study this science.
However, with regard to the Big Bang Cosmological Theory, science hasn't proven it is true. It is theoretical.
And very often science attempts to 'prove' something while extracting God from their equation. If someone is a Christian they can not agree that science proves something is true, without God in the equation. And to just believe science proves it is true without God, while we know God is responsible, is just a cop out.
We can't prove God exists. Regardless, if something is true it is true. You can't say it isn't because the person who discovered it said God didn't do it.

An atheist is talking to me and he randomly points at a blue textbook on a nearby table. He says that God doesn't exist and the textbook is blue... The textbook is blue regardless of his beliefs.

Christian scientists is actually a denomination. Haha They believe in the power of prayer to heal and generally refuse medicine, and their attendence is somewhat dwindiling.
Yeah, because they let their children die. I had forgotten about those psychotic people, actually. Thanks for reminding me.

No the most respected sceintist in the field reject that there is any credible evidence for this theory...this theory is defeated and everyone who understands these things knows it..watch the video post #106 I believe?
Of course some of them don't want it to be true. If it's true then they have to explain who did the banging!

Regardless, every scientist I've ever listened to believes in the big bang. Just the fact that they believed it at any point is amazing considering it's almost proof of a creator.
Well watch the video and you will see the direct statements of the very elite and most respected sceintist who have admitted the big bang is a defeated and has no scientic value.
I tend to agree that it is not the actual falling away---but it is a good, solid dry run!

I believe that it is now a full blown falling down in the dirt event.

Don't think so???/ Consider some of the debates on this very web site in just the last couple of weeks!

Outrageous, totally un-Biblical nonsense has been stated from those who claim to be Christians. Then when shown the black and white of Gods Word....their response is..........."You don't know what you are talking about", and then proceed to do more personal comments than actual debate on what the Bible actually says.

Last Days???? You bet cha!
We can't prove God exists. Regardless, if something is true it is true. You can't say it isn't because the person who discovered it said God didn't do it.
You mean the person who proposes that God didn't do it?
That isn't proof God doesn't exist. That's proof someone can hypothesize a point and argue that all the factors in their hypothesis are not God oriented. That doesn't prove God doesn't exist. Science has never proven God doesn't exist. While certain scientists do prove they don't believe in God. And they propose all manner of research extricates God from their equations. But that doesn't mean God isn't there. It means that men who don't believe in God are.

An atheist is talking to me and he randomly points at a blue textbook on a nearby table. He says that God doesn't exist and the textbook is blue... The textbook is blue regardless of his beliefs.
:unsure: Well, that's because the text book is substantive and happens to have a blue cover. That atheist could believe what he is pointing to is a flat blue caterpillar and it does not take away from the material fact that there is a blue book on a table.
You mean the person who proposes that God didn't do it?
That isn't proof God doesn't exist. That's proof someone can hypothesize a point and argue that all the factors in their hypothesis are not God oriented. That doesn't prove God doesn't exist. Science has never proven God doesn't exist. While certain scientists do prove they don't believe in God. And they propose all manner of research extricates God from their equations. But that doesn't mean God isn't there. It means that men who don't believe in God are.

:unsure: Well, that's because the text book is substantive and happens to have a blue cover. That atheist could believe what he is pointing to is a flat blue caterpillar and it does not take away from the material fact that there is a blue book on a table.

I may have worded my post poorly. I don't think we can prove whether God exists or not. What I was saying is just because a scientist says an event happened without God doesn't mean that event didn't happen. The scientist adding his personal belief in with his finds doesn't make his find any less valid.
I may have worded my post poorly. I don't think we can prove whether God exists or not. What I was saying is just because a scientist says an event happened without God doesn't mean that event didn't happen. The scientist adding his personal belief in with his finds doesn't make his find any less valid.
God is a spirit. And it is by faith we come to him. We know this.
What is wrong in the science field is when an atheist researcher is predisposed to the bias of an anti-theist first. And presumes to think their research is predicated on disproving there is a first cause for what is held in faith; God.

While ethical scientists in their pursuits are not suppose to bring their personal bias into the equations. They're suppose to be impartial, objective, and open to wherever the evidence takes them.

For the theist who believes God is invested with the omni powers, there is no question that he exists. Especially when he, and the masculine pronoun is a human invention there, is omnipresent. All things are imbued with the spirit of God. He is the creator of everything that is, was, shall be. The alpha and the omega.

That's why atheists aren't really to be taken all that seriously. God is inside them because they exist due to his creation of them. So when any atheist says, I don't believe in God, smile! :D Because as you can see, God believes in them. ;)
God is a spirit. And it is by faith we come to him. We know this.
What is wrong in the science field is when an atheist researcher is predisposed to the bias of an anti-theist first. And presumes to think their research is predicated on disproving there is a first cause for what is held in faith; God.

While ethical scientists in their pursuits are not suppose to bring their personal bias into the equations. They're suppose to be impartial, objective, and open to wherever the evidence takes them.

For the theist who believes God is invested with the omni powers, there is no question that he exists. Especially when he, and the masculine pronoun is a human invention there, is omnipresent. All things are imbued with the spirit of God. He is the creator of everything that is, was, shall be. The alpha and the omega.

That's why atheists aren't really to be taken all that seriously. God is inside them because they exist due to his creation of them. So when any atheist says, I don't believe in God, smile! :D Because as you can see, God believes in them. ;)

But you can't prove He exists. I know He's real the same way you do but I can't show anything to an atheist to prove He's around.

Everyone has personal bias. Christians see life through a Christian lens and atheists see life through their lens.

I take atheists very seriously, and I would see no reason to smile if someone told me they believed in nothing.
The point is, it is impossible to believe in no thing.
And that the atheist exists is proof a creator of them does first.

People can call it big bang, universal poof, chance, magic, anything they like. It's all God.

Scripture tell us God's thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are our ways his ways.
Science is out to prove God exists, whether they believe it or not, whenever they pursue cosmology and the answer to why all things exist as they do. Made of energy constantly moving to a rhythm. Some would call that spirit creating the illusion of solid matter.

While the Christian already has the answer. That energy that exists as all things created is what we label, "God". Which is not a name, but a spirit. Meaning it is something we can never really know save by faith alone. We pursue our faith, science pursues their hypothesis and theories.

We're all looking for the palatable answer behind the transient reality.