God is a spirit. And it is by faith we come to him. We know this.
What is wrong in the science field is when an atheist researcher is predisposed to the bias of an anti-theist first. And presumes to think their research is predicated on disproving there is a first cause for what is held in faith; God.
While ethical scientists in their pursuits are not suppose to bring their personal bias into the equations. They're suppose to be impartial, objective, and open to wherever the evidence takes them.
For the theist who believes God is invested with the omni powers, there is no question that he exists. Especially when he, and the masculine pronoun is a human invention there, is omnipresent. All things are imbued with the spirit of God. He is the creator of everything that is, was, shall be. The alpha and the omega.
That's why atheists aren't really to be taken all that seriously. God is inside them because they exist due to his creation of them. So when any atheist says, I don't believe in God, smile!

Because as you can
see, God believes in them.