The videos you and scripture bird posted make way too many assumptions about. The Big Bang Theory does not explain the spontaneous creation of universes nor has it ever claimed to. And there is no scientific consensus on what "caused" the big bang, we only know it happened from the observations we have made. There are a few, largely undeveloped theories, attempting to explain this, including the presence of "white holes" or perhaps the clash of parallel universes, but these are hardly easy to prove given our physical limitations. We can't exactly run experiments outside of our universe, and it is perfectly valid in science to say, something happened that brought the universe into existence, and we're still trying to figure out what that something is.Yes science fiction is very interesting...and entertaining![]()
Notice, the video I posted was simply a rundown of the theory and makes no mention of what "caused" the big bang, we only know that it happened because of observation. Some scientists will implement another hypothesis to explain the cause, and some theists will say it is a supernatural intervention, most of us say, we don't know. All of these positions are valid, however, it is a great error and in fact a great sin, to think that supernatural occurrences are part of science, as God states, "You shall not test the Lord your God." Which effectively means He is beyond our capacity to test for, we can only study what He has created, i.e. physics, biology, chemistry. Even if a supernatural occurrence were to be observed, it would STILL not be science, as a key tenant of the scientific experiment is repeatablity. If supernatural occurrences repeated themselves in a predictable manner they would cease to be supernatural.