How do I reconcile? We are not under the law, but under grace. We are forgiven through Jesus Christ our savior. Sins are of the flesh, and not of the spirit within us. We are a vessel which is polluted through our eyes, ears, nose, stomachs, and thoughts. Most of which we have control over. I think the Amish communities are closest to adhering to the word of our Lord. Yes, my tattoos are a sin. So are the processed foods Ive consumed, music I listened to, movies/shows Ive watched, artificial scents Ive sprayed and unintentionally breathed in, things Ive thought about, concerts Ive attended, clothes Ive worn, books Ive read, jewelry Ive worn, and it is an endless list. He who casts the first stone comes to mind. If we ourselves are sinning who are we to judge another for tattoos? Everyone saved intentionally ignores the word of God or we would be like Christ- Perfect. How do I reconcile? I know Im a sinner and cannot save myself. I thank our Father in heaven daily for salvation, for I am unworthy along with everyone else.