Even the vaccinators say no vaccine is safe:
"No batch of vaccine can be proved safe before it is given to children."
- Surgeon General of the United States Leonard Scheele, addressing an AMA convention in 1955
"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used"
- Dr. James A. Shannon, National Institutes of Health
"When you inoculate children with a polio vaccine you don't sleep well for two or three weeks." - Jonas Salk (Oct 1954)
"Salk vaccine is hard to make and no batch can ever be proved safe before it is given to children."
- Dr. Scheele (Surgeon General) before Atlantic City Convention of the American Association 1955 - New York Times June 8, 1955
All to often 'man' is trying to replace or play God. And if you leave anything up to 'man', sooner or later, he'll ruin it.
BINGO. It's an issue of authority.. Who do you look to, for the authority to do the things you do? Because you
will render unto that authority... Remember that there is a form of obedience that leads to death: Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? (Romans 6:16)
There is, in truth, a concerted, organized agenda - concocted, planned, and contrived by the international pharmaceutical companies and organized medicine, to suppress any and every alternative, non-drug therapy that WORKS. Why? For one, they want people to keep on coming back for more treatments and more drugs.
A cured patient is a lost source of income. A sick patient who is marginally "improved" is a manageable patient. Managing patients means routine office visits and renewing of drug prescriptions. Therefore, a manageable patient (e.g. a vaccine-damaged patient) is a continuing source of income; a cash cow, if you will. Multiply that by a few hundred million people and you get an idea why this deceit is being put upon you.
The profits from the so called "health-care" industry are staggering! And it is these huge profits that allow for the institution of further controls over our lives.
The thrust of the orthodox pharmaceutical agenda is to provide temporary relief, while never addressing the cause of the disease condition. This agenda ensures, for example, regular visits to the doctor's office and requires the patient to routinely return to the pharmacy to refill his prescriptions. This is what the game is all about, plain and simple. It's a money-making machine based upon a system of control that ultimately leads to the temporal footstool of satan.
Remaining healthy and/or healing is neither an accident nor by chance. The battle between total freedom and total control rages on all fronts. The battle is spiritual. The battle manual (the Bible) is clear on several points. One is that satan has an earthly kingdom (albeit only for a season). Another point is that satan is a destroying, slandering, accusing megalomaniac and control freak who craves the worship that is rightfully due Almighty God.
Yet another point is that satan is in no way as powerful as our Heavenly Father. satan can't physically imprison every human, or completely micro-manage our lives with ever-increasing degrees of control, or station troops on every street corner of the world, or legislate a sufficient number of laws, to
totally enforce his pseudo-worship. So
deception must necessarily be employed.
The Bible tells us that the battle is first and foremost a spiritual one. The battle is therefore for control of our MIND, as the rest of our being will inevitably follow. However, men cannot successfully fight satan on their own. We need God's wisdom and power to be victorious.
We know that the spiritual battle begins in the mind. We also know that this earthly realm and its money-loving merchants are in satan's service, "For the love of money is the root of all evil..." - 1 Tim.6:10. Two of the biographies of the devil and his religious system (Eze.27 & 28; Rev.18) reveal that the "merchants" of the world would work hand-in-hand with the devil to bring in his attempted coup. So if YOU were a transnational drug corporation "merchant" (satan's agent), what better way would exist to capture the bodies/minds/spirits of your "customers," but by conditioning them to believe that the answer to all of their "discomforts" rests in an injection, a “vaccine” (instead of in the Lord)? This mindset is evil and demonic; satan seeks to break your mind and take your spirit. AVOID the worldly conditioned reflex to reach for a drug for every little hangnail, as there are always spiritual consequences...
satan cares not HOW he gets our vote, whether through ignorance, deception, or outright allegiance. We know that God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (ignorance); that many will fall away (deception); and that the path to destruction is broad and many travel it (allegiance).
"And be ye not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" - Romans 12:2. Yet, in opposition to God's Word, man's drugs 'conform our minds to this world' by dulling our spiritual senses, drugs that compromise the mind/spirit connection and thereby grant evil spirits further access/strongholds. Conversely, much of the Christian's walk involves CLOSING doors to such demonic influence.
For example, if the medical community declares alcoholism or anorexia to be simply another "disease," it follows then that we will also ignorantly believe that man's drugs should be prescribed to treat it! Meanwhile, we remain spiritually ignorant of the demons which cause mental illness, depression, and suicide. Have you noticed that, when a person becomes depressed, or feels rejected, he will turn to drugs or to alcohol for relief from his emotional pain? Then, he will become addicted to one or more of these substances. Thus, you can see how one demon will cause a person to go to another: demon #1 causes you to be depressed, so you go to demon #2, the demon of the occult and drugs, and he in turn will send you to demon #3, the demon of addiction. It's a vicious bondage loop. These demons literally create a circle in which they try to keep a person trapped for their entire life.
"He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death" - Rev.21:7, 8.
The word "sorcerer" in that verse is the Greek word "pharmakeia," which means "a drug; druggist/pharmacist; magician; poisoner; witchcraft." So when we allow ourselves to be medicated, we are practicing sorcery! God forbids us to practice sorcery. Beware of the demonic spirit of pharmakeia!
God is saying that, when we vacate our minds ('conform them to the world' through man's drugs), we have through ignorance given satan the permission he requires to establish strongholds in our life. This is why taking man’s vaccines is NO CURE AT ALL, but a downward continuance of the (spiritual) "problem." Trusting in man's medication is as foolhardy as trusting in satan.
The only truly effective solution is to tap into the power of the Lord. This is the secret that satan is trying so hard to conceal. satan wants to render us ineffective for the kingdom of Christ (and ultimately wants us dead!). A sincere faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is vital. How does one "get faith?" "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" - Romans 10:17.
A man must admit to God (through prayer) that he is a sinner; he must repent and be willing to turn away from sin; he must believe that Jesus paid for his sins when Jesus died and arose from the dead; he must ask God to save him; he must ask Jesus Christ to take first place in his life. WORDS MATTER! The power of life and death is in the tongue. "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword...and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" - Hebrews 4:12.
Through the power of God now in him, he must give up his reliance upon himself and trust God 100% with his burden. And when we make Jesus our Lord, we need to start acting like it! To fiend off the continuous attacks of satan, we need to:
-read the Bible DAILY; put on the spiritual armor (Eph.6);
-invite God's Holy Spirit into our lives;
-talk with God in prayer and repent DAILY; what he says ALWAYS lines up with his word;
-find and attend a born again believers' assembly for fellowship.
No man is perfect/sinless. satan beats down on all of us. And how do we respond? As with the vaccination hoax, we often use drugs and alcohol and food and cig's and TV and "new toys" and other addictions in the attempt to make our pain go away. Every choice that man makes has spiritual power connected with it. Choices that glorify the enemy place us in servitude to the enemy. God says "Choose you this day whom ye will serve" - Joshua 24:15. A spiritual problem requires a spiritual solution. "And [Jesus] said, the things which are impossible with men are possible with God" - Luke 18:27.
In spite of men's "judgments" upon men, in God's eyes there is nothing "wrong" with us (other than our common sinful nature). Man is a unique and sovereign being, created in God's image. We must let GOD handle our lives. This is the essence of faith! The key to a more joyful and truly freedom-filled Christian life is to repent daily and grow strong in the knowledge of God's Word. "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he [Holy Spirit] that is in you, than he [satan] that is in the world" - 1 John 4:4.
"Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions" - Psalm 107:19, 20.
The "churches" are scared to death of this stuff. But you, children of God, are not afraid.
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices (
2 Cor 2:11).