You might appreciate this article I came across, sojourner.
Thanks for the reply. I read that Op/Ed piece. Aside from the fact that there's no documentation offered, there are several stock-in-trade vax falsehoods being reiterated -- traditions that bring death.You might appreciate this article I came across, sojourner.
Thanks for the reply. I read that Op/Ed piece. Aside from the fact that there's no documentation offered, there are several stock-in-trade vax falsehoods being reiterated -- traditions that bring death.
Additionally, most folks don't understand what constitutes primary or secondary sources. Since there's no love (read: no God) in Caesar's camp, fear is the master. If a lie is repeated loud enough and often enough, then the fear-full masses will believe it.
If you have a specific item from that piece that you want to look at, then post it here and we'll chat it up.
I know generally speaking that vaccines are helpful. What I'm trying to understand is are the vaccines today 100% safe? Or are there some risks? What happens if I don't get a flu shot? Are there any risks if I do get a flu shot?
I've been researching this for the last few days, and it seems there is a strong argument on both sides. I've heard of doctors that support vaccines, and some that do not.
This is not true at all, and it isn't wise to smear all those people you don't know. Here's what I think about it, and no, I'm not going all over the internet to get all the links:The crusade people make against vaccines is ignorant, selfish and rooted entirely in fear and not at all in reality. Either they think their three-day venture into WebMD and Mayo Clinic online somehow makes them more knowledgeable than their doctor who has several years in medical school plus their residency and practice under their belt, or they have some twisted conspiracy theory that vaccines are weapons of the enemy and are going to bring on the apocalypse. Honestly, the conspiracy theory itself sounds more like a weapon of the enemy since he's the one who wants to steal and destroy - logically he would want people to reject vaccines and suffer the consequences.
I'm not saying I disagree or agree with your opinion on vaccines, but please try to be respectful of other peoples opinions that are opposites of yours. Saying someone is ignorant will not persuade them.The crusade people make against vaccines is ignorant, selfish and rooted entirely in fear and not at all in reality.
*goes around name-calling so that this already-miserable thread will die*Let's all keep in mind the second greatest commandment given by Christ, and show love to each other as we discuss the subject of vaccines, so we don't have to shut this thread down.
So be it, thread closed.*goes around name-calling so that this already-miserable thread will die*