Are We All Resigned to His Will Be Done at the End of the Day?

Sometimes our lives are the ONLY word or testimony of God that ppl read. I love ppl and enjoy engaging with them wherever I am. We all want to be validated and heard, so many times it's just listening. Other times it's such an unction to share his love and peace or we'll burst. In those cases I believe the HS has gone before and pricked that heart and made it ready to receive. Be tenderhearted when you're moved to bless for! the recompense from God is outstanding.
Hello D3vot3d2G0d;

Ah, D3vot3d2G0d = "Devoted to God". I get it! I'm a little slow but I do get it. lol!

I also love people. The understanding of my heart is, part of loving people is to remain in the thick of those rocky relationships, diffuse contention and guard our hearts and tongues when our pride gets bruised. This is hard and I have related to this. But the end result has brought me closer to them and it's hard to describe, but it feels like a refinement in a bonding relationship.

God bless
you and thank you for sharing, sister.
We are family!
I used to tell my daughter whatever came her way,
" thru think and thin,it's us against them.
I have been so blessed by knowing God, that my heart grieves for those who dont know him personally.Accepting Jesus as my Lord and Saviour was the beginning of life for me.

We are instructed to save some,pulling them from the fire hating even the scorched garments.

My family members die young,young to me. I had 4 siblings from 19- 58 to pass. The 58 y.o. brother passed this Dec. My Mon @56 so I feel so touched by his mighty hand of love @65.

May you and yours cups be filled and overflowing.
Well I'm a bit sad because our pets have now gone to be with the Lord.

I think remaining when it's really hard/tough is faith.

How many times have we been treated badly or even abused by people and others say 'move out' or 'leave' that situation. Of course if you could you would, but that also means things like -

You lose your family
You lose your job
You have no money/income and no home
Your children are then unprotected and even more vulnerable
You are not allowing God to remedy that situation. Basically you are fleeing and can never return, forgive or reconcile.

I think in certain situations, yes, move on. If others won't receive you. But I think it's an act of faith that things will get better and God will work in a situation for improvement for everyone -- if you stay put. If you wait on the Lord.