I will go beyond the calendar thingy. I expressed myself poorly, and not well I guess.But YOU were using Gregorian time as to 1948, whipped up a "prophesy" to back up that Gregorian date, and then when I showed that that theory doesn't wash...you what?
Retracted the "prophecy"? Nope
Admitted it doesn't work universally? Nope
Explained why it work is some places and not others? Nope
This is beyond flippancy. This is twisting things of God to suit a theory. Pass.
As to Abraham, Read the words of Christ in the 8th chapter of John. Then address your "eternal no matter what anybody says" to the words of Christ.
The latter parts of John 8, have nothing to do with Jesus rescinding his promises to Abraham's descendants. Promises made by God, and cut only by God alone, means they are an eternal promise and will be fulfilled.