Ive read the book The Holocaust:The jewish tragedy 3x by Martin Gilbert. A grusome account on the events that happen to the jews during world war 2 and the nazi rein of the extermination of the jews by utter cruelty showing no mercy to its victims. i use tosay where was god in all this? the jews are Gods chosen people yet he is letting them be destroyed by nazis? Sent to the gas ovens. one gruesome part i read from this book at a prison - Block 5 ( jump to page 642 if you plan on buying this book) is about how the SS had decided that all 7 jews at this prison were told they must all die by christmas day. They must voluntare, if they dont then the prison guard who enjoyed killing jews would chose one per day and with his pickaxe smashing the victims skull in till dead the last 2 died on Christmas night a father and son who committed suicide instead of letting this nazi thug beat them to death so they both touched the electric fence dying together. Meanwhile that night a Christmas carol was playing. This was told by a P.O.W British pilot who witnesses what happen and only survived cause he wasn't jewish.
And where two SS guards enjoyed stomping on Jewish pregnant mothers till the unborn baby popped out, laughing while the woman died in agony. Or the hanging of Jewish children with piano wire while the mothers had to watch, usually takes 20min for them to die by strangulation again while the SS taunted the mothers "Where is your god now".
The grand father whos job was to throw the already dead gassed jews into the ovens two at a time. one day he came across two jewish children. His grand children. He struggled to do what he had to do holding back his tears. So nartually i would say while reading this book & very upset and confused "Where was God in all this?!? He failed to save his Chosen people! He saved them from the Egyptians why not with the Nazis! Why did they had to suffer? ( yeah a bit of a fool huh but anyone would after reading this book it will chill you to the bone to be honest)
I dare any one who might have doubts if the holocaust was real or a hoax to read this book, Read it anyway if you believe the gassing of the jews did happen. You will be chillled to the bone. I still am when i re read it.
History must not repeat itself. Next time it might not be the Jews that will be gassed it could be you or me or someone you love by a people who hate us. I have read too,Some say the Jews got what was coming to them they crucified Jesus, but thats a pretty poor cowardly reason. Maybe they did have it coming who knows? Maybe the world power America and its allies with plenty of pride have it coming too. We just dont know whats round the corner. Jesus said to the father while dying on the cross. "Father forgive them for they do not know what they're doing". We christians should take heed at the warnings: "And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved". ( eg we are seen as infidels by some in the name of Muhammad christians need to be taken out.)
Jesus also said Watch.
Anyway today i came across this where now when i think about it i could of just asked here and probably would of got a good enough aswer.
These same struggles have been a prominent thread in theology throughout its history. The ‘problem of evil’ is called
theodicy. How do we reconcile the existence of suffering and of evil (whether or not they are synonymous) with the existence of God? How can there be wars, terrorism or plagues such as AIDS and an all-loving, all-powerful God? If God allows free will, or created a universe in which Satan exists, does not that suffering in some way emanate from God? From that beacon of respectability.
While I haven’t read Elie Wiesel’s
The Trial of God, I have read his
Night. I found
Night to be one of the most ghastly things I’ve ever read, due to its simple descriptions and basis in the reality of the Holocaust. In
Night, Elie Wiesel describes the hanging of a child in Auschwitz. In
A History of God, Karen Armstrong describes the episode thus:
It took the child half an hour to die, while the prisoners were forced to look him in the face. The same man asked again: “Where is God now?” And Wiesel heard a voice within him make this answer: “Where is He? Here He is—He is hanging here on this gallows.”
Dostoevsky had said that the death of a single child could make God unacceptable, but even he, no stranger to inhumanity, had not imagine the death of a child in such circumstances.