Back To Basics Is Needed In The Body Of Christ

People can fake all sorts of things but obviously God can see they faking and is not impressed. So not sure who they trying to fool.

ROTFL Can you imagine some person trying to fake tongues to mess with the church and God see's them like a grown man drooling all over

I'm not sure if they're making a determined effort to "fool" anyone or "mess with" anyone exactly, or if they're generally just trying to fit in, perhaps even subconsciously.

Which is why I've asked the question, how do you know if your "tongues" are from you or from God? What if you're just part of the 20% of people who can pick up a pattern intuitively after just 60 seconds of listening, or the 70% who can get by with a bit of coaching, but you genuinely believe that you have a gift from God? How do you actually know the difference, and if there is no way to know the difference, in
what way are tongues "a sign to them that didn't believe"?

Yet he does graciously give signs/evidences to doubting Thomases if they do ask.

I agree that this sometimes does happen, and I think it's an important distinction, if we remember that "Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified" 1 Cor 1:22... essentially, I suspect that what's going on with tongues in the NT is that God provided a sign for a people who expected a sign.
I'm not sure if they're making a determined effort to "fool" anyone or "mess with" anyone exactly, or if they're generally just trying to fit in, perhaps even subconsciously.

Which is why I've asked the question, how do you know if your "tongues" are from you or from God? What if you're just part of the 20% of people who can pick up a pattern intuitively after just 60 seconds of listening, or the 70% who can get by with a bit of coaching, but you genuinely believe that you have a gift from God? How do you actually know the difference, and if there is no way to know the difference, in
what way are tongues "a sign to them that didn't believe"?

I agree that this sometimes does happen, and I think it's an important distinction, if we remember that "Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified" 1 Cor 1:22... essentially, I suspect that what's going on with tongues in the NT is that God provided a sign for a people who expected a sign.

I do not kknow about these percentages but I know when I got baptised I came up speaking in Tongues and it either scared me or imbareesed me at first and I was shy about it for the longest time. Then I was praying with some people and a lady from another country was praying (Missionary) and she heard me praying in tongues under my breath and said it blessed her very much and incouraged me to not stop,

So I would have to say you pray about it and trust that God would show you if you were not truly speaking in tongues.

The funny I made was only on a comment that Lanolin had said. It just struck me funny as I pictured itin my head.... I did not mean any type of put down or rudeness to any other question or post.
Have a very Blessed day
It seems these days more and more Christians tend to want a quick fix or just put it on me and lets go type of relationship with the Father. Such as this

Then there are the others who wish to simply slow down take a break with Him today.
coffee smiley.JPG

Then there are those who wish to spend time with the Father and decide the best path is this
1lg148Biblereading.gif and this M220_JesusTakeWheel.png

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You cannot say that. You do not have the authority that Jesus has to determine who is saved and who is not.
To what extent Jesus determines the degree of compliance a "believer"needs to be obedient to His Word is for Jesus to determine.
Personally, I 'believe' that His standards of compliance and obedience are far more demanding than the broad acceptance that we give ourselves.
The same way we do not have authority to say that someone is saved, we do not have authority to say someone is not saved.. I do not have problem of someone encouraging others that they are also part of body of Christ.. Condemnation is what I do not prefer..
Well, when I first spoke in tongues I didnt know what was happening cos never heard it before..but I defintiely wasnt copying anybody. And it did happen after I got prayed for at prayer meeting but only after I got home like in the middle of the night while was in bed.

So..then I asked my prayer group leader and she said look in Acts and there it was.
And even after I was a bit unsure and went to a different church to receive the holy spirit and the husband and wife who prayed for me said this thing happened but since I already had happen that was kind of confirmation. But they did not demonstrate for me it was something that once you have, you just know its from God.
Tongues were a sign for me cos before I didnt believe. IT was like something supernatural and The only way could explain it was from God and given from above. if you already believed then you dont need tongues I suppose to confirm you belong to Him.
Tongues were a sign for me cos before I didnt believe. IT was like something supernatural and The only way could explain it was from God and given from above. if you already believed then you dont need tongues I suppose to confirm you belong to Him.
Lanolin Hello,
Remember that speaking in tongues is a gift to us for prayer. This is the one time satan can not understand what we are saying and is a wonderful way to build up your faith as well.
Yes I use it in prayer. The more we pray the more our faith gets built I guess. It not just a sign but I think intially for me it was.
The only word I recognise in my prayer tongue is 'hallelujah' I know when I do speak it is magnifying God as it says in Acts.
Yes I use it in prayer. The more we pray the more our faith gets built I guess. It not just a sign but I think intially for me it was.
The only word I recognise in my prayer tongue is 'hallelujah' I know when I do speak it is magnifying God as it says in Acts.

You can pray and ask God to give you the interpretation or discernment of what you spoke,
Oh true I can but often speak in tongues when noone else around or just walking round. I dont really do in front of everyone in church or just quietly, sometimes feel bit selfconcious cos others wouldnt understand or maybe if they dont have tongues too I dont want to put them off prayer.
When others do it I dont really interpret I just know they magnifying God anyway..I have yet to hear any in tongue I recognise, but then I only know two other languages. Theres so many in the world..

I hope this hasnt made anyone else feel weird..sometimes its best not to know exactly what we praying otherwise I suppose we would take credit for how good we pray.
Brother Fish, I know your heart and how much you want things to be right within the Church. I know all true born again Christians want that. I see things a little bit different though. All true born again Saints are already one with the Lord and are in unity because it is the Glory Jesus gave us that makes us one with God, and with one another. As Jesus said my sheep hear my voice and they follow me, and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. All true born again Christians when they hear the truth they recognize it as the voice of the Lord. Those who are not his, will not hear that voice or follow him no matter how much you try to convince them. Jesus said that he did not come to bring peace on the earth but "division" and a "sword" which causes division. Before the Church can be as a whole in unity there first has to be division. The sheep have to be separated from the goats, as a little leaven leavens he whole lump. The only way this can be accomplished is there hast to be a preaching/teaching of the Word of God under the anointing and direction of the Holy Spirit using the only knife that can separate the sheep from the goats which is the "pure uncompromising" Word of God. It is for sure not a pleasant task to do, but it must be done. We do not want to go back to the fundamental elementary teaching of Christ, but to go forward so we can become that "perfect" man which can never be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine, where by men lie in wait to deceive. Even with in a forum like this you will find the true and the false.
Brother Fish, I know your heart and how much you want things to be right within the Church. I know all true born again Christians want that. I see things a little bit different though. All true born again Saints are already one with the Lord and are in unity because it is the Glory Jesus gave us that makes us one with God, and with one another. As Jesus said my sheep hear my voice and they follow me, and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. All true born again Christians when they hear the truth they recognize it as the voice of the Lord. Those who are not his, will not hear that voice or follow him no matter how much you try to convince them. Jesus said that he did not come to bring peace on the earth but "division" and a "sword" which causes division. Before the Church can be as a whole in unity there first has to be division. The sheep have to be separated from the goats, as a little leaven leavens he whole lump. The only way this can be accomplished is there hast to be a preaching/teaching of the Word of God under the anointing and direction of the Holy Spirit using the only knife that can separate the sheep from the goats which is the "pure uncompromising" Word of God. It is for sure not a pleasant task to do, but it must be done. We do not want to go back to the fundamental elementary teaching of Christ, but to go forward so we can become that "perfect" man which can never be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine, where by men lie in wait to deceive. Even with in a forum like this you will find the true and the false.

Brother I see where you are coming from with this.
Where I am at is this.........We start with one written word of God BUT we end up with countless different doctrines and denominations and beliefs. This should not be so. I know we as people are different and so we have different styles of teaching but still, we only need one denomination and one doctrine.

Just as God gave us the wisdom of one body and many parts. Sure we are not all hands or feet etc and Christ is the head, however if the hand believes that the toes do do not belong and the eyes say, hey that knose is ugly and we do not need it any more then this one body can not come together as one in the unity of the head or Christ.

Such is the way with all the different doctrines out there. If your doctrine limits the written word of God in any way, shape or form, then I ask you what good is it? This is my point.
The church or body of Christ has gotten off track with it's church fights over whose doctrine is correct and whose is not. This limits one body that can truly function under the head or Christ Jesus.

If the body of Chrsit would just humble themselves and unite together within the one and only doctrine, "The Written Word Of God", we could get this thing done and all go back home.
That's all I am saying because as long as the body is not united together under the head Christ then we are not going to function corectly and be weaker then we should be thus not overcoming all this evil in our neighborhoods.

Blessed you are Brother
Brother I see where you are coming from with this.
Where I am at is this.........We start with one written word of God BUT we end up with countless different doctrines and denominations and beliefs. This should not be so. I know we as people are different and so we have different styles of teaching but still, we only need one denomination and one doctrine.

Just as God gave us the wisdom of one body and many parts. Sure we are not all hands or feet etc and Christ is the head, however if the hand believes that the toes do do not belong and the eyes say, hey that knose is ugly and we do not need it any more then this one body can not come together as one in the unity of the head or Christ.

Such is the way with all the different doctrines out there. If your doctrine limits the written word of God in any way, shape or form, then I ask you what good is it? This is my point.
The church or body of Christ has gotten off track with it's church fights over whose doctrine is correct and whose is not. This limits one body that can truly function under the head or Christ Jesus.

If the body of Chrsit would just humble themselves and unite together within the one and only doctrine, "The Written Word Of God", we could get this thing done and all go back home.
That's all I am saying because as long as the body is not united together under the head Christ then we are not going to function corectly and be weaker then we should be thus not overcoming all this evil in our neighborhoods.

Blessed you are Brother
There is no doubt when I hear truth, I can recognize it as the voice of Jesus. This is what all true Christians have as their only truth detector, which is the anointing, coupled together with the Word of God and the witness of the Holy Spirit. There are many who can not see this, which tells us that they are not of the truth. This is very sad, because we want every one to believe and be saved, which the Lord also wants. It is very interesting that you can talk to many people and have agreements with what they believe, but when it comes to the "deity" of who Jesus Christ is, this is where find those who are really of the "Antichrist" and not of God. This astounds us, because they seemed so right and honest, but are not. Without the anointing, deception is for sure to happen no matter how much we know the Word of God in our head.
There is no doubt when I hear truth, I can recognize it as the voice of Jesus. This is what all true Christians have as their only truth detector, which is the anointing, coupled together with the Word of God and the witness of the Holy Spirit. There are many who can not see this, which tells us that they are not of the truth. This is very sad, because we want every one to believe and be saved, which the Lord also wants. It is very interesting that you can talk to many people and have agreements with what they believe, but when it comes to the "deity" of who Jesus Christ is, this is where find those who are really of the "Antichrist" and not of God. This astounds us, because they seemed so right and honest, but are not. Without the anointing, deception is for sure to happen no matter how much we know the Word of God in our head.

Amen Brother ! Where would we be without discernment ?
I went to a church for awhile and in fact it happened twice in two different churches a very long time ago. Any way when ever they prayed about something, the first person who walked through the door was their answer.

I almost became a bus driver going several towns over to recruit children to the church because the higher ups in another state said the numbers were off and needed to. Once I almost became a youth pastor. I prayed and new neither were what I was to do but out of pressure I considered them. Did not take long to know I needed to develope better discernment and He has done this for me. Thank You Jesus !!
Doesn't our Father draw far as I know nobody could ever 'recruit' me to Jesus via church or clever arguments or new doctrines. Simply the word was preached and the Word drew me in.
The basics is that Jesus was the son of God born of a virgin, died on the cross, his blood paid for our sins, lay in the tomb for 3 days, was raised to life and sits at the right hand of our Heavenly Father.
Anyone who believes this and confesses that Jesus is Lord has the basics and is a christian. The holy spirit will be given to anyone who confesses this and believes in their hearts.
I don't know if there are any other type of christians out there that won't subscribe to this basic belief...the hard part is knowing what a person believes in their HEART, but if they are confessing something completely contrary then I guess they don't really believe.

I know some in church who cannot say Jesus is Lord. I know there are probably some in church who go through the motions and pray but they don't have the connection. They may mouth the words but not mean them. They may study bible for years and still not get this basic belief but propagate every other kind of religious ritual. They may speak christianese, and do churchy things. They are just not really grounded on the rock. (Jesus is Messiah, the son of God). They may outwardly serve God but inwardly serve mammon, and disguise that as worship to God.

All we can do is pray for these people that God will soften their hearts and open their ears and eyes to the truth..and our words be truthful when we speak to these people. If they don't believe, then no much you can do to convince anyone, as it's a heart issue as well not merely intellectual assent. Thats why many evangelists ask people to give their hearts to Jesus not just repeat a prayer. Because God can give you a new heart. Remember Jesus gave his heart for us..when dying on the cross, his heart bled every drop paying for our sin. The life is in the blood. That's the power of the blood. 3 witnesses...the water, the spirit and the blood.

Good things come in threes?
I suppose thats why creeds came about so that if we all say it together and believe then whatever comes after will be built on this basic gospel foundation.
Doesn't our Father draw far as I know nobody could ever 'recruit' me to Jesus via church or clever arguments or new doctrines. Simply the word was preached and the Word drew me in.
The basics is that Jesus was the son of God born of a virgin, died on the cross, his blood paid for our sins, lay in the tomb for 3 days, was raised to life and sits at the right hand of our Heavenly Father.
Anyone who believes this and confesses that Jesus is Lord has the basics and is a christian. The holy spirit will be given to anyone who confesses this and believes in their hearts.
I don't know if there are any other type of christians out there that won't subscribe to this basic belief...the hard part is knowing what a person believes in their HEART, but if they are confessing something completely contrary then I guess they don't really believe.

I know some in church who cannot say Jesus is Lord. I know there are probably some in church who go through the motions and pray but they don't have the connection. They may mouth the words but not mean them. They may study bible for years and still not get this basic belief but propagate every other kind of religious ritual. They may speak christianese, and do churchy things. They are just not really grounded on the rock. (Jesus is Messiah, the son of God). They may outwardly serve God but inwardly serve mammon, and disguise that as worship to God.

All we can do is pray for these people that God will soften their hearts and open their ears and eyes to the truth..and our words be truthful when we speak to these people. If they don't believe, then no much you can do to convince anyone, as it's a heart issue as well not merely intellectual assent. Thats why many evangelists ask people to give their hearts to Jesus not just repeat a prayer. Because God can give you a new heart. Remember Jesus gave his heart for us..when dying on the cross, his heart bled every drop paying for our sin. The life is in the blood. That's the power of the blood. 3 witnesses...the water, the spirit and the blood.

Good things come in threes?

Sorry for the confussion here Lanolin,
I used the word recruit as in talked me into it or they kept talking using scriptures and other reasoning as to convince me thisis what I was to do. The problem was I was young in the Lord as far as wisdom and discernment is concerned and I felt as if I was notlistening and in the end I found that I was listening and did not have faith that I was hearing Him.

I hope this makes it more understandable...
Have a blessed day my sister
I think..if you are evangelising, then yes, you start with the basic gospel.
But if you building up body of believers, encouraging, exhorting you don't really need to go back to basics if that foundation is ALREADY there.

I guess the trouble comes when false teachers preach a different gospel. Then NT calls these false preachers accursed. And then they start infiltrating believers church and leading ppl astray.

some are called to be evangelists, some teachers, some pastors. So..maybe ask God what your part in the body is. And don't put others down if they have a different part from you. We can't all be the same.
yes I understand..when you a newbie it seems anybody who quotes scripture is more mature and should know more than you.
That is why reading the Bible is so important, the first thing a new christian ought to do- read the Bible. I still don't get why some people are offended when I tell them to read it. You got to read the whole thing, not just bits here and there. Even more mature christians still need to read the least three times through and through! Even Bible college and books about the Bible is no subsitute for personal prayerful study and time with God asking His wisdom.