and some interesting points have come up that I really want to share with you all
1. Contradictions in the bible.
There are lists and lists of them. Most will say that this is evidence of the bible being imperfect and can therefore not be the perfect word of God.
I think that contradictions ironically show the authenticity of scripture. It shows that the books were never force balanced. For a contradiction to be something of value it would need to be a contradiction of something of value. Not 'John never said Jesus was kissed by Judas' nonsense. Then I think we all agree that humans penned the bible except for the ten commandments. Minor contradictions are an obvious expectation / difference between God writing and God inspiring.
2. The authenticity of all pro Christian historians.
It seems you can debunk the validity of any written literature from the past by casting just enough doubt. I guess no history is true. Nero never persecuted Christians. Tacitus never wrote what he did. It was Christians trying to manipulate history. For some unknown reason we wanted the world to think Nero killed many of us. We need to provide unedited video footage.
3. God of the bible is judged without the bible.
The MO goes like this: Mock God of the bible, then when He is defended with the bible, mock the bible.
God killed firstborns = God is evil. Forget the fact that the bible says heaven belongs to the children. God killed many in the flood = God is evil because He kills. Forget the fact that scripture says He relents from sending calamity and that we have an eternal spirit. Meaning God does not kill but rather brings change.
4. False hatred of evil
God of the bible is mocked for being evil. Well that makes you think the person doing the mocking is good, because they must hate what is evil? ''God ordained cruel slavery and the rape of little girls''. God is evil personified! Well, yes, that god would be evil. But if it is proven that accusers committed reading blunders and that God of the bible is in fact not at all evil ......and there is no apology....for the false accusations / quoting of half truths and continuously spouted insults...who is evil?
5. Smart when its convenient
Some can grasp the complexity of evolution, have read literature from many historians, studied many religions, use big words you need to Google....and yet can read the bible A to Z and completely miss the message of amazing grace.
They demand that empirical evidence of Jesus or God be something tangible. Ie, God must pay them a personal visit, be a neighbor or someone on the school's athletic board. The fact that their nose is nowhere near their rear is not sufficient evidence. The fact that Jesus is the most popular person in history is not sufficient to cast doubt. The fact that there is no carnal motivation for spreading scripture. Power? Bible says whoever makes themselves the least will be the greatest in heaven. Money? The bible says give expecting nothing in return and Paul worked for his wages. Fame? Jesus was crucified. If anyone had an agenda...every / any other religion would be more feasible

1. Contradictions in the bible.
There are lists and lists of them. Most will say that this is evidence of the bible being imperfect and can therefore not be the perfect word of God.
I think that contradictions ironically show the authenticity of scripture. It shows that the books were never force balanced. For a contradiction to be something of value it would need to be a contradiction of something of value. Not 'John never said Jesus was kissed by Judas' nonsense. Then I think we all agree that humans penned the bible except for the ten commandments. Minor contradictions are an obvious expectation / difference between God writing and God inspiring.
2. The authenticity of all pro Christian historians.
It seems you can debunk the validity of any written literature from the past by casting just enough doubt. I guess no history is true. Nero never persecuted Christians. Tacitus never wrote what he did. It was Christians trying to manipulate history. For some unknown reason we wanted the world to think Nero killed many of us. We need to provide unedited video footage.
3. God of the bible is judged without the bible.
The MO goes like this: Mock God of the bible, then when He is defended with the bible, mock the bible.
God killed firstborns = God is evil. Forget the fact that the bible says heaven belongs to the children. God killed many in the flood = God is evil because He kills. Forget the fact that scripture says He relents from sending calamity and that we have an eternal spirit. Meaning God does not kill but rather brings change.
4. False hatred of evil
God of the bible is mocked for being evil. Well that makes you think the person doing the mocking is good, because they must hate what is evil? ''God ordained cruel slavery and the rape of little girls''. God is evil personified! Well, yes, that god would be evil. But if it is proven that accusers committed reading blunders and that God of the bible is in fact not at all evil ......and there is no apology....for the false accusations / quoting of half truths and continuously spouted insults...who is evil?
5. Smart when its convenient
Some can grasp the complexity of evolution, have read literature from many historians, studied many religions, use big words you need to Google....and yet can read the bible A to Z and completely miss the message of amazing grace.
They demand that empirical evidence of Jesus or God be something tangible. Ie, God must pay them a personal visit, be a neighbor or someone on the school's athletic board. The fact that their nose is nowhere near their rear is not sufficient evidence. The fact that Jesus is the most popular person in history is not sufficient to cast doubt. The fact that there is no carnal motivation for spreading scripture. Power? Bible says whoever makes themselves the least will be the greatest in heaven. Money? The bible says give expecting nothing in return and Paul worked for his wages. Fame? Jesus was crucified. If anyone had an agenda...every / any other religion would be more feasible