Been discussing on an atheist site

It's terrible how different religions etc cannot be civil...yes we may not agree with what Hindus are saying but why are we in constant conflict?

It's saddening the conflict and violence in the world with people forcing other religions on etc.

As Christians we know that other religions are not recognised by God as He said, "I am a jealous God and have no other Gods before me".
Of course we will obey the Word of God, but did He say, "Be in constant conflict with others"?
As someone who has argues with atheists on Quora and sometimes YouTube, I agree completely. They accept every other worldview than Christianity. This is because sin is not at conflict with sin, and the world is not at conflict with the world.

It's amazing how atheists disregard the fact that the apostles died such HORRIBLE deaths for what they think is a lie that they made up. It makes no sense why the apostles would willingly and gladly die for a lie that they made up. Not to mention that they did not get any benefits at all from it during their earthly lives.

They say that there is no evidence backing up the Bible yet they believe in evolution, which we have never seen happen once. Even Charles Darwin said that his theory was wrong before he died. I think he even converted to Christianity. But the atheists don't care. After all, there is no evidence for that actually happening.

It's sad, because atheists are becoming the religious majority now. Yes, I said religious. They worship themselves. They are their own gods. And the true God is being disregarded completely in today's society. People see the Bible as mythology. They're gonna know one day. But then it will be too late.

My advice is to stay away from atheists. They are like insects in the summer time: everywhere and humongous pests. But always stand up for Jesus. We have to.
True but then again - I may prepare to jump out of the third floor window in case of a fire - but this does not mean I go looking for 3rd floor windows to jump out of.
Good point but its not that applicable though. Rather we have a fire suit on and are looking for people jumping out and especially to deal with those people throwing others out :).
Paul preached Christ, and he did reason in those greek forums but he spent many many months doing so. He used something called an 'eye opener' eg the inscription to an unknown God, to point to the athiests interest in God, even though they tried to deny Him.

But he wasnt successful until God opened the athiests hearts and boright them to repentence. They just said 'what is this babbler saying?'
We always tend to think God must do something behind the scenes...but couldn't it simply be that God used Paul to open their eyes? I would love to go back in time and see Paul reasoning with them.
I dont think he got very far...i think some were converted, but much later. He was dropping seeds though.

Later there was a riot in thessalonica. Oh and the corinthians...they were terribly behaved.
No atheist is gonna be converted on the spot because of all the other atheists around them. Its in that quiet moment alone with God that, the unbeliever will start to seek Him out. He or she wont do it in front of you, they too proud.

The whole raising your hand thing, walking down to the preacher thing of mass tent often just peer pressure and public shaming. Of course. Lots of people do walk the trail of sawdust, but..often its just you need to preach the gospel one on one.